So. You've just been made prime minister...


Mummy of 2 gorgeous boys!
Oct 12, 2010
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What would you do?!

Obviously everyone wants no taxes blah blah but which aspects really bug you?
Mine at the moment is stamp duty on houses. I honestly don't get this tax and what its for other than penalising bettering yourself and keeping the economy going! Its so outdated and unfair, were in a mid priced bracket so typically an average house price for our area, around £350k but were expected to pay over 3% of that for nothing to the government just because we're moving!

Silly or serious Mr or Mrs Prime minister... What policies are you changing or bringing in
I'm going to have to think about this properly but my first thought was to make child care affordable. I'd also love a 3 day weekend :haha:
I'd limit immigration. I have no problem with people from other countries, other cultures, and so on, but the fact is that we are a very small island with a limited number of jobs and a limited number of houses, and far far too many people who do not HAVE a job, and who do not HAVE a house. Bringing in more people just seems daft.
We should have a system more like Australia in regards to immigration, in that they allow people to enter if they can either financially support themselves, or if they have a profession which the country has a shortage of.

If we were a much larger country with a much greater ability to support all these immigrants, then I'd have no problem with them coming, but it's time to be realistic, we just can't support this vast number of people!

I'd stop sending money to other countries which are richer than us! Foreign aid for countries who need it, fine, but many countries we send money to have less of a debt problem than we do! It's bizarre!

I'd pay ministers ess. A lot less. They don't deserve half of what they earn, and they're depleting this country's economy. And as for ministers claiming tax back for everything under the sun, that would definitely stop.

With the money we would now be saving, by having less people entering the country (thus less people to support), and less to pay ministers, I'd raise the basic minimum wage. At the moment the cost of living is nowhere near in line with the rapidly rising rate of inflation. People need to be able to live. Plus at the moment for many families, it's almost worthless to work when you get very little more than being on benefits (if you're on a low-end job).
It shouldn't be like that - and the solution is not to lower the rate of benefits - it's low enough as it is given how expensive supermarkets and petrol stations are - the way to make work more appealing is to raise the minimum wage.

I'd give less power to Social Services. Sorry but I've heard SO many times, again and again, of them taking children away from families who have done nothing wrong. I understand that they're trying to be vigilant after Baby P, but clearly this system is not working. Children are still dying at the hands of families that the SS have turned a blind eye to, whereas others are taken away from loving families.

I'd bring back industry to the UK in many fields. This would not only increase the economy, it would also increase the number of jobs.

I've gotta go pick the kids up from school now but I'll think on more stuff whilst I'm out, I'm sure.

Oh, life imprisonment would mean life imprisonment. Punishments would fit crimes. None of this current nonsense.
Look at the benefits system. I don't see why it should be better for people to be on benefits than working. It makes sense that people should better off working than sitting at home getting handouts paid for by people who are working.
Ooooh lots I don't agree with above - we have to have taxes if we want to continue receiving healthcare, education, sanitation, safe roads, policing and so on and on.... MPs don't get paid anywhere near what most of them could earn in private industry, the calibre of person I want to make incredibly difficult political and economical decisions are people are intelligent achievers.

I'd make paternity leave two weeks with full pay and the option to take two more at the current statutory amount. So many families can't afford to take the time off at paternity pay levels.
Mine are probably all to do with families as that is what is closest to my heart just now :

1) Subsidized childcare or something. Private Childcare is this country is ridiculously expensive.

2) Adequate homes for all. Something that's not too big, not too small, not covered in damp or mould.

3) More Paternity Pay. Probably about a months leave as standard.

4) Jobs and benefits. Those who wanted to work could be given more help to and those who claim benefits would work for the community to some degree to 'earn' their benefits if there is nothing preventing so.

5) The benefits system would be overhauled so it is NEVER financially better to stay at home.
Mine are probably all to do with families as that is what is closest to my heart just now :

1) Subsidized childcare or something. Private Childcare is this country is ridiculously expensive.

2) Adequate homes for all. Something that's not too big, not too small, not covered in damp or mould.

3) More Paternity Pay. Probably about a months leave as standard.

4) Jobs and benefits. Those who wanted to work could be given more help to and those who claim benefits would work for the community to some degree to 'earn' their benefits if there is nothing preventing so.

5) The benefits system would be overhauled so it is NEVER financially better to stay at home.

Agree with most of this, especially childcare. It shouldn't be a case that I can't work more because I would end up paying more in childcare than I actually earn. I used to work 25 hours a week and I actually made (after childcare) about £25 a week!! :dohh:

Also, I think house prices are so over inflated in this country, that needs seriously looking at. We've given up hope of ever owning our own home because we can't afford to save a deposit and we'd get virtually nothing for what we can afford, it's quite depressing.
Government run day cares that are free or very cheap for families with both parents working.
Do away with the silly child benefit thing and make it household income thresholds no matter how many people earn.
Affordable houses, more council houses and less housing benefit money going to greedy landlords who have tenants living in disgusting conditions.
Id sort out the price of gas and electricity too.
I think childcare should be much cheaper. It's so much at the moment that I'm really worried about how we'll manage when I'm working full time (currently OU/part time work). Also there is clearly a huge shortage of affordable houses, so more need building and the council house system needs an overhaul, because the amount of people who are practically homeless is a disgrace. Obviously getting the money for it is a big issue. I've seen a lot of people saying about legalising and heavily taxing weed, which although I don't know much about it seems a good idea on the surface.
Oh and more front line nhs staff. Pay them better too! My mums not had a pay rise in about 5 years.
Childcare is a HUGE issue. I think even extending the 15hrs free childcare to younger children would be a huge help to a lot of families.
Oh and more front line nhs staff. Pay them better too! My mums not had a pay rise in about 5 years.

yep! I think when it comes to our emergency services and teachers striking because of poor pay/benefits something needs to be done. Personally I want my doctor/nurse/paramedic (should I need one) to really not resent being there and I want my kids being taught by teachers that are not despondent and disgruntled with their job because of the crappy pay and benefits.
I would cap benefits so people don't have huge when they can't afford them.

A neighbour of ours doesn't work, has 3 children, we smell her smoking weed every day many times a day and it makes me furious that she uses the money she gets from benefits to buy drugs and I think something needs to be put in place to stop this.

Make childcare affordable.. give x amount of hours free and a reduced price for additional hours.. (depending on what both parents earn.. i dont think people earning £150,000 need free hours or childcare tax breaks!!)

Affordable houses. More council and social housing. I would make people in social/council houses that have too many bedrooms downsize, people need to get rid of the mentality that one council house is for life.. I also think they need to do checks on income after the original housing assessments as people earning over x amount (would vary from council/area depending on wages/housing costs) shouldn't need social/council housing.

Burn down ATOS. Take part of expenses out like houses and furniture, these are not needed as perks of the jobs for mps. You get a wage get your own stuff. Ditch bedroom tax. Scrap workfare and give the people jobs that are there instead. Give the sick what they are entitled too. Promoting family time more and cheaper child care. Raising minimum wage but a few quid or giving every one a salary to live off like in Denmark. Change the education system. Probably a lot of other things too.
Minimum wage!!! Having worked for minimum wage since I left school (11 years ago!) it is impossible to survive in your own!
I would insist that ALL MP's live on minimum wage for one year and then see that it in no way is a livable wage!!

Secondly I do not agree with all MP's having a house in London as well as one in their constituency paid for by tax payers. Instead I would buy a hotel or apartment building as a one off, furnished in simple, needed only, furniture. Then when MP's are needed in London they would have as comfortable place to stay without it costing the tax payer a ridiculas amount for antique furniture and prime real estate!

Child care is something that (hopefully) will be an issue for us soon, the idea that a pp had of government childcare facilities free for low income is a great idea!! 👍
Tbh I don't understand as much about politics as I would like to. But if I was prime minister I would like to do more with bridging the gap between rich and poor, and try and help out working people and working families who are on low wages and work really hard but still have not a lot. I'd make sure childcare was cheaper or more available to working families, and would like the minimum wage to go up. The difference between the people running and companies, and those at the bottom who are essentially making those people their money is too much I think. I'd also want to sort out the big companies that avoid paying taxes.
Affordable houses. More council and social housing. I would make people in social/council houses that have too many bedrooms downsize, people need to get rid of the mentality that one council house is for life.. I also think they need to do checks on income after the original housing assessments as people earning over x amount (would vary from council/area depending on wages/housing costs) shouldn't need social/council housing.


In my area I'd like to change social housing in there being more houses but it also favouring families and those who work. Obviously people on big income shouldn't need affordable homes but when me and DH tried to get on the council house list we were basically told no because we were both working (but for minimum wage!) and were a 2 parent family so would have an easier time being accepted to private rent. I think there should be more homes built so that working families on low wages and 2 parent families are offered affordable homes as well, in my city you don't really have a chance unless you're a single mum, not working or have a lot of children.
Affordable houses. More council and social housing. I would make people in social/council houses that have too many bedrooms downsize, people need to get rid of the mentality that one council house is for life.. I also think they need to do checks on income after the original housing assessments as people earning over x amount (would vary from council/area depending on wages/housing costs) shouldn't need social/council housing.


In my area I'd like to change social housing in there being more houses but it also favouring families and those who work. Obviously people on big income shouldn't need affordable homes but when me and DH tried to get on the council house list we were basically told no because we were both working (but for minimum wage!) and were a 2 parent family so would have an easier time being accepted to private rent. I think there should be more homes built so that working families on low wages and 2 parent families are offered affordable homes as well, in my city you don't really have a chance unless you're a single mum, not working or have a lot of children.

That is awful! I agree it shouldn't matter if you both work, a low wage is a low wage and private renting is stupidly expensive. I think some kind of cap on private rental prices would be good, a 3 bed in my area is around £600 a month (not as much as most areas I know) but social housing costs are around £350-£380 for the same kind of house.. ridiculous!! Xx
^ you can blame Thatcher for that. She sold loads of council houses for mega cheap :/ stupid head.

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