soap question


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2006
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does anyone know when charlie gets killed in corrie? im dying to see it and i thought it was new years day :?

sorry im a soap a holic :oops:
Well nope I didn't even know he got killed so erm I know now :( I never stay tuned with much of the soap gossips in magazines & stuff then it spoils me watching it! :rofl:
Oh I didnt know about this either! but then my TV ariel is buggered at the mo (dont even get me started on this) Imissed all the soaps over Xmas so Idont know what happened on Eastenders or Corrie at Xmas, I have been able to catch a couple of corries recently though and Ihave been a little confussed over the whole violet storey line. now she was PG with Jamies baby, but they split up quite a while ago I thought, cause of him having the hots for Frankie. But she just suffered an ectopic, but I thought surly it was a while ago that she would have last shagged Jamie so she much have been about 10 weeks or so gone and isnt this a bit late to be having an ectopic, I thought that would have made itself known a lot earlier!?!?!
Oh Weestar does this answer your question

All sounds very exciting!!! Tracey is going to go phsyco
An ectopic can be found earlier if your lucky - I was! I had bleeding with mine, what I thought was a normal period then spotting made me alert to test & I found out fairly quickly where as other girls do not! Imi thought she was 5 weeks pregnant due to a bleed/period turns out she was 10/11 :( The longer the ectopic is left the more severe & life threatening the situation becomes - Like rupturing :)
Cat said:
Oh Weestar does this answer your question

All sounds very exciting!!! Tracey is going to go phsyco

thanks for that cat i cant wait

im so sad aint i :lol:
I don't want to look - Whens the day I should be watching it?

I'm gutted I read this thread I've ben wondering what shes been up to but never read up on it :(
you should be watching it from tonite emerdale at 7pm then all the rest follow :p i think it should be the 8th when it happens but to understand it all you should watch it now hehehe
I do anyway just checking who I should send to the shop :rofl:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
thast the best thing about having sky+ you can record it hehe
Can't wait to get sky plus when we move :D
tbh its the only good thing about it you can record things on it, if we didnt get it free we wouldnt have it. I would have just stuck to freeview as half teh channels we get we dont watch :lol:

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