Something not right (UPDATE PG2)


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2015
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Anyone ever had feeling something is just not right? I posted earlier in the week about regular braxton hicks and period cramps. Last few days had severe headaches, slight swelling in my hands and racing pulse. Thismorning woke up panicky with an overwhelming sense that something wasn't right. The contractions not been as bad but still have some pain.

Midwife had no slots, gp had nothing so went to the walk in centre and waited there to get a blood pressure check to put my mind at rest.

Doctor found protein in urine, blood pressure up slightly but not in the high range, pulse was 120 was told to go and get checked over. Rang labour ward to tell them and see what they suggested.. They were very dismissive and said the blood pressure raised because not in high range and my pulse is just down to raised blood volume and that the consultant would assess the swelling and protein at my appointment next week.

Just can't shift this feeling something isn't right and now I know they won't see me I'm worrying even more.
Phone them back and TELL them you are goingin to get checked over- go with your gut and don't take no for answer. Ask someone else to call for you if you feel unable. Hope everything is ok x
I can't believe they dismissed you like that honestly with those symptoms and having twins.personally I would go a and e and say you're experiencing more braxton hicks again and your other symptoms. Trust your instinct better be safe and sorry they can't refuse to see you x
Your resting pulse was 120? That is pretty high, you should be walking briskly for it to be that raised, I use a heart monitor for the gym and mine is usually about 75-77 ish when resting.

I'd go down and ask/demand to be looked at. My midwives always say that they're relying on me to tell them when things don't quite feel right.

Let us know :)
I'd also phone back and tell them you want to be seen. Trust your gut. If you are worried about being fobbed off again can you get someone else to ring for you? I usually get my mum to ring as she's much more 'demanding' that I am.
Iv spoken to my mum and my mil who both say if I think I need looking at then don't take no for an answer. Just so put off by how they were on the phone when I rang labour ward. You can't just turn up either they have to tell you to come in. I think I'm going to give it a bit longer then ring them and explain about the contractions and say they're regular. They're not at the moment but they are there anyway so it's not a complete lie. thinking right now that I can just tell them theyve died down a bit once iv got there but then refuse to leave till iv been checked over fully. So fed up of all this at the moment :( back during my first pregnancy they'd see you whenever for whatever but it's so stressful and upsetting having to beg to be seen. Makes me feel like such a drama queen when in reality iv been toning things down if anything
Try maternity ward? Or as someone else said head to A&E. It's disgusting to just dismiss you!
Always trust your gut, you need to be seen lovely. xx
I agree with gut instincts.. definitely demand to be seen!!! Hope all is well and that you can update soon!
This+ the fact you were having issues in the first place indicates you must be seen imo.

Dont take their dismissive attitude. If I did, I wouldnt have had my little one here now.

Absolutely ridiculous! Please dont wait around, i was sad to read you waited before, but time is SO important.
Trust your gut! Besides, if you don't get some peace of mind soon, you are only gonna make things worse by worrying more. Let us know how you make out.
Well I'm finally home! Went up labor ward, was assessed and contractions every 10 mins picked up on monitor. Was seen by the head consultant who was fuming with my consultant that she'd not booked my growth scan for 24 weeks (it's booked for 26), and after doing a quick scan of my cervix found that there's some thinning. Nothing major but enough for her to be concerned. Was admitted for observation, and given steroid injections last night and again tonight before I was discharged. Bloods showed my iron low also so been started on iron tablets twice a day with strict instructions to limit activity (contractions slowed with rest) and to go back if things persist. So glad to be home with my children and OH but also so so thankful that they actually took me seriously for once. Pulse was settled whilst there so not sure why that was so high yesterday morning, blood pressure still in normal range so they just going to monitor that too xx
Glad you were taken care of. Hope things continue to get better :)
Good to hear that they did a proper assessment & at least you know that you were not imagining anything. I wld mention your disappointed at the dismissive attitude you encountered when you contacted your consultant & staff. Clearly they were wrong! I hope things work out fr you & that bebe will keep growing til full term!
Glad to hear they looked after you properly and will continue to keep a close eye.hope things go more smoothly for you and it shows you were right to listen to your instincts x
I'm glad to hear all is well and it was worth getting checked out :hugs:
Holy crap! So glad you were seen and things have been caught! Now you have a good baseline for your twins and know you need to take it nice and easy. So sorry you have such a dolt for a consultant.
Wow glad they checked you and all is well now.
Not getting help from doctors sounds oh so familar!
I had some sort of bacterial infection that caused pressure, strong burning pains and eventually cramps, but since doctors could not find anything no one would treat me. I decided to take penicillin and lo and behold, all better...Sad one has to take such drastic measures though.
glad you have been check hun and hope all goes well :) god bless XxXxXxXX

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