if youve read my previous posts ive said i broke up with fob at 32 weeks preg due to him being violent and controlling. since then in that very short space of 5 weeks hes moved on and has another gf. initially he said he didnt want to ever see me or the baby again bt hes bn in contact over fb today and asked to be at the birth, i of course said no as i dont want him there seeing me all animalistic when were not even together the thought makes me shudder. also i need my supportive family around while im in pain not a gd 4 nothing pain in the ass like him. i have said he can come and visit me on the post natal ward afterwards though simply coz im happy hes making an effort i want a dad for my dd and i dont want to take him away from her or her away from him. im worried how it will go though....anyone been in a similar situation? and did it turn out for the best?