BFN on Friday morning (DPO8 or 9), had a great Dr's appt though, she was wonderful and is recommending SA for my DH and bloodwork for me CD3, still a teeny bit hopeful AF will stay away . . . but if not at least we have a plan!
Maybe you could watch for a change in your CF as a hint at when it's coming? Creamy is normal. Watery and thin is a good start for OPKs in my opinion.
Strangely I thought that I Oed earlier this month and I think I was wrong. I thought I Oed on CD 12 and now it's 21 and I have actual EWCM. Do you actually check inside? I would have missed my EWCM had I not checked when I felt wet.
Congartulations to Katy and everyone else who has had their BFP's! I wish you all a healthy 9 months xx
Baby Hopes - I also have a longer cycle, 33 days last month. Last month i had a positive OPK on CD23, that was my first month off the pill. This is my second month off the pill and i had a positive OPK on saturday which was also CD23. So it seems that is my average. This month i used OPK's from around CD14 and then used them twice a day on CD22 and 23 as didn't want to miss the surge.
I would aim to BD every other day through the month until you get a positive OPK, as it can't hurt can it.
Sarah, the person that runs this thread has been MIA since 1/26. It may take a while for you to get added to the list.
She also is in another thread I am in.
I don't know if Liz updates this thread anymore but I got my BFP today!
We didn't follow SMEP to a tee this month because of some arguments (TTC related of course!) but we did have BD 3 times around O day.
Much dust to you all![]()
Congrats Katy xx H&H 9 months x