It's numb right up to about your breasts but it doesn't affect your chest. There will be an anaesthetist sitting with you (or if they move it would only be a few steps away even if you can't see them) and monitoring your breathing and reactions the entire time.
During mine I did panic at one point (after it was all finished, I think they were just stitching) which made me feel like I couldn't breathe but the anaesthetist was right there making sure that I was okay and helping me to count my breaths.
When the spinal is in and you are lying on your back they spray they will test that the spinal is working by touching your skin or spraying it and asking where you can feel.
The worst part for me was just leaning forwards when they put it in. I don't remember if it was painful going in at all (so it can't have been that bad?!) but just there is not much space to lean forwards with a big baby in the way so you do feel uncomfy! Mine took about 15 minutes to go in right which is apparently more than the norm, so that part isn't too long.
My recovery was not bad at all. I had it about 8:15-9:00pm and as far as I remember I didn't have to roll afterwards, just got slid onto another bed, I just lay there. The next morning, I was able to walk across the ward at breakfast time. I did have pain but it was perfectly well managed by pain relief.
If you have any other questions feel free to ask. xx