spoon feeding themselves.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2006
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How are your little ones getting no spoon feeding ? Vicky was shocked I wasnt letting ella spoon feed herself so I gave it a go, usually just wth her brekfast and its going really well, I was quite surprised she finished off the brekfast herself! Its gets a bit messy but its all good practice!
i give Coby a spoon to hold with his meals but he never uses it, just sits there and chews on it (plastic spoon)
I was going to ask when the avarage age was for them to spoon feed themselfs, so im glad you did this thread :)

Lol I wanted to know this too. Noah refuses to eat with a spoon. He will finger feed himself everything incl shepards pie! But if I try to get him to hold a spoon he just screams and locks is fingers out, pulling his and away and gets quite distressed about it. He will play with a spoon or fork while I feed him, just banging it on his food, and he will outside of meal times imitate feeding imself with a spoon, but thats as far as he will go.
i got told from about 11 or 12 months old, it depends on what i give kacy depending if i let her feed her self, some times i help her she keeps trying to feed her self while i feed her as well.
Maddie like to try feeding herself yougurt ....

Total mess but hey she looks cute lol!
I think its cause noah loves his food to much to risk wasting any with his eratic hand movements. He has never been messy with food, on the odd occasion where a piece ends on the floor he points at it and screams to have it back.
Lol I wanted to know this too. Noah refuses to eat with a spoon. He will finger feed himself everything incl shepards pie! But if I try to get him to hold a spoon he just screams and locks is fingers out, pulling his and away and gets quite distressed about it. He will play with a spoon or fork while I feed him, just banging it on his food, and he will outside of meal times imitate feeding imself with a spoon, but thats as far as he will go.

Shepards pie I bet that gets messy lol.

TBH I thought Ella would just bang her fork in her food, which she did at first for a bit, so I just left her to it and before I knew it she had finished it off! This morning when I tried to help her out and feed her she wouldnt let me, she wanted to do it herself. Its great though means I can sit and eat my brekfast at the same time! we sould do some spoon feeding themselves video clips. I will do tommorow morning if I remember!
Cat, Seren is the same - won't use a spoon and prefers her hands. She just chucks her spoon or fork on the floor. Still as long as it goes in her mouth hey..
I cant believe this, after this topic today, as per usual I stuck a fork in Noahs dinner for him expecting him to just bank it about, discard it then tuck in with his hands, when he decided to use it to eat his chicken stew, he had a tendancy to put the fork in his mouth sideways, but the mash stuck to it so he still got a proper mouthfull, he ate all his dinner like this to much praise from us, and the odd handfull shovled in, but I cant believe how just like that he did it himself! Ireckon he was reading this thread while I wasnt looking and realised he had to pull his finger out!

(Just need to comment more on how he isnt talking still *hint hint*)
Beanie, Rebecca is the same and I amn't too concerned like you say as long as it's going in...he he

I cant believe this, after this topic today, as per usual I stuck a fork in Noahs dinner for him expecting him to just bank it about, discard it then tuck in with his hands, when he decided to use it to eat his chicken stew, he had a tendancy to put the fork in his mouth sideways, but the mash stuck to it so he still got a proper mouthfull, he ate all his dinner like this to much praise from us, and the odd handfull shovled in, but I cant believe how just like that he did it himself! Ireckon he was reading this thread while I wasnt looking and realised he had to pull his finger out!

(Just need to comment more on how he isnt talking still *hint hint*)

lol bless him, he might read this thread and start talking then hey! Ella is the same with it sideways! I can only give her food that will stick to the spoon or fork so it doesnt fall off! Last night she has smiley faces and fishfingers and she looked so proud of herself when she got the smiley face onto the fork!
chloe is still quite a messy eater but she uses a fork now lol, she picks teh food up and places it on teh fork!! is kinda cute!!
LOL OH said I was just being cruel last night, cause we had rice and I gave him a fork to eat it with! still he got on well.
LOL OH said I was just being cruel last night, cause we had rice and I gave him a fork to eat it with! still he got on well.

Next time try him with chop sticks hehe! Ella wouldnt magnage rice, unless Id over done it and it was sticking together! A risotto would be good maybe!
Seren managed a little rice when she had some chicken curry but can't deal with larger items - thats when she likes to use her hands

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