Starch free.


Mom of one trying for #2
Jan 18, 2012
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Hello everyone,

Today I have started my new starchfree lifestyle. I had my son 7 months ago and am down to my pre-pregnancy weight. Before I was pregnant I had weight to lose. This is my first month steriod free in about 7 years. I currently weigh 180 pounds and am 5'3. I'd like to lose 20-30 pounds.

I was wondering if anyone if doing a starch free lifestyle change? If so what was your results? If you were on steriods ( medical) was it easy to start lossing the weight you gained from them?

Thank you. :D
Hi :wave:

Is starch free the same as low carb? This is my 4th week of doing low carb. I'm finding it way easier than I expected! I've lost 8lb so far but as my ticker shows, still have a long way to go. I started at a very similar weight to you too.

My main reason for going low carb was to lose weight but I've found that my energy levels are much better & my cravings for sweet things have reduced too.

Hope your first few days have gone well :thumbup:
I don't think it's the same but I'm unsure. I'm not eatting any bread, pasta, rice, potato. Just veggies and meat mainly. Just a little bit of dairy and a little bit fruits. I'm starting to feeling a little discouraged cause I feel like I'm eatting the same thing everyday. I'm trying to find some other recipes.
8lbs is excellent! I feel like I havent even lost an oz.
Do you plan on staying low carb after you reach your goal or how do you plan to keep the weight off? I think I'm going to start low carb diet after I hit my goal to help keep the weight off. I'm hoping that the longer I stay starch free the better I will feel and not so tired.
I think they are the same! They're all the foods I'm not eating anyway!

I don't actually eat meat but having a lot of vegetarian proteins in place of meat with fish a few times a week. I'm limiting fruit too but I love fruit so finding that tough. I love to cook so have been trying to adapt recipes to suit the low carb diet whilst DH & LO have the carb version. They had enchiladas tonight & I just had Quorn mince with the spicy tomato sauce on a bed of lettuce & olives? Topped with grated cheese, sour cream & salsa. It was yummy!

I'm hoping to get to goal by the end of July. I'm bridesmaid for my sister then. We'll also be TTC no. 2 after that so I suppose I'll have to reintroduce some carbs during pregnancy & BF. I've read a little on the Consolidation phase of the Dukan diet so I think I might reintroduce carbs using that sort of approach.
I couldnt do meat free. I'm a meat and starch lover so it would be terrible to cut both. I dont like alot of fruits, veggies either (they hurt my stomach) and I dont eat eggs. It makes it very tricky to make good tasting food. I only eat meat at supper though.
Is this the first diet you have tired? This is my first one and I'm having a hard time getting support from family and friends.
I've never really eaten meat. I just don't like it! So thankfully I've only had to think about cutting the carbs.

Unfortunately it's not the first diet I've tried. Due to being so greedy :blush: I have always struggled with my weight. I've tried Slimming World in the past but that just didn't work for me because it didn't limit how much I ate! I lost around 2st in 6 months in the run up to our wedding on Weight Watchers. It wasn't easy though! Pre-motherhood, we'd eat out a lot & drink a far but too so sticking to my points allowance was hardwork. As a result, the weight came off slowly but back then I was also going to the gym 3 times a week so that obvs helped. When I was pregnant, I piled on the weight because in my head, I had an excuse to eat!!! And boy, did that backfire! I went back to Weight Watchers when Rex was 4 months old & tipped the scales at 14st :blush: which meant I'd put on 3 & half stone :blush: I lost nearly 2 & half stone in 5 months but then I went back to work & with the stress of being a working mum, I fell off the diet wagon. Throughout 2012, I managed to put back on a stone of what I lost :blush: I'm a comfort eater, can you tell?!

The reason I'm trying a low carb lifestyle is due to my mum really. She has battled with her weight all her adult life, just like me. But last November, she started a low carb diet & for the first time ever, she is actually losing weight steadily every week. I figured that my metabolism must be similar to my mum's so thought I'd give it a go. I'm enjoying not counting points or syns or having to keep a food diary. I don't feel like I'm on a diet! I'm hoping the weight continues to steadily come off.

I started an exercise DVD this week too because I'll also need to tone up if the weight comes off.
I'm trying to cut back on pasta/bread/rice/potato but its so hard I feel as tho most of my meals are based around these foods! Do you just eat everything with veg and salad??
I'm def eating a lot of veg & salad, devon, yep! But I've been scouring the Internet for low carb recipes so I don't get bored. Tonight I'm having shepherd's pie but with cauliflower mash on top. I made fish pie with carrot & swede topping the other week & I've done lasagne with baked aubergine instead of pasta. Mashed cauliflower is a nice alternative to mashed potato. It's really creamy. I've made cauliflower 'rice' a few times too.
I guess I've been on diets before but just cutting things out to help with my IBD not for weight loss. Cutting out starches is for both I guess, as it is helping out with my IBD alot. I'm four days now pain free!!!:happydance:

I'll have to try my hand at some shepards pie! That'd be a nice change!

Tonight I was suposta have stir fry but my MIL put corn starch in it, knowing that I'm doing starch free. UGH!
I guess I've been on diets before but just cutting things out to help with my IBD not for weight loss. Cutting out starches is for both I guess, as it is helping out with my IBD alot. I'm four days now pain free!!!:happydance:

I'll have to try my hand at some shepards pie! That'd be a nice change!

Tonight I was suposta have stir fry but my MIL put corn starch in it, knowing that I'm doing starch free. UGH!

Why would you put corn starch in stirfry anyways?? I'd be ticked!!!

I'm more or less calorie counting. Trying to keep within a goal everyday. Which for me means cutting out starches or carbs, cause they're typically higher, and cutting out sugar, and using splenda to sweeten things instead.

I've never been much of a meat eater, but i'm accepting it more. I love egg whites, so with lots of veggies, get full and still get my proteins.
Had a plateau in my weight loss this week I think :( I weigh myself on a Tuesday morning & have only lost half a pound this week :( Ah well, I've still lost 8 & half lb in 4 weeks so I can't complain at that really. Will keep plodding on!
rjm- hows your weight loss going?

sazzle- You said you were starting a work out video, do you think maybe you have gained some muscle from doing it? I know some people dont lose weight well when they exercise as well. Did you measure your waist to see if you lost inches?

I followed the Primal Blueprint for almost a year before I conceived, as part of my preparations to get pregnant. Of course I fell off the wagon with MS, as all I could keep down was toast!

Today has been my first day back on the wagon and I feel pretty good!

Some information for you: There is an awesome forum there too!

Being pregnant, I do need more carbs than I was eating previously, and get those by not limiting my fruit intake (despite that meaning I get more sugar than I would like) and sweet potatoes.

Good luck with it.... I feel great for prioritising protein, good fats and carbs from non-starchy foods over sugar, grains and processed food!
rjm- hows your weight loss going?

sazzle- You said you were starting a work out video, do you think maybe you have gained some muscle from doing it? I know some people dont lose weight well when they exercise as well. Did you measure your waist to see if you lost inches?

I've done the workout DVD 3 times over the week. It's based on high intestity interval. Some of the moves are tough! But I can already tell it's getting easier. I never know whether to believe the whole gaining muscle through exercise thing. It wouldn't be this fast would it? Stupidly, no, I didn't take measurements. No tape measure in the house :dohh:

Hi ngozi :wave: Thanks for the link. Will def check that out :thumbup: Congrats on your pregnancy too :)
rjm- hows your weight loss going?

I don't have a scale in the house.
When I feel ready, my mom has one and i'll check there. She's 2 hrs from me, so not tempted to pop in just to do that, lol!

I'm also only on my 11th day of my weight loss journey. I'm keeping calories between 1500-1600 per day, and walking 3-5 miles a day on the treadmill everyday. According to my calorie count app, I would have lost 3.6lbs based on calorie loss from new diet and increased excersize since I started. I would love to keep a 2-3lb per week loss. I've never had an issue maintaining weight, it was this second pregnancy and the fact i didn't go back to my norm weight after.
Hi ladies,

I've recently returned to a low carb lifestyle. I don't eat bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, corn, or anything with added sugar or flour. I'm 5'2" and weigh 180 lbs. I need to get down to about 145 lbs . . . so about a 35 lbs. I started January 14th and I can tell a difference in how I feel already. I keep my carb intake at around 15 grams a day. Husband is doing it with me. He wants to get down to 175. Well, I'm off to the gym.
Sazzle- You should get one that way if you dont see the number on the scale move then atleast you can see if you have a difference in inches. I think that you could just be getting muscle. Good on you for being motivated enough to do a work out video in your home. I dont have enough motivation to do anything at home.

ngozi- thank you for the link. I'll be sure to check it out. Congratulations on your pregnancy!! I wish you all the best in your pregnancy.

rjm- I wish i didnt have a scale, I stand on it multiple times a day. I feel disappointment each time. I feel like I shouldve lost more already.

sweetmel- You've been on low carb before? did it work well for you last time? Its nice that your husband is doing low carb with you. My husband wont do anything diet related. He enjoys his food too much. I think it would be easier on me if he was on it with me.

I was looking for a lowcarb/starch free cookbook but was unable to find one. Does anyone know of one? Im so bored of the same old same old that I havent been eatting much at all. Today I fell off the wagon though. I went to the mall and had a poutine, it tasted amazing but made me feel absolutly terrible.
Rjm09, Your clothes are kind of an indicator of weight lose progress. Even when I don’t lose weight I can tell a difference in my clothes. I have a pair of boots that I bought several years ago. I used to be able to zip them up over my calves, but not anymore. The day I am able to do that again is the day I know I have succeeded.

Ngozi, Congratulations on your pregnancy. That is wonderful. It is so great how you want to make healthy choices while you are pregnant. Some ladies use pregnancy as an excuse to eat junk. I think you and the baby will be better off for it in the end.

Oneteddybear, I was on a low carb diet before I got pregnant with each of my boys. I am hoping it will work again and soon. It cures my PCOS and allows me to ovulate. The first time I was low carb I lost 51 pounds before I got pregnant. Then after my first son was born I went back on low carb to lose the baby weight. I had just got back down to 145lbs when I got pregnant again. 145lbs must be my magic weight. So that is my goal. I weigh 177lbs. I have 32lbs to go to reach my goal. Yes, my husband is very supportive. He wants to lose another 13lbs but he is weight training at the gym. I told him that he isn’t seeing the scale move much because is he building muscle. There used to be more books and magazines out there for the low carb dieter. I make up my own recipes. Have you had low carb cheesecake?

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