stay at uni or not??


TTC late July 2010 :D
Jun 12, 2009
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please help - sorry about this not being directly related to wtt etc -
just finished 2nd year of uni, ive got a couple of resits, and im really really not happy.

its been going through my mind for ages, and i know i have just 3rd year left but i really dont want to go back, but am i just being stupid?
i just really want to be able to work and save up for my babies, and a house etc. im trying to save at the moment, but im ending up with more in my savings for the future than in my current account!! :s

im doing english, and i dont even want to use it. im not 100% sure what i do want to do but its not what i originally thought - journalism or advertising.. which is why i thought i needed eng degree.

im in a good job at a really good company where i can move up to managerial positions, i work in mens fashion.

please help!! im so undecided and i really need to decide soon... coz my resit coursework has to be in 12 aug :cry: plus im supposed to have applied for student finance!!

ahhh pleeeease help!!
Hi honey,
I think it would be difficult for anyone to tell you whether or not to stay. It depends, I suppose, on how much difference you think one year would make in your life. English is a good degree to have, & would give you lots of options for further career options.
Lots of hugs though... I know how hard it is to be torn between different choices!
Katie x
I dropped out of uni after my second year, and to be honest I wish I hadn't. One year really isn't that long in the big scheme of things, and having a degree (regardless of the subject) opens up a lot of options in the future. I'd love to do my final year sometime, maybe through the Open University, but it would have been a whole lot easier and cheaper if I'd just stuck with it. So personally I'd say that you're almost through anyway, don't waste the two years of hard work you've already put in.

Hope you manage to make a decision that you're happy with. :hugs:
Hey hon.

Just talking from my own experience... if you don't feel you can finish your degree, look into changing courses, but don't give up!!

Honestly, it's soooo much harder to study later on. Having a worthwhile degree does make life easier with work. I know there's lots of debate - but there are also a bunch of naff waste of time degrees.

I ended up doing my science degree with the OU, and it took a long time. I got 2/3 way through an engineering degree and found (on placement) that aspects of the path aren't for me long term... but I will take the credits and put them to something else.

Hubby and I have waited to start a family, and I'm so glad I ticked that box before becoming a mummy.

Good luck hon.

Its hard to tell someone else what is best for them, only you know that! But if it was me I would finish your degree, as you say you have 1 year left and as you know with all the holidays and your 3 semesters its really only about 6-7 months of hard work! Having a degree really can help you in the future even if you dont use it.

Good Luck with your decision making!
I don't know what you should do but just wanted to say that I felt exactly the same after 2 years of my 4 year course. I was sick of being skint and was ready to work and earn some proper money. I didn't drop out and although my degree has been useless more or less, I'm still pleased I finished what I started. Good luck with whatever decision you make.
Hey I always say it is better to have at least one qualification. If yous topped now you wouldnt have one and you gave away 2 years.
I felt similar to you at the start of my second year. I was struggling with one aspect of my course, my heart wasn't in it and I had priorities that were different from just passing my degree. I stuck with it, failed modules in my second year, changed scheme, failed my resits and ending up failing my degree by 20 credits because of the aspects that I was finding difficult in my second year. I can tell you now that there's NOTHING I have come across in my life that matches the pain of seeing 3 years work be for nothing, especially when I have 240 credits of the 280 I passed above 50% and managed a 57 in my dissertation. Perhaps it's worth carrying on and seeing how it goes, or you could do what some friends of mine have done: defer for a year, earn some money and get yourself settled but also have a set date on which you will return to uni to get your degree. From personal experience and the delights of hindsight, I would suggest that you need a break to get yourself focussed again and to make sure that you have that all important PMA with regards to study . Taking a year out would probably make you feel better: you're on a 'break' from study, you've not dropped out or failed. Taking a year's break doesn't automatically mean that you won't finish: I know people who have benefitted from taking a break and have come back to finish their degree much happier. I know all to well what it feels like to be on a proverbial conveyor belt through life: you do primary school, secondary school, 6th form then uni and then you go out and get a job. But you do have choices, even if you are part way through a course. Do you have anyone that you can talk to about it, even if it's just through email? At the very least, get the stuff for your resits in and take it one day at a time!

Sorry for the essay but hope it helps!
Beca :wave:
thank you so much for the advice - ive definitely considered defering a year - the thing is ive got 2 resits i need to do and i have no clue how to do them - one of them is a project that i never did in the first place :S

also - im so worried about getting a 3rd - id rather not finish uni at all than come out with a 3rd, and do u think that a 3rd is still benefical and better than not having a degree? or do employers see it as being even worse??

im just so messed up about it, i wanna have the opportunities for the future, but its so difficult when i really cant decide what i want to do - and i really do spend so much time trying to think what i want, and all i can think is that from life i want to be a great mum and have a big family. arghhhh xxx
First thing I thought about when I read your post was: Teaching. Have you thought about finishing your degree and adding one year of teacher's training? That would be steady money, lots of time off for your LOs later on and good mat pay. And as keen as you are on having loads of kids you might enjoy working with them as well?

I know no-one else can really tell you what to do but if I was in your situation I would definately finish my degree. It's only another year and it will open doors to jobs, postgrad and conversion degrees (like the teacher one). A lot of these will just want to see a degree certificate and won't care if it's a 3rd so you're still gaining something. And look at it this way: If you stay now and it turns out that you won't need the degree, then you've wasted a year. In 10 years time that won't really matter that much. But if you leave now and it turns out you would have needed a degree for something you really want to do at some point down the line, you will probably regret that a lot more.

Good luck with whatever you decide!
I think you need to stop worrying about finding a course that matches 'what you want to do' and start doing a course that you will enjoy!

You have plenty of time to decide on a career and a degree in anything will help with that once you have decided then no degree at all.

Having said that, I dropped out of college twice because it wasn't what I wanted as a career. But it just wasn't right for me personally.

I know by doing that I'll never have a "good" job with "good" money but that doesn't drive me and never has.

Being a mum and having a family is the most important thing for me right now. If I want a career then there's still plenty of options and time left for me to do that.

HTH at least a little x
Sounds like you might be letting your anxiety about the resits become a major life decision. Step back and pretend that the resits aren't part of the picture: do you still want to finish the degree? If so, put your head down and get the resit work done. Tackle one project at a time, step by step. Don't let yourself get overwhelmed by a big load of studying and projects.
If the answer is no, then try the old "where do I want to be in five years?" test. What are some of the pros and cons of the degree with that picture? Will it close a significant number of doors not to have it? If things don't work out at your current job, will you have the necessary qualifications to find the equivalent somewhere else?
Just some questions to ask yourself.
I would also ask how much you've invested into the degree already and consider that - if you are already halfway done and have student loans, etc, then I would see that as even more reason to finish.
Myself, I would get 'er done.
My degree has let me apply for and land a huge variety of interesting jobs. Many of which I would not have been considered for without it, even though I have a lot of equivalent experience.
I'd go back or defer. I think you'll regret so much debt if you don't get anything from it x
Hi how many resits can you do? In my course and other courses of bachelor at German uni youre allowed 4 resits of exams. and the grade is still in German fashion. (german grade system is numerals from 1 to 4 at uni with substeps such as 1.3, 1.6. etc. it goes up to 4 and thats were you failed . For that anyway a year timeout would be nice to refocus if you are sure that you are to refocxus again and start with some fresh motivation.
I only suggested completing the resits as I would imagine that you would have paid for them already, since this is how it's worked for me, and I wouldn't want to see you waste that cash!! Remember, in most full time British unis you need 300 credits to pass and, at least in Aber but I think in other unis too, there's the cascade system that means that your best results are worth more. This means that if you fail a module or maybe 2 it's not the end of the world and you can still pass, especially if you're in the right place to apply yourself fully and ace everything that you come across in the next year! Just because you fail a couple of modules, it doesn't mean you'll come out with a 3rd- if I'd failed 60 credits and passed a couple of modules with 40 then I could still have come out with a 2:2 or a 2:1 (or even a 1st if I'd got 100% in a module or 2!!!). Would I be right in guessing that 2 modules is 40 credits? If so just do what you can for the resits. Take the one that you find easiest first and finish that one. I would bet that it would make you feel better if you feel like you've accomplished something. Don't worry if you don't think it's brilliant- the times where I was least satisfied with what I handed in I did the best!!!

If you've already paid for the resits then do them as you won't get another chance. Then, if you still feel like you need a break, take a break and defer a year. Then go back to uni and ace your 3rd year. Personally, I think that getting a 3rd is better than failing or dropping out. It shows commitment to the course for a start and, unless it's a position or further course that specifies a minimum grade, most employers looking for a degree just want a degree and don't really care what classification it is!! It would put you at an advantage over the people who don't have a degree at the very least!! Don't let yourself get over stressed and if you think you're struggling with stress then go to see your doctor- one of my friends who was the happiest, most outgoing person you could imagine ended up on anti-depressants because she wasn't coping with the stress of her course and didn't get it sorted early enough, so don't underestimate the effects of stress!

All the best,
Beca :wave:
i dont have to pay for the resits, i think its maybe because i need to take them to progess to 3rd year, rather than voluntarily.
well, im going to see my uni tutor on friday :) - im gonna get through the resits and then i might decide to have a year off then go back. i have friends on my course who are taking a year abroad then coming back a year after, so therell still be people there i know at least..
thank you so much for all the advice, i appreciate it so much :D xxxxx
I didn't want to go back after my first year . . . although I did and now I'm so happy I did!I don't know what I'd be doing if I hadn't. . .

I'm due to start my thrid year in October also and ou look at it this way it's actually less than a year to go. . . exams will be over and done with this time next year and grades will be back.

I wouldn't want you to give up just to save money. . . is your OH working or at uni?
if he's working he can help with saving && hophat will make you feel more relaxed about still be at uni?

In the end it is up to you but think very carefully about the long run not jus the here and now = ]

I no your thinking about defering a year, but be careful, alot of people who do this never go back! Whats 1 year anyway? in the long run, regardless of what degree you get, a person with a degree will get paid more then someone who dosnt, will seek more benefits then someone who dosnt and they will more likely be given a job over someone who dosnt have a degree.
I say, tackle down and get the work/resits done!
think about how much a degree can improve your life, and improve your future little ones life!
i no your thinking about the money now, but in two years you will probably be earning twice as much as you are now! =)

with that being said, its your decision. I just hope you dont regret anything in the long run. Best of luck. xxx
Sorry to read your having problems. I have just graduated and for all my problems, I'm so glad I stuck it out. Keep fighting hun, its so worth it in the end.

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