Aww the place is gorgeous I hope you get it

(or your mom stops being such a- yeah...)
Today I sat down on the couch and I leaned forward to put a pillow behind my back and suddenly got horrible pains under my ribs on both sides almost like a contraction pain. I quickly leaned back and they faded but it hurt so bad..
But if it was BH why would I feel them way up there?

Also when I get the fake contractions I don't notice my belly going hard but I notice my bumps really soft there for a while after getting one..
Also I have this HORRIBLE pain right above my butt where all my stretch marks are on either side..
I mainly get it when I walk as it's a pain that sorta shoots up through my leg (It happens at random, mainly when I first get up from sitting) but it hurts so bad sometimes it almost causes my leg to give out from under me.. Actually my leg has tried to give out from under me multiple times from it when I first stand up but luckily since it's when I first stand up there's something right there to hold onto..
But last night I was trying to sleep and I felt it was so painful even laying on my side on my bump as much as I could to keep pressure off of it was painful.. I wanted to just lie on my stomach like the old days so bad

I miss being able to do that..