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Stopping pumping


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
Hi ladies,

I'm considering stopping pumping (I have failed to get my daughter to latch on despite seeing three consultants, hence have been pumping plus topping up with formula). It's not how I wanted things to end up and am very sad about it but feel some satisfaction that I have given her my milk albeit through the bottle.

I wondered though how I can stop pumping with minimal pain to me? I'm currently pumping four times a day (20 mins each pump) and three days ago reduced this to four.

Should I just reduce it by one pumping session every few days? I really dont want to get mastitis or blocked ducts etc.

I take my hat off to all you ladies who have successfully ebf. I so wish it could / had worked for us and I know I will always regret and feel sadness that it hasn't for me.

Thanks - I dropped one pump a day on Tuesday and have now lowered from 5 minutes per side to 3.5 per side for two days. I plan to drop another pump on Monday and pump three times a day for another 4-5 days to keep lowering it slowly.
Thanks for your advice. I feel guilty and sad stopping x
Caz :hugs: I'm sorry to hear you've been struggling so much with latching. I admire you so much for pumping all this time. It really isn't easy.

I support you no matter what you decide to do. But I was wondering, if providing your milk for her was satisfying to you, why are you stopping? I don't want you to feel guilty or sad <3 I always thought I would ebf and haven't been able to either. So, I get where you're coming from. But why have you decided to stop pumping? (feel free to tell me it's none of my business lol)

I think the idea of gradually reducing how often you pump is probably the way to go. Also, reducing the time each session should also help.
Caz :hugs: I'm sorry to hear you've been struggling so much with latching. I admire you so much for pumping all this time. It really isn't easy.

I support you no matter what you decide to do. But I was wondering, if providing your milk for her was satisfying to you, why are you stopping? I don't want you to feel guilty or sad <3 I always thought I would ebf and haven't been able to either. So, I get where you're coming from. But why have you decided to stop pumping? (feel free to tell me it's none of my business lol)

I think the idea of gradually reducing how often you pump is probably the way to go. Also, reducing the time each session should also help.

Hi uni, of course I don't mind you asking!

I'm thinking of pumping three times a day And just sticking at that for a bit longer. The issue is finding time to pump as with my five year old it's had to find time. I keep missing pumps as I can't put my little daughter down and my son needs me and then I'm in pain. Also my poor son is having no time from me as I'm either pumping or sterilising.

I've reduced to three pumps a day now and plan to stick here so I'm still giving her the breast milk.
Totally understood. It IS hard to find time to pump, I can't imagine how much harder with a toddler. Pumping three times a day sounds like a great idea! I bet your body will get really efficient about producing at those three times a day and you'll have a nice supply to share with her :)

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