Hey there. My DD is also on infatrini, she's 32 weeks actual 20 adjusted and is still only 10lbs 9.5oz. Is she following her growth curve? DD was 0.4th centile at discharge but like yours she takes tiny volumes, usually 350-450ml a day, although we're starting to get rare days at nearly 500ml. My LO was dianosed with reflux and we add infant gaviscon to the bottles, and she has ranitidine and domperidone to help it stay down. Now she's started weaning she's finally started gaining again, she was loosing 2-5oz a week on bad weights and gaining 1-2oz on a good week. The solids have made a huge difference where nothing else did, and we're now adding double cream to each bottle too, as 10ml of cream will add 44cals, so nearly doubling the cals of a standard infatrini bottle. If you haven't already explore if she has reflux or silent reflux which is putting her off feeding, and consider asking for a speech and language (SALT) referral so they can check there is nothing mechanically wrong with her latch.