Ds has been realy struggleing yo listen at school recently. A gtoup of them ( year 1, so aged 5/6) got detention for chatting and not listening. Ds has got detention again tomorrow, for twisting a kids arm for no reason. Tbh, im not surprised. He has had a crappy attitude at home for a couple weeks now, and is fighting / argueing / attacking either his sister or his dad at home. I get the cheek and argueing, but oh and dd get attacked ( hitting, kicking, pulling, screaming right in their faces) he chases dd round the house growling at her and she gets scared and ends up running into a door. This motning ds tried shoving OH while he had a cup of tea, so oh asked him to stop, ds carried on, oh put his hand out infront of him while he put his tea down ( he was bringing it in from the kitchen) ds throws himself to the floor. As soon as i come down ds tells me OH shoved him. Ds had his tablet taken off him a few weeks ago, and hasnt had it back because of the behaviour. Im so sick of argueing with him, i know oh is too. I spoke to his teacher again today, and she daid she will get back to me at the end of the week with an idea of what we could do to help him. Tbh im not holding out much hope because i tried to discuss hos behaviour before it got this badn she said she would get back to me to book an appointment with her but still hasnt and its been a few weeks. His behaviour at school has gotten worse since the arrival of the new teacher. It could be a coincidence because his tonsils have gotten bigger since before xmas and this is causing him sleepless ( not by much, he wakes up coughing alot. But combined with his lack of ironhe needs a good solid 12 hours of sleep to be in a decent mood) nights. Im going to book him in to see the gp tomorrow, see if we can get a blood test to see how bad his iron is. He barely eats real food, just lots of carbs. His diet is in no way varied. His lunch is the same everyday. I just have no idea what to do. His old teacher was fab, and always made time for us, and took the time to listen when i tried to pre warn her about his behaviour. Therefore anticipating it and nipping it in the bud before it got to a point of detention. I should add, we can tell his behaviours going to get bad, when his coughing gets bad in the night and he starts having accidents. We always try to let the teacher know. He just doesnt listen. Even with his after school atctivuty today he just zoned out and had no idea what was happening. We are waiting for an appointment foe his tonsills to be removed but have been told it could be over a years wait.
Im so sorry this is long jumbled mess. Thanks for reading. Apologies for the typos. Im on my phone.
Eta: when he isnt like this, he is lovely, such a polite, well mannered, thoughtfull, caring little guy. He is so smart, he amazes me with his love for learning. I sometimes wonder if he isnt being challeneged enough in school. The books he brings home he reads in a matter of minutes, his homework is done in usualy 5/10 minutes. He says alot of the work is too easy so he gets bored.
Im so sorry this is long jumbled mess. Thanks for reading. Apologies for the typos. Im on my phone.
Eta: when he isnt like this, he is lovely, such a polite, well mannered, thoughtfull, caring little guy. He is so smart, he amazes me with his love for learning. I sometimes wonder if he isnt being challeneged enough in school. The books he brings home he reads in a matter of minutes, his homework is done in usualy 5/10 minutes. He says alot of the work is too easy so he gets bored.