I don't think anyone meant to be inconsiderate, and yes it's easy to see all perspectives.
Hey beautiful...unfortuantely a lot of us have not had a bfp ever so we won't be able to offer you advice. I think this is where the other ladies were going (correct me if I'm wrong ladies). There is a Second infertility forum where some women may be able to give you an answer or the success stories forum may help. Hope this is it for you...GL!
I also understand why you asked the question in so many forums (yes I've seen it too) cause sometimes when we post we don't hear anything back. I went through that when I first joined bnb. Sorry you didn't get the repsonses you were looking for, but some of the forums you posted in weren't the right ones so that could be why you didn't get the responses you wanted in some forums.
Try the forums I/some of the other ladies posted in and if those don't work, try some where women are preggo or have had children.
Just so you know, no harm, no foul. Still hoping this is your bfp! Infertility strikes whether you've had children or not, so it's understandable why you asked the question here as well. GL!