Suggested calories aren't enough! Frustrating.



I'm frustrated because I try to stick to eating my suggested calorie intake for being pregnant, but I'm still starving all the time! I'm not eating tons of empty calories either, I don't think.

Today I had:

Peanut butter and banana on whole wheat toast
Blueberry yogurt
Carrots and cucumber
A granola bar
A bun with mozzarella cheese and tomato
Some potato chips
Chicken casserole and salad

Plus I went for a 25 minute walk.

And I can say I haven't stayed full for longer than 20 mins at a time.

It's really frustrating because I'm still hungry but I'll go way over my calorie goal if I eat anymore!

I'm gaining weight like nobody's business and I'm really upset.
Oh hun... thats sucks... it sounds like your eating healthy...

Im struggling with weight too.. but the opposite..

I cant seem to put on any... I havent been sick for 10 weeks and I havent gained anything at all since pre pregnancy...
Im trying believe me... I eat as much as I can fit and its not working...

Just to consuct and experiment (and coz I was craving it like mad) I bought a 1kg tub of nutella (choco and hazelnut spread) and ate it by the spoon full.. took me a week to eat a whole kilo...and nothing... not even a pound on...

Im so worried about bubs :(
I dont wanna starve him :(

Oh just one thing... drink 2l of water a day if your not... will help heaps maybe? :)
I know what you mean. I ate a fiber bar and a huge omelette with ham, broccoli and onion in it for brunch at noon when i got up. with a tall glass of milk and little glass of juice too. then i drank tons of water over the next few hours to combat feeling hungry between meals. by 2pm, i was starving again! :(
I tried sticking to a set amount of calories and gave up a week later. As long as your eating healthy the amount of calories doesn't matter right now. Your going to gain weight whether you like it or not. It's only 9 months of your entire life, worry about calorie counting after that x
I've tried really increasing my protein eg tuna salad, tuna sandwhich, chicken & cream cheese crepes. I weigh less than I did when I got pregnant and I'm having twins so I'm trying. I really don't want them early. I'm not counting calories just not letting myself get hungry at all.
I agree with pp added protein helps to keep you fuller, a handful of non salted nuts or seeds
Cottage cheese with your carrots & cucumber, you could swap the granola bar for a protein bar or if you like them have eggs in the morning with mushrooms & tomatoes

I struggle to fit all the calories in, in a healthy way due to my work hours, not being able to eat at work & constant tiredness but I am still eating a lot more than I was pre preg

X x
I agree re adding more protein, that was the first thing I noticed when I read your food list. Add some nuts in for snacks, and at lunch time have more protein, like ham, tuna (though not too much tuna per week because of the mercury), or any other meat you want in a sandwich or a salad. If you're not too keen on meat etc then try having soup as it keeps you fuller for longer. You can just whizz up a load of vegetables for a nice, hearty homemade soup, much better than ones out of a can.

Sounds like you are being super-healthy which is great, but ultimately if you're still hungry then your body is asking you to give it more fuel. You're working really hard to grow another person! I'd say listen to what your body is telling you, keep with the walking and worry about weight loss after the baby's born. You never know, a lot of your weight gain could be water retention or something, so it may not be actual fat you're gaining. Also I think some ladies find they gain a load of weight fairly quickly, but then the weight gain slows down later in pregnancy and everything just kind of evens out x
I eat a can of tuna a day, and also eat Special K protein cereal. I keep Chocolate Bolthouse protein drinks on hand too, which have 190 calls/8ox, but 4-8oz a day is great for snacks/between meals. I always have our dinner be chicken or 96% fat free ground beef base, etc. I'm not worrying about calories, but do gets lots and lots of protein, fresh fruit, and veggies during the day. I've struggled to have enough of an appetite, but I eat when I'm hungry. I usually have a cup of fresh blueberries as a before bed snack. Just eat healthy and don't worry about it.
Looks like you need much more protein in your body. I know it has more calories than veggies, but it will definitely keep you longer. I wouldn't do nuts because it's way too easy to eat loads of them... but I would add some turkey, lean beef, chicken, fish, etc.

I eat too much all the time - I'm very obese thanks to that and my medical problems that cause me to gain easily. So, I have been REALLY struggling to keep my weight in check this pregnancy. I weigh less now than I do when I conceived, which is really good for me!!! The first thing I decided to do in order to NOT gain as much as I did with my first pregnancy was BREAK the snacking habit. Yes, I felt truly hungry ALL the time - my stomach would growl, I'd feel weak and dizzy if I didn't eat... but the truth is, I was just addicted to food. My body was constantly giving me hunger signals when I wasn't truly hungry! If you're not getting pangs when your mind is truly on something other than food and you're keeping yourself occupied, then you're not actually hungry.

So don't let yourself eat and go do something else. What I do is... since my house is always filthy with 4 adults, a 13 month old and 2 dogs.. If I think I'm hungry when I know I'm not (because I JUST ate within 2 hours), I will go get a glass of water and drink up... and then I'll go clean something. Ya know that bathroom cabinet that has been a mess for years? I'll empty it out, go through anything, throw things out that we're not gonna use, and then organize the rest... Once I'm done with that, I'll scrub the moulding in the bathroom, straighten up the countertop, spray it all down with cleaner, and clean that too... I'll scrub out the shower, then vacuum/sweep and mop the floor. Ahh, a clean bathroom and an hour or two have passed... and even better - I'm too darned tired to eat! That's when I reward myself with some TV or a movie!

I eat at set times every day with 1 snack. So, I'll have breakfast at 11:00-11:30am... then I'll have lunch at 1:30-2:00pm... then a snack at 4:30pm IF I need it... then dinner at 6:30-7:00pm. Then I'm done for the day. I stay satisfied by eating mainly protein with veggies on the side. I can get away with eating 3 slices of bacon and 3 eggs and will be satisfied for hours as long as I keep my mind off of eating.

This is the hardest thing I've ever done, so I'm definitely not saying it's easy. It takes a lot of discipline and self control, but it's worth it for my health and for the health of my baby. Just as it is for you. I'm not saying my 'plan' will work for you, but it is worth a shot. I hope you do find what works for you and what you're able to adhere to... It's tough as when we're hungry during pregnancy, we often feel like the baby NEEDS food or something bad will happen. Definitely not true!!!
You know what, I don't really drink enough water. I will try that and see if it helps! Thanks!
Looks like you need much more protein in your body. I know it has more calories than veggies, but it will definitely keep you longer. I wouldn't do nuts because it's way too easy to eat loads of them... but I would add some turkey, lean beef, chicken, fish, etc.

I eat too much all the time - I'm very obese thanks to that and my medical problems that cause me to gain easily. So, I have been REALLY struggling to keep my weight in check this pregnancy. I weigh less now than I do when I conceived, which is really good for me!!! The first thing I decided to do in order to NOT gain as much as I did with my first pregnancy was BREAK the snacking habit. Yes, I felt truly hungry ALL the time - my stomach would growl, I'd feel weak and dizzy if I didn't eat... but the truth is, I was just addicted to food. My body was constantly giving me hunger signals when I wasn't truly hungry! If you're not getting pangs when your mind is truly on something other than food and you're keeping yourself occupied, then you're not actually hungry.

So don't let yourself eat and go do something else. What I do is... since my house is always filthy with 4 adults, a 13 month old and 2 dogs.. If I think I'm hungry when I know I'm not (because I JUST ate within 2 hours), I will go get a glass of water and drink up... and then I'll go clean something. Ya know that bathroom cabinet that has been a mess for years? I'll empty it out, go through anything, throw things out that we're not gonna use, and then organize the rest... Once I'm done with that, I'll scrub the moulding in the bathroom, straighten up the countertop, spray it all down with cleaner, and clean that too... I'll scrub out the shower, then vacuum/sweep and mop the floor. Ahh, a clean bathroom and an hour or two have passed... and even better - I'm too darned tired to eat! That's when I reward myself with some TV or a movie!

I eat at set times every day with 1 snack. So, I'll have breakfast at 11:00-11:30am... then I'll have lunch at 1:30-2:00pm... then a snack at 4:30pm IF I need it... then dinner at 6:30-7:00pm. Then I'm done for the day. I stay satisfied by eating mainly protein with veggies on the side. I can get away with eating 3 slices of bacon and 3 eggs and will be satisfied for hours as long as I keep my mind off of eating.

This is the hardest thing I've ever done, so I'm definitely not saying it's easy. It takes a lot of discipline and self control, but it's worth it for my health and for the health of my baby. Just as it is for you. I'm not saying my 'plan' will work for you, but it is worth a shot. I hope you do find what works for you and what you're able to adhere to... It's tough as when we're hungry during pregnancy, we often feel like the baby NEEDS food or something bad will happen. Definitely not true!!!

I was actually wondering how much of it was mental compared to physical... Thanks for sharing your experience, I will take it to heart!
I thought tuna was a big no no during pregnancy because of mercury?? I have been craving it but won't go near it.

And I agree with the protein and water intake everyone else is mentioning. When I have extra of those, I am not hungry. When I am slacking in either one, I am starving.
Ive noticed i eat wayyy more than i did pre pregnancy. My meals arent bigger by any means but i choose less healthier options and i snack a lot more. I feel horrible about what i eat but my pre pregnancy meals consisted of veggies and salad - which i used to love but now they do not taste good to me. I eat a ton of carbs, because that is just what tastes good. I really try to keep my snacks healthy- fruits, yogurt etc but when it comes to breakfast i usually eat kashi waffles (which i know are much healthier but its still carbs) for lunch i usually get a sub or sandwich type meal and then for dinner ill have baked chicken or pasta. I don't eat fast food and i dont drink pop/soda and i think that is a HUGE help. I just feel bad about what im putting into my body, its hard. It really sucks. And i eat sweets way more than i used to. Ugh i wish i can go back to my healthy self. On the bright side, i havent gained much at all, maybe 7 pounds max but i still have another 16 weeks to go! ahh
Ive noticed i eat wayyy more than i did pre pregnancy. My meals arent bigger by any means but i choose less healthier options and i snack a lot more. I feel horrible about what i eat but my pre pregnancy meals consisted of veggies and salad - which i used to love but now they do not taste good to me. I eat a ton of carbs, because that is just what tastes good. I really try to keep my snacks healthy- fruits, yogurt etc but when it comes to breakfast i usually eat kashi waffles (which i know are much healthier but its still carbs) for lunch i usually get a sub or sandwich type meal and then for dinner ill have baked chicken or pasta. I don't eat fast food and i dont drink pop/soda and i think that is a HUGE help. I just feel bad about what im putting into my body, its hard. It really sucks. And i eat sweets way more than i used to. Ugh i wish i can go back to my healthy self. On the bright side, i havent gained much at all, maybe 7 pounds max but i still have another 16 weeks to go! ahh

You sound exactly like me! Except I lost 8 pounds in the first trimester and have only gained five of those back...a few weeks ago. And I don't get it, I've totally got a bump, but I can't gain weight no matter how much I may gorge myself. But veggies just are not hitting the spot anymore. And DH & I used to eat a spinach salad a day before this.
I thought tuna was a big no no during pregnancy because of mercury?? I have been craving it but won't go near it.

And I agree with the protein and water intake everyone else is mentioning. When I have extra of those, I am not hungry. When I am slacking in either one, I am starving.

I don't know what the guidelines are in the US but in the UK they say to eat no more than 4 cans a week...which to me sounds a lot! I will only have tuna once a week, if that. I really like it too and find it quite satisfying but don't want to go over the top with it.
I would suggest not calorie counting. The recommended amount will be different for everyone, and your own individual intake will vary from day to day anyway depending on what you do. To me your list is small compared to mine, I'm sure I eat more than that in a day when I'm at work.
The thing is, your body tells you it's hungry because it is, and unless you are seriously overweight and trying to stick to a specific pregnancy diet to combat that, then it's a much better idea to listen to your body and eat when it's telling you to eat.
I think as long as you're eating healthy foods, which you clearly are, then don't count the calories, just eat when you need to.
Here in Canada I think the guidelines are 2 servings of tuna a week, which is 1 can. But it's not supposed to be ahi tuna as that's the type with highest mercury.

Afm, I tried upping my water intake and it helped so much yesterday!! Thanks ladies :)
Please listen to your body and eat more. My mom watched what she ate with my sis and she came out 5 lbs. I eat maybe 1000 calories more per day now yet I am gaining the correct amount of weight.
Everyone is different. Don't limit your calories unless your weight gain is too much.
I thought tuna was a big no no during pregnancy because of mercury?? I have been craving it but won't go near it.

And I agree with the protein and water intake everyone else is mentioning. When I have extra of those, I am not hungry. When I am slacking in either one, I am starving.

You can eat a couple of servings of tuna every week. They suggest the kind of tuna in a can but in water. I normally eat it twice a week :) No issues here.

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