OH and I were in bed giggling over these theories the other day (well, mostly I was giggling... the thought of him giggling is hilarious to me though I can't find a better word for it right now LOL). Even he agreed they must be started by a man.
But the science behind it is supposedly prostaglandins may be more effective if ingested. But then, I've heard the opposite for taking EPO that putting it directly on the cervix is more effective. So what is true?? Lol.
Uhm. I've tried both ways of both methods though, at risk of sharing too much info, and baby is still nicely snuggled in there, hehehe. But after taking the EPO one week, I had gone from 0 signs of cervical change to almost 2cm dilated, completely softened, and somewhat effaced! So who knows. I'll have to see tomorrow if that's changed.
And I've heard the thing about morning sickness too and I swear it did help. The theory I heard with that one is that some medical people (idk who they are, still obviously guys) think it might be caused by your body reacting against the man's DNA so when you introduce more of his DNA into your body... it somehow balances? I found that pretty out there, lol. But what do I know.. I'm not a scientist.
<_< I almost wish I was more disgusted by this issue; I'm actually not at all... which makes me feel kinda pervy lolol.