Swine Flu Vaccine - should i get it?


Connor born 4/4/2010
Aug 16, 2009
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Iv just received letter offering me the swine flu vaccine, do yous think i should get it.

Have any of yous already had it, im worried it could cause side affects etc?
I think it's a very personal decision. Some people feel strongly one way or the other and I don't think there is a right or wrong answer.

I opted to have the vaccine as I work at a school and tend to have a pretty poor immune system (if there's a cold going round I will pick it up!). I was lucky - the only side affect I suffered from was a really sore arm which lasted from the Saturday to the Wednesday but I was lucky as I know others have had some really nasty side affects including flu like symptoms etc.

Listen to gut feeling and do what is right for you.

Take care

I had it too (also work in a school). I also had a sore arm but that was it. It really is a personal decision though x
It's a personal decision, just like everyone is saying. I didn't have it; as I was unsure of the long-term effects it would have on our baby and some allergies I have to ingredients in the shot. Good luck making your decision.
i opted to have the jab. The only side effects i noticed was a slightly runny nose and a sore arm. And when i say sore i mean it hurt to lift ect lol!

But as the other ladies have said its a personal decision :) xx
I had the shot and I'm really glad I did. I've been trying to get over a simple cold for two weeks now. I don't even want to imagine dealing with swine flu symptoms, which are much worse than a simple cold and the potential for complications is much higher.
I chose not to have mine. I'm not all that susceptable to picking up colds or flus. I do agree with the other ladies it is a personal choice whether to have it or not. good luck with your decision.:hugs:
hiya i had my swine flu jab 2 week ago and i have been fine not been ill at all touch wood lol and my baby is moving round all the time so it hasnt done him any harm but it is up to you hope this helps
I had the swine flu vaccine about a month ago and the seasonal flu vaccine the week before. I have asthma and im pregnant, plus my job requires me to meet lots of people and use public transport - personally i felt it was the right decsion for me.

It was a hard decision given how controversial the vaccine has been but since having the vaccine I havent noticed any change in the babys movements and It didnt effectly me badly (barr a sore arm which i couldnt sleep on for 2 days). I'm glad i had it, its helped with my paranoia about picking up evil germs a lot.

I think you need to look at your circumstances -

How controlled is your environement (do u use public transport, work with the same people everyday or work with different people everyday, do you work with children or do you have contact with other vunerable people who you are likely to infect and they might infect you?)

How have you reacted to colds and flu in the past? (do you have additional respratory illness, have you had a cold since you were pregnant and how did you cope? is your lung capacity restricted at the moment because of the baby?)

Do you have other children you need to look after? etc

Good luck, i hope you come to a decsion youre happy with xx
Had mine done at 23 weeks & been fine since, only problem is you do get a dead arm which the nurse says means it is working!
Im not having it :) my reasons are on a thread in 2nd tri! its a very personal decision every women has different circumstances and reasons to have it or not. Deciding is the worst :( hope you come to a decision soon all i can say it read up as much as you can from a credible source

I had my vaccination over a week ago and since then I have done nothing but worry that I have made the wrong decision. My poor husband is really feeling the brunt of it!! I have had no side effects, just a sore arm and baby is moving nicely. I am 30 weeks. Does anyone know of any ladies who have had the vaccination and all is ok with the baby. It may put my mind at rest. Thanks
echoing what everyone else has said.. it's a very personal decision, the best thing you can do is get informed and weigh the pros and cons. I know non-pregnant individuals that got it and still got sick, and others that had no problems at all. I opted to not get it, and am happy with that decision, I haven't gotten sick at all and we've basically been told the second wave is done (here anyway)

whatever decision you make, don't let anyone tell you it was the wrong one! good luck either way :)
i had mine and im happy i did as DH just had swine flu and thankfully DS didnt get it and will be getting his jab early in the new year, Ive picked up every bug ive come in contant with since being pregnant and for me the risks of not having it and ending up with complications are worse than a possible side affect from the vaccine i have one child i already have to look after and would never want to hurt this baby in any way but my priority has to be my son and that means taking care of my health
I had it, only after discussing risks with my Dr. Unfortunately, my Dr has had some pregnant patients who have died from contracting the vaccine...so....I opted to get it.

I had no symptoms really other than feeling a little tired, but who doesn't when you're carrying a whole other being.

As for me, I was paying particular attention to baby afterwards, she seemed slightly more lethargic than usual as well, but as soon as I felt less tired, she started kicking up a storm so I figure she's good too.

Best to ask the experts, assess your beliefs, & other circumstances/issues & then decide.
I chose not to have it. I was offered the vaccine a few weeks ago but I finished work on Friday and am due 20th Jan. I'm not going to be around many people do figured the risk factors would be quite low for me contracting it.

I'm also concerned about the long term effects to my baby. I'll be having the vaccine once I've delivered as I have asthma, I just wasn't willing to put my baby through it too.

It is a personal choice and I'm sure making the decision is the hardest part.

Gem x

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