Symphysis Pubic Dysfunction (SPD)


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Mar 8, 2009
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Hello everyone,
I am a medical student in my second year, and am currently doing a project on pregnancy where we have to explore a health issue of our choosing and talk to women about their experiences of having it, including exploring resources such as internet ones like these to see how people deal with their health problems.
I have decided to focus on SPD, and was wondering if any of you could share your views?

1. When did you first experience SPD pain (both whether it was your first pregnancy or not, and around when in the pregnancy)?

2. How disabling was it, did you have to take maternity leave earlier, did it make you less able to carry out your daily routine etc?

3. What was suggested to you by health professionals?

4. Did you do anything that was suggested- whether home exercises, physiotherapy- anything!

5. What was your main portal of info, did you use alot of resources before visiting the doctor, such as forums like these or other websites/ newspaper articles / magazine article (or are you sceptical of these?)

6. How quickly did it clear up after the pregnancy?

Any information whatsoever would be greatly appreciated, thank-you!
1. When did you first experience SPD pain (both whether it was your first pregnancy or not, and around when in the pregnancy)?

mine started in my 3rd pregnancy,and with this one (my 6th), it started niggling around 18/19 weeks but kicked in properly at 23 weeks-so earlier than all the other times and it is the worst i have ever had it

2. How disabling was it, did you have to take maternity leave earlier, did it make you less able to carry out your daily routine etc?

VERY!! i cannot drive/walk/sit/sleep/get dressed without being in
excruciating agony, i cannot stand for more than a couple of minutes-so i am unable to cook,clean,hoover, etc. My husband has had a lot of time off work so he has been able to help me out. Our sex life has also suffered due to the pain. I get very angry and frustrated that i cannot do things and get very tearful (and snappy too sometimes!)

3. What was suggested to you by health professionals?

i was given crutches and a support belt to wear

4. Did you do anything that was suggested- whether home exercises, physiotherapy- anything!

yes, all the excercises was given by the physio were things i have been doing religiously since 12/13 weeks

5. What was your main portal of info, did you use alot of resources before visiting the doctor, such as forums like these or other websites/ newspaper articles / magazine article (or are you sceptical of these?)

i had all my information from my 3 previous episodes of it that i had from the physios/doctors last time,so hat i have read on the net hasnt told me anything i didnt already know

6. How quickly did it clear up after the pregnancy?

in all the previous ones it has gone as soon as the baby is born-so i am hoping that the same will be said of this one

hope this has helped you
1. When did you first experience SPD pain (both whether it was your first pregnancy or not, and around when in the pregnancy)?
-- I started feeling like I'd been kicked in between the legs at about 18 weeks but got formally diagnosed at 24 weeks (also being told this was fairly early). This is my first pregnancy.

2. How disabling was it, did you have to take maternity leave earlier, did it make you less able to carry out your daily routine etc?
--Very disabling, currently on sick leave from work and hoping it will not lead me to having to start mat leave early/at 36 weeks. Not sleeping/getting comfortable at night. Feeling a bit cheated out of a pregnancy that I was enjoying up til now. Quite emotionally draining - coping with the pain constantly and not liking being pregnant because of it (and feeling guilty about that), not feeling totally 'normal' and blooming in pregnancy! Loss of independence.

3. What was suggested to you by health professionals?
--support belt, crutches and physio, time off work, pilates

4. Did you do anything that was suggested- whether home exercises, physiotherapy- anything!
--physio, home exercises, keeping knees together at all times! Sleeping with pillow in between knees, ante-natal pilates

5. What was your main portal of info, did you use alot of resources before visiting the doctor, such as forums like these or other websites/ newspaper articles / magazine article (or are you sceptical of these?)
--Baby and Bump forum mainly and other internet articles - other women's experiences mostly. I feared that it was SPD and feel like I kind of self-diagnosed before visiting GP - this has hopefully been helpful in receiving treatment early rather than thinking this was just part and parcel of being pregnant

6. How quickly did it clear up after the pregnancy?
--ask me in 15 weeks!

If you want any more info please feel free to contact me
1. When did you first experience SPD pain (both whether it was your first pregnancy or not, and around when in the pregnancy)?
When I was 14weeks pregnant with my daughter
2. How disabling was it, did you have to take maternity leave earlier, did it make you less able to carry out your daily routine etc?
I was unable to get in and out of cars, baths, and seperating my legs was agony, by 24weeks I was in a wheelchair
3. What was suggested to you by health professionals?
A pelvic belt, crutches, and a wheelchair
4. Did you do anything that was suggested- whether home exercises, physiotherapy- anything!
Did physiotherapy and still doing it

5. What was your main portal of info, did you use alot of resources before visiting the doctor, such as forums like these or other websites/ newspaper articles / magazine article (or are you sceptical of these?)
Not really, didn't no much about it until I saw midwife
6. How quickly did it clear up after the pregnancy?
Still had it when I fell pregnant with my little boy so ask me again in July
1. When did you first experience SPD pain (both whether it was your first pregnancy or not, and around when in the pregnancy)? 1st pregnancy around 28 weeks

2. How disabling was it, did you have to take maternity leave earlier, did it make you less able to carry out your daily routine etc? I worked in a call centre and had to work standing up as sitting was painful. I couldnt get out of bath/shower or use stairs without help

3. What was suggested to you by health professionals?
Ride it out! was referred for physio at 32 weeks, got my apt when baby was 6 weeks- WTF

4. Did you do anything that was suggested- whether home exercises, physiotherapy- anything! Never got anything due to not getting physio in time. I used crutches when I needed to, OH had some luckily

5. What was your main portal of info, did you use alot of resources before visiting the doctor, such as forums like these or other websites/ newspaper articles / magazine article (or are you sceptical of these?)
internet/ forum
6. How quickly did it clear up after the pregnancy?
get the od twinge now, but was in pain til cjloe was about 6-8 weeks
1. When did you first experience SPD pain (both whether it was your first pregnancy or not, and around when in the pregnancy)?
30 weeks

2. How disabling was it, did you have to take maternity leave earlier, did it make you less able to carry out your daily routine etc?
Fairly disabling, I was told to take early maternity leave at 30 weeks (7 wks early) by my GP but I didn't want to. We have a lift at work fortunately. Was on crutches from then on. My other half had to take over most housework

3. What was suggested to you by health professionals?
It was very confusing. First I was told I would have to have a c section at 37 weeks, then I was told I could go to full term, then I was told Id have to be induced at 37 weeks, then I got a date for induction 3 days after my due date but I would have to have an epidural. Fortunately I gave birth on my due date and it was too late for an epi as everything happened so quickly. Before the birth I was put on a list for physio (which was so long no one got in touch with me til after Jnr was born), got a support band, cocodamol and crutches to help me cope.

4. Did you do anything that was suggested- whether home exercises, physiotherapy- anything!
I was never suggested home excersizes and physio waiting list was huge so no one got in touch with me until after I gave birth.

5. What was your main portal of info, did you use alot of resources before visiting the doctor, such as forums like these or other websites/ newspaper articles / magazine article (or are you sceptical of these?)
I was nervous about reading things as everything I ahd read contradicted each other, plus I was getting even more different info from GPs, midwifes, hospital and a family member who is a GP. No one really seemed to know much about it.

6. How quickly did it clear up after the pregnancy?
Still get niggles now but probably took about 8-9 weeks to get to the stage Im at now. It got a bit better pretty much as soon as I gave birth.

1. When did you first experience SPD pain (both whether it was your first pregnancy or not, and around when in the pregnancy)?

at around 11 weeks, medical professionals dismissed it as muscular pain, wee infection or were just simply confused by it. one dr who was actually on maternityward actually told me to take codeine and when i suggested spd or pelvic girdle pain as it's now known completly dismissed it telling me he didn't know what that was,baby wasn't big enough to cause any pain, he didn't know what i wanted/what i'd come in for and he couldn't do anything for me if i didn't take the painrelief tablets and that i was over weight! i had it with my 1st son too, diagnosed from around 5months... you never forget that spd feeling! seen midwife at around 14weeks, who reffered my to physio - so was diagnosed at 14weeks approx.

2. How disabling was it, did you have to take maternity leave earlier, did it make you less able to carry out your daily routine etc?

i'm a full time mum so looking after my 3year old son is impossible. he spends nearly all his time with my nan (his great nan). my partner has also had to taketime off work to look after me. i don't go out often. it isn't just the physical side it's the emotional side that's hard too. having to rely on people and it puts alot of pressure on my partner who has a fulltime job. our housework has deffinitly taken a turn for the worse!!

3. What was suggested to you by health professionals?

i wasn't given an examination, but given a belt and told to go back if i felt i needed annything more. i wasn't given any exercises or told about them, but with 1st pregnancy i was. with 1st pregnancy i tried crutches but getting around was hardwork, too much hassell for the bit of relief it provided. also, taking paracetamol which i don't likedoing, but at times have and it doesn't provide much relief for very long.

4. Did you do anything that was suggested- whether home exercises, physiotherapy- anything!

not alot was suggested appart from the obvious eg. not lifting, keeping legs together etc etc. which is common sense as you know yourself what hurts.

5. What was your main portal of info, did you use alot of resources before visiting the doctor, such as forums like these or other websites/ newspaper articles / magazine article (or are you sceptical of these?)

no, as i mentioned i had it with 1st pregnancy so knew what the pains were. with 1st pregnancy though i didn't know why i was sore, but it didn't take long for that to be diagnosed - all within a few hours of going to maternity ward.

6. How quickly did it clear up after the pregnancy?

with 1st literally straight away, i wanted to walk everywhere! it was so odd seeing all the other women on the ward walking super slow with practically bow legs and iwas strutting around, the relief was amazing!! with this preg i have 6 weeks till due date, so will see then.

1. When did you first experience SPD pain (both whether it was your first pregnancy or not, and around when in the pregnancy)?


2. How disabling was it, did you have to take maternity leave earlier, did it make you less able to carry out your daily routine etc?

3. What was suggested to you by health professionals?

4. Did you do anything that was suggested- whether home exercises, physiotherapy- anything!

5. What was your main portal of info, did you use alot of resources before visiting the doctor, such as forums like these or other websites/ newspaper articles / magazine article (or are you sceptical of these?)

6. How quickly did it clear up after the pregnancy?
1. When did you first experience SPD pain (both whether it was your first pregnancy or not, and around when in the pregnancy)?
Started to feel it around 27-28 weeks. This was my first (and so far only) pregnancy.

2. How disabling was it, did you have to take maternity leave earlier, did it make you less able to carry out your daily routine etc?
Was able to carry on working but it was really painful. I walked really slowly and found I couldn't sit on anything that wasn't really soft either as it hurt to even sit!

3. What was suggested to you by health professionals?
Physiotherapy- I was given exercises to do and a support thing that went around my waist and hips.

4. Did you do anything that was suggested- whether home exercises, physiotherapy- anything!
I did everything that was suggested! Exercises, walking differently, wearing the support band.

5. What was your main portal of info, did you use alot of resources before visiting the doctor, such as forums like these or other websites/ newspaper articles / magazine article (or are you sceptical of these?)
I used search engines and forums to get more info.

6. How quickly did it clear up after the pregnancy?
A few weeks after I had given birth, although the pain reduced considerably just after.

More info: I found the end of the pregnancy really hard because of the pain from this. It hurt to walk anywhere and I had to walk to my midwife/doctor appointments. I was begging the midwife to induce me early just to get rid of the pain! The midwife didn't take it very seriously, saying it was normal for a pregnant woman.... I wasn't impressed with that response.
1. When did you first experience SPD pain (both whether it was your first pregnancy or not, and around when in the pregnancy)?

1st pregnancy. Around 26/28 weeks along

2. How disabling was it, did you have to take maternity leave earlier, did it make you less able to carry out your daily routine etc?

Walking was painful but i limited distances and parked close to places or got OH to drop me to the door of shops etc! I found sleeping at night the worst as I was in agony trying to turn/move in bed. Consequently I had many disturbed nights sleep before the baby even arrived

3. What was suggested to you by health professionals?

HA! My midwife said in my final couple of weeks that I 'probably' had SPD after all, but there was little point doing anything now

4. Did you do anything that was suggested- whether home exercises, physiotherapy- anything!

Nothing suggested

5. What was your main portal of info, did you use alot of resources before visiting the doctor, such as forums like these or other websites/ newspaper articles / magazine article (or are you sceptical of these?)

Went online to look at my symptoms and suspected I had SPD from this and from this forum/website

6. How quickly did it clear up after the pregnancy?

Thankfully very quickly and within a month.
Are you still looking for information on this ? If so i had the most extreem version of SPD and needed have the front of my pelvis metal plated ?? i am happy to tell all if your still looking for info ?

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