Did anyone have trouble with your older child wanting a younger sibling's pacifier? My son is 25 months and an avid paci user. Night and nap, and he asks for it during the day all the time (we hide them). We try to limit his use if he's not sleeping or in the car seat, but I'm dealing with pretty bad morning sickness right now and I don't always have the energy to fight him wanting it for some quiet time during the day.
I was talking to my mom about weaning him from it soon, but she mentioned it might be pointless if the coming baby takes one too. We can lean on the "big boy" and "baby" difference, but I'm a little uncomfortable with it because I don't want him to think he's not my baby still or that being a big brother forces him to grow up in ways he's not ready for...
He's pediatrician says don't mess with it if he's sleeping well, which he is. But, not to compare children, he's the only kid we know his age that uses one and I feel like I'm doing something wrong by allowing it still... Especially when I give in and allow it during wake times.
I was a very avid thumb sucker until about 6, so he comes by his oral fixation honestly...