Hi just after some advice if anyone can help. I want to go and live in Australia (from the UK) in 2 years with my son and my soon to be new husband, problem is FOB is on the birth cert and so has parental responsibility so I'd need his permission. FOB is a waste of space, hasnt seen our son for a year now. It was his choice to stop seeing him and he has never paid towards his upbringing other than the £2.50 a week the CSA takes from his Jobseekers Allowance - he quit his job 3 years ago when the CSA went after him and hasnt worked since. I really dont know if he'd give permission or not but does anyone know, if I took it to court is it likely the court would say yes? Considering he wouldnt have seen the child for at least 3 years, surely they wouldnt allow him much of a say or decide its in my sons best interests to stay near a father who hasnt bothered with him for so long?