HELP i am 16,
i need somones help to possibly tell me if im pregnant im to scared to take a test
my mom flipped out last time i did and told me that she will make me get rid of my baby if i ever became pregnant is that possible??? i havnt been feeling good for i think 2 months im constantly tired my lower stomach is getting hard and im not forsure if that is even a sign my breasts are tender i havnt been feelings well like im nausea and i keep getting headaches i have really bad mood problems i cry for no reason i even cried because we didnt have pizza rolls i dont know what to think and im scared to death i know me and my boyfriend can take care of it but i dont want my mother to get rid of my child i have had my period but the last 2 havnt been normal they have been lighter and shorter then normal i dont know what to think can someone please tell me what they think PLEASE
i need somones help to possibly tell me if im pregnant im to scared to take a test
my mom flipped out last time i did and told me that she will make me get rid of my baby if i ever became pregnant is that possible??? i havnt been feeling good for i think 2 months im constantly tired my lower stomach is getting hard and im not forsure if that is even a sign my breasts are tender i havnt been feelings well like im nausea and i keep getting headaches i have really bad mood problems i cry for no reason i even cried because we didnt have pizza rolls i dont know what to think and im scared to death i know me and my boyfriend can take care of it but i dont want my mother to get rid of my child i have had my period but the last 2 havnt been normal they have been lighter and shorter then normal i dont know what to think can someone please tell me what they think PLEASE