Teething solutions?


Aug 28, 2008
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I'm not overly sure if Claire is teething, but she has alot of the classic symptoms. Poop is runnier than normal, flushed red cheeks, drooling like a faucet and sleep patterns gone awry. If I look in her mouth I don't see any red spots on her gums or anything, or feel any bumps. She's really starting to want to chew things though, and my OH wanted me to ask on here about stuff to relieve possible teething pain.

I remember reading/seeing somewhere that Baby Orajel is horrible for them and to not use it. My SIL uses those mesh soothers to put an ice cube in to let her son suck on it to numb the gums. Claire will barely take a normal soother, so I don't know how effective this would be. What did you guys do to make the teething process a bit less painful for your LOs?
Tylenol if it's really bad and once in a while oragel. There are these pill things that work somewhat okay. I just checked they are called Hylands and they are homeopathic teething tablets. I *think* that Shoppers sells them
i use either bonjela or teething powder
baby orajel, numbs the gums instantly. Strong stuff too, got some one my finger once and it got on my tongue so I know it works.
See I had heard that Orajel is full of stuff that they shouldn't have. Now I'm all confused! :shrug:

I suppose once in awhile won't hurt, but are there any other creams out there that might work?
The Hylands teething tablets also come in a gel which we've used before with Hannah. We didn't know about not using oragel until a few months ago and even now we use it if she just refuses to settle (though we try tylenol and the tablets first).....The Hylands gel is homeopathic too and is pretty much the same thing as the tablets, just in gel form. And it is definitely sold at Shoppers
Ive used the baby oralgel, each to their own. Im not worried though.

I also have an awesome thing called a razberry teether... Jasmine looooves chewing on it!
Vickie - I think I might look into that stuff you mentioned. Sorry to be a pain, but what asile is it in? The baby section?

Ryder - I've seen those raspberry soothers. They're that good, eh? I might have to look into one of those too!
yesssss!!!!!!!!! Jasmine loves hers so much, they dont use it like a soother at all either. They can chew on any part of it and it is bumpy so it massages their gums.

This thing looks good too, I think toys r us might have them.. I may buy one to try...

We have a Sophie! And Claire LOOOOOOOVES it!!! I would highly recommend buying one. The spots offer contrast to get their attention, and the texture is gummy which feels good on their gums. She also squeaks, which makes Claire squeal when she manages to get her to do it.

It's the only thing as well that when Claire is in full pissed-off screeching will get her attention back to something else, rather than how freaking ticked off she is! My SIL said that the same company now has another toy out, along with Sophie, but we don't know what it is.
I give max some tempra when its supper bad ..but other then that we buy some natural capsules from walmart ..the company makes them is called "laboratoire boiron " its mostly in the pharmacy section
Yup there is this other toy that is usually right along with Sophie at Toys R Us. I just use teething rings that were in the fridge and tylenol. I use Tylenol all the time :rofl:
Vickie - I think I might look into that stuff you mentioned. Sorry to be a pain, but what asile is it in? The baby section?

Ryder - I've seen those raspberry soothers. They're that good, eh? I might have to look into one of those too!

sorry just saw this, it's not in the baby aisle it's in the aisle with all the oral meds/gels...adult and baby together :D

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