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Tell me it gets easier


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2013
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Me and dh have always been inseparably close. I knew having a baby would change things but I never knew it would be so hard. Our baby is near 3 weeks.I feel like I never see dh. I miss him. We can't cuddle because she is always feeding or crying. We don't talk about anything other than her, we sit in separate chairs so i can feed, we don't get to go to bed together because I have to stay up to settle her, we eat dinner separately because she is usually screaming, dh is at work all day but when he is home I just feel like we have no time together and I miss my husband! Someone tell me it gets easier?
It does; hubby and I are even closer now that we're parents as well as spouses. The first days are rough in general, then it tends to settle down into a routine. What helped us was still going on dates, getting out of the house right from the beginning, and making time for each other - we just brought her along with us.

Does she maybe have colic?
I've been giving her infacol and it had made things better but the last three days she's just been a nightmare in the evening. Although she had been fine at night until tonight!
Me and dh have always been inseparably close. I knew having a baby would change things but I never knew it would be so hard. Our baby is near 3 weeks.I feel like I never see dh. I miss him. We can't cuddle because she is always feeding or crying. We don't talk about anything other than her, we sit in separate chairs so i can feed, we don't get to go to bed together because I have to stay up to settle her, we eat dinner separately because she is usually screaming, dh is at work all day but when he is home I just feel like we have no time together and I miss my husband! Someone tell me it gets easier?

I sympathise SO much. I went through a very rough time at this stage with DS and felt exactly as you describe! DS is now almost 4, so first, yes, I can promise and I can say this because I KNOW, it gets better. In fact it doesn't just get better, it gets to be wonderful and better than it was pre-baby. Honest!

When DS was a few weeks old, I was pretty miserable. I loved him of course! But in the smallest way, I would resent the time he took up. I remember having a slight meltdown over just wanting to have a bath and a conversation "like a normal person". Me and OH were the same - been best friends/OHs since teenhood, and used to loads of time together, watching films, going out together, long conversations, etc. For years it was just us, as it is for a lot of couples! So when DS came along, it was a shock to the system. I missed OH desperately and felt like nothing more than some machine who just zombied about feeding, shhhing, cuddling, cleaning, and all the while, attempting to hold a conversation of 3 words at least! I almost wanted to press pause and snuggle up to OH in silence and remember what it was like to just be quiet and still for awhile! It's normal to feel like that I promise- well, it was for me anyway.

Hormones are going crazy, as are emotions, and you're exhausted, and when you're tired, everything is a big deal, everything is heightened and everything seems bigger than it is. Try not to expect too much too soon. This was my biggest flaw. I wanted a routine, everything to be smooth, everything to be normal and back to how it's always been, but just with a sleeping baby in the background. That does happen eventually, but just not yet. So if I had advice for me back then, and I could turn back the clock, I would relax, take each day, resign yourself to the fact that things are going to be unlike everything you've known for a while - and just be. Then somehow, you get into a routine, and a new "normal" happens and you feel right at home again!

Then, when you're ready and everything's a bit calmer, make sure you have a nice date night :winkwink::flower:

But it does get better. These first few weeks are wonderful, but they are bloody bloody hard.
Thanks wanna-be it's good to hear someone who understands, I love being a mum ... Id just like one day off!
It gets so much better! :hugs: I remember feeling the same as you described. You will all fall into a routine soon and you will feel more like yourself little by little.
Last night we had a couple of hours where she slept in her crib and and and dh just got to cuddle, our was so special, I guess I just have to make the most of the times we do get. Thanks everyone, feeling more positive today.
Yes it gets better. I found once DS was able to sit in a high chair mealtimes were much nicer. Also you will get your evenings back
It does. Me and my husband did the same sort of thing taking it in turns and it used to upset me so much that we didn't go to bed together but it did change a few weeks in and get better :)
Oh it gets soooo much easier, it's still so early, I can hardly remember the first month, I found it horrendous! You will get your evenings back and everything will settle into a new normal. Just try to connect in anyway you can now, even if ifs only a quick hug, and it'll all come back round!
Hey Spicyorange we were both due around the same time and just wanted to let you know I am in the same boat!! He is also extremely fussy some evenings. He is 5 weeks tomorrow and a few recent nights I've gotten some 4 to 5 hours breaks to nap!! It's really hard doing it all alone most the time.. I know I have the time off work to do it but it's really hard! Couldn't imagine having more then 1 child right now. Can't wait for a routine!! I am so tired!
Yes, it definitely does it easier. It never gets as easy as it was before you had a baby. Things will be different now. But yes, it definitely gets easier. My husband had off nearly a month when we had our daughter as he took his paternity leave and then annual leave, but even still it felt like we never spent time together as one of us always had her and we were never alone. Up until probably 4 weeks, I used to go to bed in the evening at about 7 after her last feed so I could sleep til she woke for a feed at around 10/11 (he would sit downstairs while she slept in a wrap with him). Probably sometime around 6-8 weeks, we actually had our first meal together and a glass of wine for me, which was a big deal. Our daughter started to sleep independently in the evenings by 3-4 months (that seems like a long way off now, but trust me, it's not), which meant we actually had time alone together to make dinner and relax until we went to bed when she woke for a feed. Now we even get the occasional date night out since our daughter was about 7 months. It's fantastic. Things are never exactly like they were before because becoming parents changes things, but you do start to feel like yourselves again and to be able to relax and have an adult conversation and have time out together when you aren't doing baby things. I remember someone told me before I had my daughter that the first 6 weeks are the hardest thing you will ever go through and you'll never believe that it would be possible that life could ever feel normal again. It does. It will just take a little time, but knowing that it's supposed to be like this in the short-term helps it to not feel so overwhelming. It will definitely get easier.
I feel a bit like you at the moment. This is our third child and it does get better, we just have to hang on in there until things settle a bit.
Yes it does get easier it DEFINATELY does. DH and I were married 7years when DS was born together for 9. We were inseparable, we done everything together then DS came. No more late night trips to the supermarket no more spur of the moment trips no more midweek drink treats. DS was the hardest thing we've ever done. I remember not feeling human after he was born my birth was horrific with a ridiculous recovery time. And for the first time ever my husband even asked could I come back after it. But I came back and we're back to where we were. DS is amazing but he's changed us were different people than we were 2years ago we are better we are more patient the little things don't bother us anymore. It gets better I promise this is your next stage. Once baby starts settling better and routines have been set you'll be back to who you were.

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