I have seen both sides of the welfare/food stamps/government aid (whatever you want to call it).
I was a cashier for 8 years through highschool, college, and part time during my teaching career (yes, teachers get paid so little they need a second job but I'm not on welfare...lol...I guess that really isn't a laughing matter...sorry if I seem insensitive). Anyway, I saw so many people on food stamps and WIC come through my line drunk and high, using the food stamps for their "munchies". It made me sick. Here I am, graduated from college with a career and my oh fighting for our country in Iraq, but still working a second job just to support myself (I did not qualify to rent an apartment because I didn't make enough!) but I refused to even try to get government aide. As long as I was still living and paying my bills, I would rather not rely on someone else to pay my bills. I would feel so guilty going out for drinks with my friends knowing that tax payers are buying my food.
I went to school with a girl on food stamps and she said she could have filet minoin (spelling?) every night if she wanted to. Why does the government give people so much money? I can't afford that every night and both dh and I have careers!
Now, this doesn't apply to those who really NEED the help (disabled, down on thier luck out of their control, etc.) There was a man who used to come in the store and buy all store brand items and spend as little as possible. He always bought the necessities. His wife left him with his 3 kids and he was laid off from work. The poor man worked lots of odd jobs to try to support himself and his kids. He always looked so worn down, tired, and like the world was on his shoulders. I had so much respect for him!
Now on the teen pregnancy front...so controversial. I will say that I had a high school sweetheart that I dated for 2 1/2 years. We were sexually active by the time we were 16 and had waited almost a year after we had started dating (sadly, this seems rare these days). We discussed the possibility of getting pregnant (even though I was on bc) and what we would do about it AS SOON AS we started having sex. We were both very mature for our ages at the time. I do not regret losing my virginity at 16 because I truely did love my bf (in fact, we were engaged for a while). We knew the huge risk we were taking and we had discussed it. We also agreed that our parents WOULD NOT raise our baby (even if it meant we went into severe debt and owed them lots of money in the end). We both worked (I had 3 jobs) and would do as much as we could on our own. Unfortunately, I know this is not the case for most teens. However, I really try not to judge teen moms because I know what I was thinking at that age and have no regrets about it. (I was also friends who was raped at 16 and got pregnant and decided to keep the baby....don't even get me into that story.) It was hard, but she was, and still is, a wonderful mother.
I guess what I am trying to say is that there are always two sides of the coin. There are people who work their a$$es off and deserve the help and those people who completely abuse the system. As much as I want to look at people with disgust, I try to remind myself that I have not walked a minute in their shoes and don't know what they are going through. Just like most people have not walked in our infertile shoes and don't know what we are going through. (Don't we get upset when fertile people judge us for being jealous?)