Oh sweetie!! I know 100% how you are feeling.
Fob originally said an amount by text he'd pay - I asked for more and when he visited LO at 1 week old didn't bring any money.
He then made no contact. I contacted the CSA and he denied paternity!
That hurt so much....
Like I said in another thread FOB's crazy ex pretended to be a nurse and I let her in my home, I contacted the police and they admitted doing it.
I called him and had a massive go at him. She must of been listening cos he was saying, "he isn't mine", "you slagged around" but the worst one was..... "I'm not paying for your mistake"......
I was heartbroken and screamed. "but you wanted him.... We planned him.... I gave him the names we'd chosen years ago" he then said "my main concern is my gf and our future"
I was crying and kept repeating, "but how can you not want him..."
I then got abusive..... Lol!
I dropped CSA..... Some people agree with my decision some don't.
I feel that if fob is that evil and nasty that he can deny he is my son's father, get his gf to do that to us and not want to pay for his upbringing (fob knows I would have put the money into LOs saving account) then I don't want him being in my LO's life. The door is closed now.
I don't want my son influenced by people like that.....
I don't know (once DNA was proven) if he would of seen LO but like I said now that he's shown his true colours I don't want him part of LO's life.
I think when he received the CSA letter cancelling my claim it was a silent agreement between us that I leave him alone and he leaves me alone.
People apparently ask him about LO and instead of slagging me down he just says "I don't wanna talk about it".
So sorry I have over took your thread.... These "men" make me soo sad and angry. I bet you look at your little girl and think, "how can he not want you?"
Take him to the CSA and they'll make him pay what he should or do what I did and just try and forget him.
Write down all the things he says and does and if LO wants to know the truth as an adult you have it.
(my dad walked out when I was 7 and I blamed my mum for years
- I'm so scared LO will blame me for not having a "dad".)
Massive hugs hunni

keep being a good mum and try not to think about them! (it's hard though isn't it)
Pm if you want.