Evening ladies!
All seems quiet for me today.....had some vivid nightmares last night (about babies!) and have wierd cramps this evening. Funny thing is, if these are symptoms I am experiencing they seem quite different to last time. Last time I got a few spots and didn't have the thrush (tmi), nighmares or "I'm pregnant" feeling...Although maybe that is a good thing because it didnt go so well last time.
Guppy...looks like you ovd CD 20 last time do its still early for you. My body played similar tricks on my this cycle going up around CD14/15 and I thought ov was going to be confirmed. Turned out to be CD24!
Thatgirl...your temps are still on the up so its FAR from over! You are making me think twice about testing on Wednesday at 8dpo though because I know how disheartening it is to see a BFN.
crossroads...your temps are looking great - way up there! I only got my last BFP at 16dpo.
...I wonder what joy tomorrows temps will bring!
Hi chick

I filled in the poll-thingy on your chart.
I've been swotting up on the complexities of charting and reading the book "Take Charge of Your Fertility", and after studying your charts it looks like perhaps you may have a progesterone deficienty (due to the low temps in the luteal phase). What do you think? If I'm right, the doc can sort it out! x