Titi that's what Im thinking too, and hoping for! I have been taking B6 and a B-Complex this cycle. Don't know if that could cause the CM or not, but I usually have tons of fertile CM for some reason (even when i wasn't taking those Vitamins)

That would be really cool if we Ov on the same day, because regardless of due dates, our little beans will be almost exactly the same age

Yay little beans!!!! FX'd for both of us!!! I wanted to tell you that a girl at the shower I went to said her friend got a sticky bean after over a year of ttc when she put a prayer for it in a "God box". I thought you might like that-
I have been taking my prenatal since 05/08 and also in May started taking a b complex for anxiety-didn't realize it did anything more and was taking quite a bit. I stopped for a month and probably am now taking about 50mg. all together a day. Didn't notice much of anything different about my cycle.