jodie...think I see ov in there somewhere :thumbup hope FF gives you crosshairs soon.
Gossip...its looking soooo good! couple more days and you will know for sure - lots of people felt like AF was coming just before their BFPs!
Chris77...Are you kidding? What FANTASTIC temps! Major rebound there makes me think something's a brewing in your belly or I have lost the plot.
Guppy...Yay on your ov

wonderful feeling to get it a couple of days early hey? and your BD timing looks so so good
kstancook....incredibly pleased you are all set for this cycle. It is so encouraging to get your doctors "blessing" and it sounds like you have a good one!
Few observations about me these past couple of days:
Ok so I have been the grumpy bee-atch from hell today! Burst into tears at work because I am still fighting with the travel insurance to pay my medical expenses for my ectopic (9 weeks ago). I just want to move on with things and to continually be reminded of the whole saga just makes me

I have also been hungrier than I have ever been in my life but am putting that down to the cold weather and my general tendency for being greedy!
Finally my CM has been wierd
Are you still with me? Thought so!
It seems like it can't make up its mind whether it wants to be creamy or EW so just looks like yellowish stringy snot most of the time. Other times it looks like you know when you try wipe a stain off a shirt using wet toilet paper and it kind of disintegrates and makes a mess? - like that! Its def not thrush because I had that last cycle and this is different. No smell no itch and there is a fair bit of it...B6 again maybe?
No matter what "symptoms" I can come up with I really and truly feel unpregnant still.
I do think my post ov temps are looking a bit better though which must be the B6 so let hope it means my LF will be longer than 10 days this time.
Sorry for the essay. Night girls. x