So this is WHY I had resolved not to chart this month and now look at the pyschological mess I put myself in right before a nice stress free AF due.
On CD26 today. AF comes between cd26-28, depending when I ov which of course I'm not sure of b/c I didn't chart-but I think 14dpo is Sun.
When I was temping before I temped around 5:45am.
Well this morning my alarm went off at 5 and I woke up and read some emails on phone & then decided to sleep in for Friday. At 6:50 I woke up again, laid around, checked some more phone emails, sat up for a minute, and then it occurred to me that AF could come today. So on a whim, I decided, 'why not just check my temp??" So I temped and this was so stupid of me b/c it's not going to mean a thing late, after being up a little and not a solid block of sleep after not temping a whole month. But it was 98.67. My coverline is usually around 97.7.
So-even though that should be the worst temp ever of course now I've gone and put the slightest question in my head after almost a completely symptom and stress free cycle.
Girls-help me out. Would not getting solid 3 hour block combined with being awake 5 minutes/moving around a little in bed and temping an hour late make a temp that high?