The arrival of Lydia Jade 26/03/11 - A Wonderful Home Water Birth!


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2008
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Well my little girl is a week old today :shock: That has gone so fast! Thought it was time to post my birth story :) Its really long sorry!!

*Lisa (aka Mervsmum on here) is my doula, my dad lives with me and my mum is just over visiting*

24th March - My due date. I wanted to make this day as 'normal' as possible, try not to think too much about me going overdue. So I went to have my hair done at the hair dressers, then me and my mum went into town for some lunch. I was having some very strong BH's whilst walking, not too painful just very tight and achy. We sat down in the cafe and I kept getting very hot and faint, which would come and go. We stayed out for another hour or so then I said I needed to go home as I wasnt feeling very good.

I went to bed as normal, woke up the next morning feeling very ill, I went to the doctors to make sure I didnt have a chest infection as I had a bad cough and he said it was just a viral infection and to rest, so I stayed in bed most of the day.

Around 3pm I started getting the tightenings again, very irregular so I thought nothing of it. By around 8pm my dad was getting a little over excited :dohh: and started to time them. They were coming every 10 minutes and were strong but not too painful. I went to bed around 11pm and I think it was about an hour later I went in to tell my dad that I did think this was it. The contractions felt different than all the other niggles Id had over the past 3 weeks. But I was going to try to get some sleep. The contractions continued every 10 mins but I managed to sleep through them, waking breifly every hour or so. Then at 4am I was woken by one and I couldnt stay in bed any longer.

I went in to tell my dad that things were starting but to stay in bed as it could be a while yet. I told my mum the same thing. Then I went downstairs, sorted the dogs out and tidied round a bit. At about 4:45 the contractions were getting a bit closer and stronger so I text Lisa to let her know what was happening. I had a bath and stayed in there until I was getting uncomfortable. I text Lisa back about an hour later to ask to to come over as things were starting to progress.

At around 6am I called the hospital to let them know I was in Labour and having a homebirth. They got the community MW who was on call to give me a ring. She called me back within half an hour and said she would like to come out to see how I was doing. So she arrived around 7am shortly followed by Lisa.

MW checked baby and asked what had been happening. I had decided in my birth plan I wanted minimal VE's, so I was a little unsure what to do when the MW said she would like to do an internal so she could let the MW's who would be attending know where I was upto (She went off call at 8am) so we all had a cup of tea and I eventually decided I would like to know what was happening, so agreed to the VE.

By this point my children had woken up and my mum and dad had them watching tv in one of the bedrooms. I explained to Caeden, my 3 year old, that Lydia was coming today and he was very excited :D

After being checked MW told me I was 3cm but could be stretched to 6cm, babys head had dropped very low and things were all looking good! So off she went and Lisa started getting my lounge cosy and ready with candles, relaxing music and getting the pool up. My dad took Caeden out to my grandmas and Logan was playing upstairs with my mum.

From then the contractions were getting fairly strong but we needed them to be lasting a little longer. I breathed through them whilst kneeling down and leaning over my birthing ball. After a while I decided id like to get into the pool and it instantly took the edge off the contractions. It was lovely!! As the contractions started to get stronger Lisa encouranged me and reminded me I was getting the lovely calm Labour I had planned and was helping me with my breathing. I have to say that I think I would have lost control at this point if it hadnt been for the amazing support and encouragement I got from Lisa.

When the contracions started to become very intense I was beginning to struggle through them (I felt I was losing control to be honest and making all sorts of noises, but Lisa tells me it was all very calm!) and I asked her to call the MW's as I needed some gas and air.

As Lisa was on the phone to the MW I felt my waters going and an immediate urge to push. The MW told Lisa they were setting off.

I continued to breath down with the contractions best I could, again I felt like I was being really loud through the contractions but Lisa and my parents say it wasnt as bad as I think it was and it remained calm throughout.

My mum and dad waited outside to watch for the midwives arriving. I was finding it all very intense at this point and I was scared, mainly because I just kept thinking 'This baby is coming and I CANT do it without gas and air!' :haha: It all went really fast from here, I remember the urges to push being so uncontrollable and I could feel her moving down. I was trying so hard to breath but I could help but hold my breath and push when my body told me to. Minutes later I told Lisa baby was crowning and then all of a sudden out she came, her head and body all in one push. My mum and dad must have heard me say 'shes here' as they came in the lounge just as I caught her and lifted her out of the water.

I have to say this wasnt the smiley happy moment I thought it would be. Although I was so happy to see her and couldnt stop looking her, I was completely shocked and scared at what had just happened and how quick she came. Lisa helped me to sit back and I had skin to skin immediately with Lydia. The MW arrived minutes later and congratulated me.

Once the cord had stopped pulsing the MW helped my dad to cut it. Lydia was covered in thick vernix and was a lovely pink colour. She was very calm and content in the pool with me. I had a physiological 3rd stage whilst still in the pool, the placenta came away fairly quickly and all was perfect.

I got out of the pool and after being checked I got comfortable on the couch and Lydia latched well and fed for ages. I was so tired and really struggled to stay awake whilst she was feeding lol!

I had only a small 1st degree tear so refused stitches. About an hour later the MW's and Lisa helped me upstairs and I got into bed with Lydia. My mum made me sandwiches and brought my little boy in to meet his sister :cloud9:

Once the MW's were happy and everything was cleared away Lisa came to check we was ok before saying her goodbyes and going home. Caeden came back not long later and was so happy to see his little sister he gave her a big kiss and a cuddle.

Lydia Jade was born in my lounge on 26th March at 11:03 am, weighing 7lb10oz and is the most perfect little girl I have ever seen :cloud9:

Heres some pictures from the birth and one of my little girl at a day old :)
what a lovely story!!!

She's beautiful and you did sooo well!
Congrats on the arrival of your little princess!

I hope things go quick for me as they did for you!
She's gorgeous. You did wonderfully. Congratulations.x
wow what a fantastic birth story. Congratulations on your gorgeous little girl and amazing birth :D xxx
Well done again darling. You were amazing. It was exactly the calm, peaceful birth we planned and I never doubted for a second you would achieve.

Lovely story, congratulations :)
wow thats amazing,cant wait to have that experiance,def want a pool birth especially as you seemed so comfortable with it :thumbup:
That sounds lovely! Congratulations! LOVE the pictures!

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