The birth of Aaron- Very positive story, especially for young women who dont want epi


Feb 28, 2010
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WARNING: LONGGGG STORY BUT WITH PROBABLY TOO MUCH DETAIL AND THINGS THAT PROBABLY ARENT NEEDED TO KNOW LOL!! Hey everyone! My baby boy Aaron was born February 23, 2011 (1 day overdue) at 11:31pm. He weighed 7lb, 13 oz. and measured 20.5" long with a 12.5cm head. I had a relatively easy labor and delivery, and I would do it again in a heartbeat! I would go through it all again right this minute if I wasnt stitched up! :haha:

It started on Wednesday, feb 23. I was one day overdue and had my regularly scheduled doctors appt at 11am. Before the appointment I showered and got what I thought were 2 contractions. They werent high up in my bump, but exactly like period cramps, real low and uncomfortable. They didnt last long, but since I was having back pain and very light cramp for the past 2 days, I didnt think much of it. We got to the doctors office at 11 and when I took my urine test, there was bright red blood in my underwear! I've had my show!, I thought to myself. I went back into the lobby and told DH, who of course was reading a car magazine and he said "Oh, thats good." Totally disinterested! :haha: I started getting the crampiness again. They seemed to be coming every 10 mins or so, but then tapered off a bit. All the while, DH is saying to me, "Look at this car!" "Can you believe this car beat that car in a race?" "Wow look at the engine in this one!!" :lol:
I didnt like sitting through the contractions, I preferred to walk, so I started walking around the lobby. Now usually, they call my name right after my urine test, but today it was 12 oclock and finally a nurse came out, looked at me, and asked the receptionist if she checked me in. THE RECEPTIONIST NEVER PUT MY PAPERWORK IN TO TELL MY DOCTOR I WAS THERE!!!!!!! :grr:
So they brought me in to the exam room, took my weight and my blood pressure, and the nurse looked at me and asked, "are you stressed out today, your blood presure is very high". I replied, "I think Im going into labor. Im having contractions on and off, and I had blood in my underwear just now." She went to go get my doctor. However, a different doctor came in. She gave me an internal and said "Okay, we have a bit of a bloody show and youre about 2cm, 50% effaced." I got excited because before, I was only a fingertip dilated, and zero% effaced. She said they were going to send me down to labor and delivery to monitor me because of my high blood pressure, and that they would probably see me back there later that night when my contractions got much cloer and stronger. I asked her where my doctor was and she said, "He left because he thought you didnt show up, since they never put your paperwork in!" OMG!! I started FREAKING OUTTTT I wanted my doctor! But I went down to labor and delivery anyway, and they put my on the monitor. I was getting contractions every 2-3 minutes but they werent that strong. They asked me to take another urine test to check for protein because with blood pressure that high, I might be becoming pre-eclamptic. I took the urine test, and they said once they get the results they would send me home. I thought, "Good, Im starving!" because I hadn't eaten before my appointment and it was now almost 2pm! DH and I waited a little bit, watching the television in the room, and I was telling him, "omg i cant believe im going into labor, its just hitting me that were going to have a baby tonight or tomorrow!" He had to call into work to tell them he was going to be late (he starts at 3pm). Then, another doctor came in (My doctor is only a resident, so he has an Attending who is an actual OB/GYN.) He said,
Hi Marla, Im doctor so-and-so, and Im going to check you again okay?" He checked me and I was already at 3cm!! :happydance: Keep in mind I am in the most minimal amount of pain as could be. I could barely feel the contractions. Then, it all turned. "Marla, Im going to go ahead and break your waters since youre 3cm already and your blood pressure is so high because if we send you home and your blood pressure raises higher, it could get really dangerous. Your blood pressure was 160 over 110!!!!" I started crying!! I didnt want my waters broken yet! They just told me 5 minutes ago they were going to send me home so I could eat and get everything ready! It was all happening way too soon, going way too quickly. I gave them the okay to break my waters but was still crying that I wanted MY DOCTOR (this doctor was my doctor's higher-up otherwise I wouldnt have gave him permission to break my waters.) and they said they were trying to get ahold of him. DH then came to the bedside and assured me it was going to be okay. That this was the last thing I had to do to have our son in my arms. That all the heartburn, backache, and every other discomfort would be gone now. I could roll over in bed without taking 10 minutes to do so, I could eat mostly whatever I wanted, etc. (Coming from the man who had been telling me my whole pregnancy that he was scared to be in the delivery room with me, because he didnt know how to comfort me while I was in labor!) My contractions were still 2-3 cm apart and werent really getting stronger. But with every one I had, a little water would gush out. It was warm, but there wasnt as much of it as everyone else says they have. I tried calling my mom because I knew I wanted her there with me, but she wasnt answering- she was sleeping! So I dont have my doctor, and I dont have my mom! Ohhhhh goshhh I was getting scared at this point. I called my dad and let him know, as well as my bump buddy who had her baby 2 days before me. The nurses came in and said that they were going to put me on 1mg of Pitocin per hour, which is basically nothing, just to make sure the contractions stay regular and actually help me dialate. Then I had to poop :blush:. While I was in the bathroom I heard a man come into the room and ask if I was in the bathroom, to which DH replied that I was. I thought it was my father but when I came out, it was MY DOCTOR!! :happydance: FINALLY!!! I was sooo happy to see him and I felt much better now. He said that he agreed with everything the other doctor said and did, which also made me feel much better. He said he would check on me again later. Nothing really happened for a little bit after that. I was allowed some crackers and juice since I hadnt eaten, and I was allowed water instead of only ice chips. The contractions started getting a litter stronger, and then the nurse shift changed. A really nice nurse came in and introduced herself when all of a sudden, BOOM!! Every nurse in L&D came into my room and shoved an oxygen masj into my face and turned me on my left side and had their fingers inside me checking me. Baby's heartrate dropped with my contraction, but the oxygen helped and it went back to normal. I looked up and my mom was there!!!! I was 5 cm. The contractions started getting much stronger, and DH helped soooo much by looking at the monitor, watching the numbers and telling me when a contraction was coming. It helped because I would know to start breathing, and it helped a lot to just exhale very loud and strong. Idk why, but it did lol!! When they started getting stronger though, it helped more to be vocal, going, "OOOOOOOHH, OOOOOOOOOOOOH, OOOOOOOH". It seriously helped me so much, but DH telling me when one was coming and when it was at the peak, and started to go down helped me the most. I would grab his hand and squeeze it. my dad came but it was awkward because my mom and dad arent together anymore, and my mom was like "youre gonna leave when its time for her to deliver right?" and my dad got really offended saying, "of course what do you think im gonna do??" so he said he would call me later or to call him when the baby came to let him know we were okay and that he would see me the next day. he left and Then the nurse checked me again and I was 7-8cm!! :happydance: But she said that they would still give me the epidural, but not an IV drug because it was too late. The older doctor came in again and check me and said I was not 7cm, but still only 5, maybe 6. This totally put me down! He said "you know, marla, you can get the epidural whenever you want." My doctor, however, stood up for me and said "She's trying to do it naturally." The other replied "Oh, suit yourself then." (ASSHOLE!!) I was doing just fine. I wasnt in too much pain to where I was desperate for something and I would rather do it natural than get the epidural at that point. (I went in with an open mind, however.) My doctor did tel me that I could get an IV drug though. Robert was leaving to go home and get my hospital bag and all the paperwork we neeeded to have filled out afterward, and my mom wasnt too good at consoling me. (Her hands are too bony to grab good, and she talks too much!! I hated when she would talk to me or the nurses while I was having a contraction, I was trying to concentrate) so I said I was take a small dosage of something short-actiing. They gave me Nu-Bain. It was great at first, they put some in the IV and then a shot in the arm of the rest of it. You feel like youre high and I kept saying "I feel fuzzy!!" I could still feel the contractions, but it just makes you not really care that they are there. I asked for the lights to be dimmed because I wanted to take a nap LOL! I actually did start to doze off, but then I started getting really bad pains which felt like my ovaries being pulled down!! It was the worst pain of the whole labor. They assured me it wasnt my ovaries but whatever it was hurt SO bad! and they came with each contraction, which were now on top of eachother. one after another after another!! They check me and said I was a 9!!!! I started freaking out that DH wouldnt make it back, so my mom called him but his phone was dead!! Finally he must have put it on the charger because he answered and when we told him I was a 9 he said he would be right there, he was at Dunkin Donuts! :rofl: I stood up (It hurt REALLY bad to get up off the bed. I could roll over or nothing!) and held my mom (It felt really good to hug her really tight with each one). It was kinda hard standing up becuase of the drug, makes you kinda drunk-like, so my legs were wobbly. DH came and I started hugging him with the contractions instead, but it wasnt the same. His hand was great to grab, but my mom was better to hug and hold. Then I thought I felt my body push very VERY lightly with the last contraction but I wasnt sure so I got on my hands and knees in the bed. With each contraction I thought I could feel my body push a little bit, and then I said to my mom, "Im gonna let the nurses know that I think my body needs to push." I let them know and then all of a sudden, I lost it! I totally lost control. The nurse checked me and said, oh yeah, its time! And then every nurse and doctor was in the room. My knees were up and they told me to grab the back of knees and push but I was really scared and kept saying "I cant! I cant do it!" But they were telling me to, and I felt that my body needed to so I gave one push and it was all blurry after that! My body totally took control and pushed on its own, barely giving me time to breathe between each push! It seriously feels you are pushing the biggest poop of your life out! And I kept letting everyone know that, too :haha: "I FEEL LIKE IM POOPING!!" :rofl: But I didnt poop, which is good, hahah!!! I think I peed though, but I dont remember really. Anyway, I had Aaron out in less than 10 minutes!!! I heard them saying that he had the longest cord that they had ever seen. I guess he wasnt breathing right away, because DH didnt get to cut the cord. I tore on the sides of my vagina though, (bi-labial) and they injected me with novacaine down there to stitch me up. THAT F*/CKNNG HURTS!!!!! The stitches dont but the novacaine shots do. They put them in the sides of my lips and up high by my clitoris. The recovery with the stitches is way worse than my labor was. :( Everyone was looking at Aaron while they were stitching me up, I didnt get to hold him right away which I really didnt like. Everyone was telling me how cute he was, but All I wanted was to hold him and see him for myself!. It took them seriously like a half hour to stitch me up and then FINALLY i got to hold him. Delivering the placenta was really weird feeling. Like a huge mass of Jello coming out of you!! I asked to see it, which my doctor seemed kinda weirded-out by :haha: and it looked like a big red purple and blue squid lmao!!! It was definitely weird looking. Aaron took to the breast right away, but I have flat nipples so I cant breastfeed that good so I am pumping my milk into bottles instead. Its way less convienient, but he is definitely worth it. He scored an 8 and then a 9 on the APGAR. Hes a screamer, thats for sure, but I love him so so so so much and I cant believe hes finally here with me <3 Hes my everything <3

EDIT: My waters were broke at 2:30pm, making my labor only 9 hours long!!


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What an enjoyable read :haha: I hope my labour is as good as yours! Well done hes beautiful :)
I wish my labour had been similar! congrats on your little boy, he's adorable :flower:
thanks for writign your story in such detail, you did fab, congratulations on your boy, aaron is a good name :)
I made it all the way though lol

Congratulations again hunni he is precious!!


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