The birth of our Dóra :)


Sort of ttc nr. 4
Jan 4, 2008
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Dóra XXXXX Einarsdóttir
4100 grams (just over 9 pounds), 51 cm
Born February 4th 2010 at 00:09

Well, it‘s time to write my birth story. Little Dóra is 3 weeks old and doing really well.

I was 39 weeks and 3 days pregnant and REALLY tired. I never expected to carry her for so long since I had pretty severe GD and my older girls were born @ 37 and 39 weeks. I had two sweeps that didn’t work and it was soooo frustrating since a sweep worked with my middle daughter. On top of that I had to wait a long while for an induction date because the doc that ordered it accidentally wrote that I had diet controlled GD so the MW’s at the hospital didn’t put me down as a priority. When I FINALLY got an induction date the bloody labour ward was full and we got sent home! So after 3 weeks of “false” labour, insomnia and frustration I finally went for the induction on the 3rd of February.

We got to the labour ward at 9 am and were but in a birthing room. We got a wonderful MW who told us how the induction would go (I hadn’t had an induction before), hooked me up to the monitors and put cannulas in both my arms. One for the insulin drip and one in case I’d bleed a lot after the birth and they’d need to put fluids in me fast, but that happened after I gave birth to my middle daughter so they were just being careful.

At 10 am they inserted the first pill (cytotec) behind my cervix. I was 2-3 cm’s dilated and the cervix was soft, 2-3 cm’s long and posterior. Dóra’s head was still high up and hadn’t engaged at all. The pill was supposed to shorten the cervix, start contractions to push the head down and get the dilation going. I started getting contractions shortly after the pill was inserted but they weren’t really strong and sort of jut went away after a while. During this time (from 10:00 – 14:00) I was either napping or trying to move around as much as my pelvis could handle (I had bad SPD), bouncing on my birthing ball etc.

At 14:00 not much had happened, still only dilated 3 cm’s and Dóra’s head still way up so the MW inserted another pill. Shortly after that the contractions got to that level where I needed to concentrate and breathe through them. I was doing my best at using Hypnobirthing techniques throughout the birth and they really helped. At 16:00 we got a new MW who was just as nice as the first one. At 18:00 she decided the contractions wouldn’t help at all since the head was so high (not putting any pressure on my cervix) and it probably wouldn’t go down unless she’d break my water. I agreed since the last growth scan showed lots of water (because of the GD) and I didn’t really see the point in having contractions if they weren’t doing anything. So, she broke the water and it kept gushing and gushing endlessly. As soon as she’d done it the head went down into my pelvis and the contractions got to that stage where I call them real CONTRACTIONS :haha:

All this was a shock to my body and very soon I felt I couldn’t quite adjust to the contractions. I tried my very best using the Hypnobirthing but every contraction got more and more intense, and after I had to stand up while the MW changed the bed (it was soaked) they got even stronger. I got back into bed with my Hypnobirthing CD and tried my best to relax and focus. The MW hooked up the insulin drip because I was obviously not going to eat dinner :haha: Contractions were 1-2 minutes apart and I soon asked for gas & air.

The gas & air took the edge off each contraction but I hardly got any break in between them and sometimes I got two in a row. I sort of lost track of time there and don’t remember much of the hours to come, it’s all a blur. At 20:00 I asked the MW to check me because I knew that if I was progressing slowly I’d probably ask for an epidural soon. Low and behold I was ..... still 3 cm! The MW was still optimistic because I was 100% effaced finally. She was constantly increasing the strength on the gas & air and I just lay there in my own world breathing it in. At 20:50 she checked me again because I was making grunting noises and pushing at the end af each contractions, but I was only 4 cm. I was involuntary pushing because of all the pressure and strength of the contractions. It was all happening way too fast for me, going from moderate contractions to this so I was really starting to struggle and asked for an epidural NOW. Maybe I would have tried to skip it if I was 8-9 cm, but I had 36 hours labour with my other daughters and didn’t know how long this would take. I was getting pretty loud at this point and squirming around the bed sucking the gas & air like Darth Vader :rofl:

The epidural was in at 21:15 but it only worked on the right side so I was still howling. At 21:45 the anaesthesiologist came back to try and fix it but it didn’t work. At 22:00 I was 8 cm dilated, screaming like a lion and my body pushing with every contraction. At 22:15 the guy came back and put in another epidural and it worked, thank god. I think I was at 10 cm soon after but I just took my time to relax and gather my thoughts. I will say that even if this was a really hard part, I was never scared or feeling defeated, and as soon as the epidural started working I was back to joking around and just excited to meet my baby. A huge part of that was thanks to Hypnobirthing.

At 23:00 we got the third MW, she was really nice. After she introduced herself, flipped through my file etc, I told her I was probably ready to push. She checked and found Dóra’s head was already making its way down. So she got everything ready for the birth and I started pushing just before midnight. The contractions were further apart at this time and it felt a bit strange pushing with the epi but the MW helped me figure it out. As soon as I managed to push her a bit further the contractions came stronger and I let them do the job and stopped pushing (thanks again Hypnobirthing).

When the head was coming out I felt lots of pressure and stinging. It took two contractions to get it out and then I gave one big push to get the rest of her out. I was afraid of shoulder dystocia because it’s more common when the mom has GD so I really put an effort into that last push. The rest of Dóra popped out at 00:09 on February the 4th 2010 and she was placed in my arms right away. Me and my OH were ecstatic and totally in love with her immediately. We spent around 20-30 minutes cuddling her before she needed to go to the NICU for observation. My OH cut the cord and I gave birth to the placenta. My OH went with her to the NICU and she stayed there for 3 hours. Her blood sugar was very low when she got there so she was fed some formula to get it up fast.

The MW started stitching me up and said I only needed a couple of stitches. However, when she asked me to move a bit she noticed a 3rd degree tear going all the way up my bum :argh: so she asked a doctor to look at it and she said I needed to go to the operating room to get it fixed. When I got there they topped up my epi and I was there probably for an hour or so getting stitched up by 2 doctors, the whole time shaking and shivering because I was cold and my body in a bit of a shock after the birth, and listening to the doctors describing my bum as a 1500 piece puzzle they needed to get back together :rofl: Well after that I had to wait until I could wiggle my toes and then got sent down to another ward at 05:00. Dóra was then back with us and the nurses in the ward looked after her so I could get a few hours rest (she slept the whole time anyway). We then had to spend another night at the hospital because the doctors wanted to keep monitoring her blood sugar levels. they were fine so we finally got to go home.

Everything’s been great ever since. She breastfeeds like a champ and I hardly ever felt the stitches.

Even if there was a rough part and I couldn’t handle the contractions I’m very happy about the birth. The MW’s and docs at the hospital were all wonderful and the Hypnobirthing helped me so much. I probably could have used it better if I hadn’t been induced and practically bed ridden the whole time. All the waiting and feeling miserable at the end of the pregnancy was totally worth it when we got our adorable, chubby little girl in our arms :)
YAYYY thanks for sharing sweetie!!! You did a fantastic job!!!

Dora is beautiful! Look forward to sharing the rest of your journey! xxxx
Aww you did so well!!! Being induced is a whole different ball game isnt it! You did well to use the hypno techniques too. I've been told that even if I'd needed a section if Sid hadnt turned, the hypno can help you to stay in control and focused so you dont panic or freak out.

Good work Phex! :thumbup: She's a beauty! :cloud9:
OOoh lovely stoty hun - and she is a smasher! :cloud9:

How's the bum doing? It's pretty scary doing a no.2 after birth at the best of times so I hope everything was ok! :blush:

Kisses to your darling girls! xxx
Just found this! You dropped off my subscriptions and I lost you!

Lovely birth story sweetie and Dóra is soooo beautiful! :flower:

Great birth hun - sounds like you did great! What a cute chubby cheeked bundle she is :cloud9:
Congrats from your fellow viking country:)

Shes a real cutie!
How did I miss this?!?! Geez 1500 puzzle pieces sounds pretty grim, you're a very courageous lady!

As for Mrs Dóra, she is so perfect it makes any pain worth it!

Congratulations again darling! Biggest hugs to all of you.

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