The Birth of Tristan


Mummy & pregnant
Oct 29, 2009
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Here's my birth story :)
Some of you may have seen my posts over the weekend about having a sweep, being in slow labour etc.
Sunday I was paranoid my waters were slowly leaking my waters, was checked at hospital and I wasn't but they took a swab.
Well by monday I was pretty fed up of waiting around getting contractions varying from 20 mins to 7 mins apart on and off, so me and hubby ordered curry for dinner and I had a jalfrezi. Don't think it really was the cause but my waters broke at 11pm that night. By 12 I was getting painful contractions every 5 mins apart which I timed for over an hour, called elivery and told them this plus I suspected waters had gone and went in. Was checked and yep my hind waters had gone and I was 4 cm dilated. Put in my own room in post natal ward about half 1-2ish tues morning and coped with breathing techniques till about 3, then had a hot bath and gas and air until 6 am when I was about 5 cm they moved me to labour ward, by this point my fore waters had gone too as midwife said she could feel baby's hair! The gas and air was amazing! Never felt so weird in my life and definately made the pain more copable. So moved to delivery and I got a bit panicy, wasn't sure what was going on, screaming, wanting an epidural and had a bit of a moody midwife who would have given me one, luckily she left and at 7 and really lovely young midwife took much better care of me. She said do you really want one or shall we talk about other options, I said ok and she mentioned the birthing pool to which I jumped at the oppotunity at as this was want I really wanted in my plan. So I got in the normal bath in my room until the big birthing pool was ready. Got in the pool about 11 and put on some relaxing music and continued on the gas and air. I felt soooo much better and relaxed and in control. After 2 hours in the bath I was fully dilated and could start pushing, but because I was so relaxed my contractions were not as intense and I wasn't sure when to push. So out the bath and offered pethidine to keep me relaxed and give me a bit longer till the birth. I refused as didn't want baby drousy but she advised half a dose so I accepted and honestly didn't feel any effect at all from it so bit pointless. Then moved to another delivery room about 1ish as someone else wanted the pool. Continued on gas and air pretty well, then a few confusing things happened. The results from the swab I had on sunday night came back that I had group strep B which I hadn't been tested for before and didn't know about. so they quickly got a canula in me and gave me antibiotics. Then because my contractions were getting further spaced apart they gave me syntocinon through the canula once the antibiotics were finished. By 2 I was ready to push and pushed for an hour and a half when Tristan was born at 3:38 pm weighing a whopping 8lb 8oz! His apgar score was good (9 at 1 min and 10 at 5 mins) The best part about the birth was that when his head and shoulders were out, the midwife told me to grab him and pull the rest of him out and up onto myself which was so amazing and the rush of love I felt for him was unreal as he lay on my chest, baby's first cry is such a relief and hubby cut the cord and cried bless him told me how well I'd done.
I was given lidnocain injection before pushing just incase I needed a cut (but I didn't, I had 2 tears) and then some more lidnocain injection to be sutured up.
Tristan didn't even react to the vit K injection and we enjoyed skin to skin contact till Daddy held him whilst I was stitched up.

Think that's all to report, here are some pics of our little boy (1st one is at 10 mins old and 2nd pic is 1 day old)

Oh and he is a real boobie monster, breastfeeding really well :D


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Lovely birth story, hun. Congratulations once again on your beautiful son!
well done hun and congrats on the birth of your not so little boy!x
Boobie monster teehee!! I love it!!

He is GAWJUS hun and really well done you, no epidural! I love how you describe the last bit of pulling him onto you, awwwwwwww, I'm so pleased he didn't keep you waiting too long. Good weight too, did Cathy say 8 or 9lbs?! Not a terrible guess!! heehee

Welcome to the world Tristan and well done again hun!! :thumbup:



Oh and P.S. I know I've not met hubby, just nebbed him on fb, but is it just me or does Tristan look LOADS like him?! Can deffo see the resemblence!! So cute!
congrats on the birth of gorgeous Tristan! Well done you getting through without an epi - you did fabulously! :flower:

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