The Birth Story of Lilyanne Hazel Barley, 22.06.11


Mum of 5 inc CF baby Lily
Sep 9, 2010
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After a long, painful, and immobile pregnancy I finally got a date for induction on the 21st June 2011. It was a relief to know I would soon be meeting my little girl, and I went to hospital really excited and positive about the induction. Having had 3 inductions before lasting 8 hours, 2 hours, and 1 and a half hours, I assumed this one would be pretty manageable.

I arrived at the hospital at 8 am with a mammoth holdall on wheels, pillows, wheelchair, and crutches and a grin. We settled into a room on the labour ward, and made ourselves comfy for the long haul. Tea and toast for two was served for breakfast, we even had our own tea pot! NHS care sure has improved somewhat since I had my last kids.

Anyhow, come 10am I was monitored for 30 mins, then examined and given an internal dose of Prostin Gel. I had this with my first, and forgot how horrible it was. It burned like crazy, and when the midwife left the room I burst into song (I do like a soundtrack to my life lol) “whoaaaaaaaaa whooooooaaaaaaaaaaa, MY FOOF IS ON FIRREEEEEEEEE!” (to the tune of my sex is on fire obviously) and that was pretty much all the excitement done with for the rest of the morning.

Come lunch time we went for a 'wheel' around the hospital since I couldn't go for a walk with the SPD. Hubby got permission to race me over bumps and drains, not that it achieved a lot except give us a giggle. My friend was in the scanning department for an early dating scan, so we went to meet her for a coffee. Was lovely to hear her happy news that she was 11 weeks pregnant, and It was during the coffee I started having some mild pains. We decided to head back to our room.

Once back, lunch was served. I wish it hadn't been haha. I forced it down for energy only, and we managed to con another cuppa from the domestic assistants :) By tea time, it was time for another dose of gel which I wasn't looking forward to. I was still having mild pains, which were showing on the monitor which I had been strapped back onto. The examination for the next dose of gel showed no progress, but I didn't mind too much as I was noticing the pains I was having registering on the monitor. It was about 6:30 by this point, and we had already exhausted the 'early labour' IPOD play list twice, read the news papers back to back, and I had thrashed Rob at several games of cards :) Due to my immobility, bouncing on a birthing ball seemed to be a good option so I sat in the corner looking like a giant birthing ball, bouncing on a birthing ball.

It was only a matter of minutes that the pain started to get worse. Although they were irregular, they were pretty close together and very very painful. It was all made worse by the fact I just couldn't get comfy or rest between them for the SPD pain. During one particularly bad one I hit the buzzer to ask for some Gas and Air which someone went to get but never came back with. It ended up taking 3 hits of the buzzer to finally get the stuff, 45 MINS AFTER I ASKED FOR IT?!?! wasn't very happy at this point, but didn't get the chance to have a proper moan cause the contractions were coming thick and fast and all I cared about was gulping down that gas for some light headed relief. Mmmmm that sure is good stuff! My spaced out bubble burst on the next contraction, or should I say something else broke – my waters. As the midwife came in I took the gas out of my mouth and said “either I've just peed myself, or my waters have just broke” in a long slllllurrrrrr lol In hindsight, It was defo my waters. At this point I was climbing the walls in pain, and the gas wasn't cutting it. Begging for someone to come back, I was told it was too busy. I could hear it was too busy, all I could hear was screaming, grunting, then newborns crys. 3 of these 'episodes' later a midwife finally came back in to find me grabbing on to the bed for dear life grunting. I had the tremendous pressure and pain in my back and thought I needed to push. They rushed me round to a delivery room and examined me. 2 CM … I was mortified. It was 8:30pm by this point.

So the plan then became to move onto more pain relief. They refused by begs for an epidural, I had to be 3cm and in established labour … “ESTABLISHED LABOUR?!?!” I shouted, “I think I have been through enough births to know I'm in labour love … “ Agreeing with me the midwife pointed out my contractions on the monitor. They had been a peak intensity for an hour at least, every 2 mins, lasting 1 min. These contractions were characteristic the ones you get at the very worst part of labour right before you push the baby out. She kept insisting it shouldn't be long with contractions like that, but agreed on giving me some pethidine. This shut me up for a bit, and I tried my very hardest to get a little rest in between the contractions. It felt like I wasn't getting any break then cause I was out of it in the 1-2 mins rest I got in between. Night drew in and Rob tried to get comfy in the corner whilst I lay enduring the contractions. Every so often someone popped their head in the door and I would slur at them “I'm just not getting any breeeeeeeeeeakkkkkkkkk” and then go back to the gas and air. The pain in my back and pelvis had me rooted to the bed, I couldn't even change position. The night passed in a haze of exhaustion, and torturous pain watching the monitor and staring out the window as the sun came up. I hallucinated hearing conversations outside being repeated again and again.

Come morning, the midwife started to look concerned. Lily's heart-rate was racing, and I was loosing the will to live lol She asked me what I wanted and I said if I was still 2cm I wanted a C-Section. She agreed and called the Registrar to come and see me.

At 7 am, the Reg finally came. On examining me she said I had made no progress. Lily was not descending into my pelvis and was in the wrong position (her back against my back) My waters had filled up again (it was just my hind waters that had burst) so she broke them again and attempted to turn Lily into the correct position. The plan was made that I would wait another 3 hours, and if there was no change I would be put onto the drip to intensify the contractions further. “How can they get any stronger?!” I shouted at them all. These are the pains I had when I was pushing out my other babies! “If your gonna make them worse, I'm getting a bloody epidural OK?!” lol No laughing matter, but looking back I really was at the end of my tether at this point. Anyhow, they agreed on the epidural and left me to organise it.

1 hour later, still no epidural. The contractions actually eased a little for a short while, I think the turning of the baby helped with the pain and settled things down for a bit. I managed a cup of tea, and made the most of a tiny bit of respite. It didn't last long however as the pain in my back increased rapidly and she turned back to back again. My waters were filling up between contractions rapidly and her head still wasn't coming down at all. Hearing the Anaesthetist was tied up, I asked for another shot of pethidine to keep me going for a while, which was dutifully stabbed in my thigh. In the haze of drugs, exhaustion, and pain, I greeted the new staff who had come to look after me in the shape of a very competent midwife and a student midwife. I was assured that they would have me delivered by the end of their shift, that they wouldn't allow my 'torture' to go on any longer than that. I think I smiled for the first time in 12 hours at this point finally feeling supported and trusting that they would advocate for me.

It was great to finally have someone in the room with me, and they stayed the whole time. I got my Epidural at 11am. It was useless. All it did was make my legs a little numb, they kept coming up to me with cold spray to check sensation. Spraying legs, arms and tummy to compare sensation. It took all I could not to just declare the whole thing a waste of time and throw the spray can out of the window lol Still 100% strength contractions every 2-3 mins. I had been told that this might happen due to my spine and pelvis problems. The next step would be a spinal block.

The midwives opinion was the same as the previous one. Lily was in the wrong position, and her head was too high to push down on my cervix. Although my waters had been broken, they were filling up rapidly between contractions allowing her head to float up again. During a contraction I would loose a load more water and she would move down again for the whole process to happen again like a vicious circle. Would it ever end?

The drip was started, and it did nothing to the contractions at first. By this point I was just used to being in constant agony. Apparently the contractions were lasting a little longer but I didn't feel any different. At 1.15 the drip was turned up to maximum as a last attempt to make some progress before the looming C-section. Suddenly Lily was on the move, and her turning and descending happened so quickly and forcefully I turned to Rob gripping his shoulders for dear life! Poor man had wounds to show for this …

I started sobbing, screaming, and grunting like I have NEVER done in labour. I am not a screamer, never have been in labour before. I always took the mickey out of women like that. I was SO WRONG to do that … lol I had it coming to me didn't I?

Anyhow, its all a haze to me now, but Rob says that despite them telling me nothing was happening and to keep calm, Lily's head was already crowing. Student Midwife Bennett got the honours of delivering Lily, and she done a fab job. Lily was delivered in a just few tiny tiny pushes, and put straight onto my chest :) it was 1:21pm. It felt amazing to finally hold her. I had never had any of my babies given to me for skin to skin straight away. It was lovely :) Lily weighed 8lb 9oz.

My labour, not content to leave me to recover in peace, continued to punish me with yet further complications as I lay holding my newborn daughter. I had a haemorrhage after my first baby that left me unconscious for quite a while following the birth. Aware that I was of a higher risk of a post-partum haemorrhage, the midwife was ready for any action needed. They seemed happy with my bleeding whilst I delivered the placenta, but as soon as it had been removed I began to bleed profusely. The midwife hit the emergency buzzer for help, and asked the attending nurses to bring a PPH kit. At this point I gave Rob our daughter calmly, I knew what was happening. I must admit I was scared but the midwife I had was so calm and efficient I trusted her. I said a quick prayer and concentrated on keeping calm and deep breathing. About 15 mins later they got the bleeding under control, and finally everyone smiled in the room. I had to have another IV infusion to keep my womb contracted which made already EVIL after-pains 10X worse, and more fluids for the blood loss. But at least I was ok.

Things still didn't calm down much at this point though, cause as we both tucking into tea and toast we were told that a paediatrician was coming to see the baby due to concerns over her colour, facial features, swelling to the head, and a blue tinge to her mouth and nose. I must admit she did look a little scarey, but I was expecting the swelling. Anyhow the doctor came quickly and took some blood from her. This was to become a regular occurrence for our poor little newborn :(

Feeling far too week to even change position, or sit to feed Lily, she had her first feed laying next to me. Then she went to Rob for cuddles whilst I was helped to have a wash. By this time the midwife and student had gone home and I had an 'almost' midwife called Lisa looking after me. She was fantastic, efficient, friendly, funny, and just couldn't do enough to help. There was a delay in going to the Postnatal ward cause we had to wait for a midwife to come and collect me, and they were pretty busy. In fact it was about 8:30pm by the time we got there, but I was glad to get settled for a well earned rest. But as soon as Rob helped me get what I needed and left for a well earned rest, the doctors came round to tell me Lily needed Photo therapy for jaundice! Not only that, I had to feed her 30ml every 3 hours, how was I meant to do that? Your boobs only make about 5ml each feed at first which is all they need in the first few hours. I was given a pump, a feeding cup, and a little bottle of milk. Had I not been on a high through becoming a new mummy again I think I would have cried. I was just so tired and week.

To make matters worse, my already swollen legs and feet got even worse. I could barely bear weight on them, bend them, or manoeuvre them on the bed. My SPD was still causing a lot of pain too, and I could only just waddle up the corridor to the loo. I got about 2 hours sleep in between pumping, feeding, and staring at Lily in her little UV light cot. She looked like she was sunbathing :)

After every 6 hours of therapy Lily had to have another blood test. She got pricked so many times she started to cry every time anyone touched her foot seeming to expect it :( She was seen by doctors after each test, as the levels kept going up. They were concerned as to how severe and rapidly it occurred after birth, so kept a close eye on her. Eventually the levels began to improve, and by Lilys 3rd evening, she was allowed to come out of the UV light. Loving finally being able to just enjoy her and keep her close to me, I put the cot sides up on the bed and snuggled and fed her all night :)

The next day we were finally told we could go home, paperwork was done, I was discharged, and we just had to wait for the doctor to check Lily over just one last time. It was during this check it was discovered lily had a heart murmur, and they told me I couldn't go home until they had took her to special care and checked her over a little further. They took her away from me just as she needed a feed. My milk had just come in, and my hormones were going crazy. I just layed on the bed and sobbed. I can't imagine how it must feel to have a sick baby taken away from you to special care. Lily was only gone 30 mins but I felt wretched. My heart ached for her, and no cup of tea or a cuddle from Rob made it any easier. Thankfully she came back in 30 mins, and they were not concerned over her. They decided she was fit to go home and be seen by a cardiologist as an outpatient. We were both so relieved she was ok and that we were finally able to go home.

So what's my verdict on Basildon hospital? Well there were quite a few negative things, but the positives outweighed them tenfold. Here's a few examples:

- In labour I was asked for a urine sample. I did it, and told them it was in the bathroom. 6 hours later I was asked whether I had done a sample, to which I gestured to the festering one in the loos and agreed to do another. Several hours later I was asked again, and pointed out the skanky pots brewing on the windowsill once again. I ended up with a total or 3 pee bowls in a line, and still no-body tested them.

- I was left all night having contractions every 2-3 minutes. However, I was trying to sleep in between them, and while I laboured, I heard them deliver several babies so they were obviously very very busy and there was nothing they could really do for me.

- The midwife and student looking after me the shift Lily was born couldn't have been more attentive. They didn't leave the room once, and bent over backwards to try and help me cope.

- The Doctors were there like a shot when there was ever a concern. They watched Lily like a hawk, she had a total of 5 full head to toe assessments in case they were missing something.

- On the Postnatal ward, there was a similar 'urine problem' the loo's would be home to several samples with bed numbers wrote on them. This was worse than having your own loo with your own pee. Although I must admit, this seemed to be the fault of the women who left them there. They didn't tell the midwives they were there when I enquired as to what was happening with them.

- There was a real shortage of comfy chairs, Poor Rob actually laid on the floor to try and sleep on the labour ward!

- On my last night in hospital, a midwife came round to me every hour to see how I was coping. Lily had a very wakeful hungry night and I was up till 4:30 trying to settle her. At 4:30 the midwife brought me a cuppa, a biscuit, and some nipple cream. It was just what I needed lol

- The food was actually really nice!

- The domestics knew how to make a decent cuppa tea.

- They gave you a lot more than I thought they would. In labour they gave me pads. There was nappies waiting for us on the Postnatal ward. I was given milk, bottles and breast pump attachments for feeding, which I was welcome to take home. Bonus was the pump attachments work with mine at home which is the same brand so I now have spares!

I forgot how overwhelming it feels to bring a new life into this world. I feel privileged to have been blessed with the chance to do it all over again. I just can't get enough of her, I could cry when I think about how much I love her. And I remember feeling the same with all my other children, but it is a little different this time. I just feel a lot more laid back, mature, and able to cope and enjoy her this time round. Its also fantastic sharing the experience with the children who are all totally made up to have a new sister. I am so glad we have her :)

Wooooo you did an awesome job Tink. Naughty little Lily for keeping mummy waiting so long. Obviously you made it too comfy in there!
wow what a traumatic, amazing, scarey experience!

she is absalootley (sp) gorgeous and you should be so proud of yourself xxx
Congratulations, Lily is super gorgeous :D

Your story is excellently written, I thoroughly enjoyed reading it :flower:
:cry: you made me cry tink!! :awww: amazing birth story!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Beautiful birth story Tink! You had a hard time but it was obviously worth every second :) Well Done again sweetie x x x
Oh wow Tink, well done hunni, what a painful but beautiful experience. Lily is gorgeous!! xxxxx
Wow congratulations Mama!!! you did so well and your little Lily is gorgeous!!! x
oh Tink that was a wonderful birth story. You had such a rough time bless you. Glad its all over now and you can enjoy your Lilypie:haha: :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9: :hug: xx
:awww: tink!!! :hug::hug::hug: what a trooper you were!!! so proud of you hun and although it was so difficult, you got the most perfect little reward at the end :cloud9: many blessings and love to you, Rob, lilyanne, and all the kiddos :kiss::kiss:
loved the story tink! amazing!! .. and worth the wait :haha:
That is an amazing story. You make me wanna cry, u were so brave. Your daughter is a beautiful little angel. I'm tcc and I read the birth stories to keep my hopes up and to gain a real insight at what might happen when the time comes. Congratulations :)
aww tink, a lovely story and what a difficult birth hun, you did amazing xx
Aww tink, sorry you had such a rough time of labour, but had such a lovely ending it makes it all worth it. Thank you for sharing it :hugs: :cloud9:

Wow, what an amazing story, thanks for sharing and congratulations on your new arrival, she is adoreable!

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