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the hungry ladies thread

Rainbow gems

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2013
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Thought it would be a good idea to make a thread about sharing what we are craving or just how much we like to eat since becoming pregnant or to share what we are having for tea/dinner (or purposly make the other ladies get cravings ;) )

think i fancy a Chinese tonight duck and pancakes yumm what about you ladies
Haha! I need this thread! My hunger comes and goes, as does my sickness :( I seem to only want to eat carbs, and lots of them .... bring on the bloat :p
Duck and pancakes sounds lovely!!
Omg im loving food this time round so this thread is ideal.
Im nit sure what to have for tea today hmm... had cottage pie last night, chinease does sound great tho x
oooh what a great thread, my craving so far have been pinapple and crossiants....not together but i cant get enough:haha: tonights meal is cottage pie which im really looking forward to as i love mash!!!!
Bread and crisps are what I'm eating way too much of!!!
For tea tonight we had sausages, mash made with potato and kumara (sweet potato), baked beans, mixed veges and a fried egg!!
I wasn't too bad today but honestly since I got my BFP it feels like all I do is eat! My weight is creeping up and it's not good!!!
Bread and crisps are what I'm eating way too much of!!!

me too. Crisp sandwiches mmmmmm :haha:

I've got a Nando's on the way to me! *drool* 1/2 a chicken with chips and spicy rice :happydance: :happydance:
my thing has been cheese. cheese everything lol. if i make a sandwhich, its a straight cheeze whiz sandwich, macaroni and cheese. cant get enough of it
Bread and crisps are what I'm eating way too much of!!!
For tea tonight we had sausages, mash made with potato and kumara (sweet potato), baked beans, mixed veges and a fried egg!!
I wasn't too bad today but honestly since I got my BFP it feels like all I do is eat! My weight is creeping up and it's not good!!!

that's all i think i do is eat.
hmmm a mars bar sounds nice
I'm so hungry! I'm trying hard to cut back on carbs! I just made tuna salad (but can't eat much because of the mercury), and it was so tasty with dill pickle stackers.

For dinner, I'm making a beef pot roast, but I will just have 1 small red potato with beef, carrots, and onions.

I'm eating a lot of salad, chicken, and string cheese, lol.

What I really want: pasta salad, chips, powdered donuts, and chocolate ice cream with peanut butter topping!
I have been craving sweets. I don't typically have a sweet tooth, and candy will stay around for months. This last week I can't stop reaching for sugar! I have the mini's so will just eat one or two to curb the craving, but it is so out of norm for me.
I find eating helps me not to be actually sick but I am getting fed up of eating all of the time.
Yesterday I got to work a bit early and started to feel sick so walked to subway to get a sub as I couldn't get the idea of a turkey and cheese sub out of my head. I ended up ordering a foot long sub with turkey cheese and salad and had eaten it all by 10am! I can't keep fluids down though so think I may have to go doctors as I am worried I am getting dehydrated!

Chips are the one thing I could eat all day everyday; chips and cheese, chips and loads of vinegar, any type of chips! I have chips with chicken for tea!! Yummy!
Unfortunately my constantly hungry phase has passed :(. I'm a bit relieved as I'm conscious of too much weight gain (I already had a very healthy appetite lol)

I don't quite feel nausea, just a yucky feeling, and not feeling quite so satisfied after eating but if this is as bad as it gets I can't complain :)

Before this though I had a major thing for carbs, bread, pancakes and my mums Irish stew! Mmm. I was also partial to a few crackers with mature cheddar cheese.
my thing has been cheese. cheese everything lol. if i make a sandwhich, its a straight cheeze whiz sandwich, macaroni and cheese. cant get enough of it

YES! I have been craving cheese since my BFP. I can't get enough of it! And milk. I drink tall glasses of milk with dinner and certain snacks every day. I've also been craving tacos like a mad person. I had 5 the other night. Terrible really, but so delicious :happydance: I do find if I keep on top of eating ,it keeps my nausea at bay. I have only actually upchucked twice since my BFP. But my nausea was BAD for the first month until I got a script for Diclectin. I swear, though, I am eating every 2hrs.
I am hungry 24/7 I swear...no morning sickness, so that helps obviously. Lately I've been craving mexican food...but can't really get it since I live in Thailand. :(
However, I can get amazing Thai food! :) But I've also been craving eggs, spaghetti, etc. The only thing I don't really want to eat is chocolate which is unusual for me since I normally LOVE chocolate...

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