The joys of boys


Mom of 3 and Stepmom of 2
Jan 25, 2008
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I just had a fun "nature" walk with Chase and Jayden. Got to see some crickets, a centipede, and a nice big beetle etc. :rofl:

Aren't boys fun? Jayden has brought into the house a wild mouse, a gartner snake or two, collected grasshoppers, spiders, etc.

Anyhow, what are your boys ages and what are they like?

Jayden has been a stubborn one since he was 2. He went through a real bad stage between 3-6 where he would whine and drive one nuts. Even now, he can do his fair share of whining. He can have an attitude as well but the next minute can be sweet as pie. All in all, he is a real mommy's boy.

Chase is beginning to be much worse than both of my kids combined when they were a toddler. His screaming is deafening and he can sure throw some good fits. He has gone through his stage of mommy only, then daddy and now it's inbetween.
oh yes, the joys of boys!

kayden is 7 and very much a boy with the messy bedroom, picking his nose and coming home from school caked in mud.I love it though really hehe.

Nathan is only 7 months but i can already see he is going to be the accident prone tree climber...

Kayden is amazed by bugs and the like. He wants to look up pictures of spiders on the internet all the time, yuk!
Both my boys are 'proper' boys lol .. in to mud, insects, football, smelly trumps :sick: and all the other yucky things that boys tend to love (there nearly 7 years and 16 months)
There a fun balance in the family to my girls who are both very girly :)
Dyl my eldest is 11, he's so easy going you'd need to wind him up to get him going, he drops his clothes in his room exactly where he stands even if he is standing right next to his washing basket they end up on the floor, Im waiting on the phase where he meets a girl so he'll actually to and have a shower without having been told to about a million times lol.

Actually my daughter would have made a great boy climbing trees, loves bugs lol.

Wiggles my little man is 1, he's a mummy's boy, he doesn't really like being outdoors, and OMG he has the highest pitch scream, if he falls he will lies there and cries/screams until you pick him up even if he hasn't hurt himself, its trying but hoping he'll eventually grow out of it....
My son can be a perfect little angel and a devil child the next, hehe. All in all he's a good lad but he's going through a phase of being cheeky at the moment (he's 6) and god his attitude can be like a teenagers. I love my son to pieces though. he is quite a cuddly lad and before he goes in to class he always tells me he loves me (i'm sure that'll stop soon when he gets :blush:)He's in to all things football, he lives and breathes football. he's a typical lad, laughs at trumps and rude words etc. I like having a boy but it'd be nice to have a girl next time and see what the differences are :)
Dylan my oldest will be 11 in december and he has always had "issues" with the icky stuff
He told his dad the other day he wanted to be a Veternarian when he was grown up and when he left dh and I laughed a littel bit because this is the same boy who wouldent get the frog out of his sisters baby carriage (its plastic and had fallen on its side and when she sat it up and saw it she freaked out untill her OTHER brother removed it used a washcloth to clean it up HAHAHA)
But My Gabriel is 8 and he is your typical boy
He removed the Frog from my daughters baby carriage and looked at his older brother like he was crazy for freaking out
When he was two I found a big ugly spider on the bathroom floor and I called for one of the boys to come in with a shoe (so I could kill it) and Gabriel wanders in looks at the spider lifts one little sandaled foot and just squished it like it was nothing.
He is also the one on deadthing detail (we have cats who bring home thier kills and Gabriel is fantastic about gathering things up and taking them and tosing them in the fire pit or as we jokingly call it the funeral pyre lol)
He is a very grown up boy in a sort of odd way because he also killed a snake with a shovel one day (we live near the woods and a creek runs thru our property so we get lots of critters in our yard) he saw it and grabbed the shovel and just severed its head. When his brother (the one who wants to be a vetrinarian) came in and told me I ran out side and asked him what happened he said (well since I cant tell if its good or bad I thought dead was best) I dont know rather that is good or morbid, but I dont like snakes. He didnt torture it or anything, it was one clean swipe and severed
But he also picks wolly bears up (the are caterpillars that wre usualy orange and black and old wives tales say you can tell the kind of winter you will have by how much black is on them) and hold them so the daughter will touch them. He is also excited about pumpkin cleaning (next week we will carve our halloween pumpkins and he LIKES to dig out the slimey mushy insides lol)
aw i love doing stuff like that with the kids, but my daughter also loves mud and bugs etc, as well as being a girly girl at the same time.
my son is 11 now and has always been a sweet little boy, so happy and content. now he comes in everyday covered in mud from playing footy outside and would happily stay that way unless i told him to have a bath and put clean clothes on lol
the teenage attitude is starting now too! but hes still a good lad, i cant complain.
this one we think is a boy so will be interesting to see if he will be the same.
I LOVE my boys. Callum is a proper boys boy, loves jumping in puddles and generally getting up to his eyes in mud and spiders, he is fascinated by them!!
My oldest is 19. He doesn't live at home anymore, but I am 99.9% sure his room is still messy, his hair is still unbrushed, and he only washes clothes when absolutely necessary.

My almost 10yo loves jumping off high places, riding his bike fast down big hills, and running head first into freezing cold water.

My 8yo loves doing everything his older brother does, but he is also very interested in Legos.

My 4yo boy. Oh, my. He is definitely the most stubborn of all. I think it has something to do with proving he is just as much a big boy as all the others. He constantly tries wrestling his twin sister. He loves rolling in dirt and mud. He is also one who loves jumping off of high places.

Boys, boys, boys. Drive you crazy, and make you smile.

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