Well, haven't left yet as Dan is not back from work. It normally takes us about 2 - 2 and half hours Ley, depending on traffic. Although last year at easter it took us 10 hours as the A14 was shut due to a fatal collision... it took us 8 hours to get as far as Newmarket!!
I would have loved to meet up hun, especially after your news!!! but this time will only be a flying visit as need to get back soon as after the funeral as Dan needs to get to work. Sucks bum! Costing us so much in petrol too, and it's the day we were going to be celebrating our anniversary! Gay. Not too worried about the funeral though, will be nice to have some closure. More worried that my dad's family will be there, and I haven't met most of them. Can't really avoid it anymore!
Interviewing mock was fine, I passed which is a good sign considering I missed the classes! Going for real this time lovelies, shall be back on Friday! x x x x BIG SMOOCHIES x x x x
P.S. I would also rather like to be next - it's about time something went my way!