morning everyone, sorry I didn't get on yesterday we spent most of the day at the hospital then in the evening I was just exhausted.
I'm not in the best of moods today. I have a really bad cough which kept me awake a lot of the night, It's so bad I actually had to go get some tena lady as every time I cough I pee a little (sorry tmi).
Then when I did actually manage to sleep I had bad dreams about Sophie's Dr's appointment today.
for those that don't know, Sophie has a bit of a problem with an unpleasent smell coming out of her mouth. I took her to the Dr who took swabs for thrush which came back negative so he said take her to the dentist. I took her to the dentist who examined her and said the smell isn't in her mouth it is coming from her stomach and out through her mouth. He seemed concerned and said take her to the dr.
So the week before we went away I took her back to the Dr and told him everything the dentist had said.
He laughed it all off and basically said that there is a problem there and he could do tests to find out whats wrong and cure it, but he's not going to. he told me to give her yakult instead.
I tried for 15 minutes, practically crying in his office, to convince him that things couldn't stay like this.
She starts nursery next year and if she smells like that all the kids will be nasty. She's such a happy, smiley, confident child but if this problem carries on then she will end up losing all of her confidence like I did.
The smell is so bad that people won't go near her, sometimes it's so strong that I can't even cuddle her, I can't even cuddle my own daughter without feeling sick! and that makes me feel bloody horrible!! it's not her fault!!
On holiday everytime she walked near people, comments were made...
His worry was it being traumatic for her age having blood tests and cameras put down into her tummy and stuff. I understand that it won't be nice for her, but why not do it now when she is too young to really understand and she won't remember either.
I said all of this but he still refused. I just don't understand!, there is a problem with my daughter, he is a dr and is refusing to do anything about it!!
I mean, for all we know there could be something serious going on inside her and he just doesn't give a shit!!
This is the same surgery btw who told me watching 6 week old Abigail choking on her own vomit after every feed was normal, 6 weeks later she spent 4 days in hospital hooked to all sorts of machines and was diagnosed with severe gastric reflux.
and also the same surgery who spent 6 days telling me that 11 month old Abigail was fine with the fact that she hadn't kept ANY food or drink down for over a week...and I quote..."as long as she isn't pale and floppy"....and then on the last day when she WAS pale and floppy it was the RECEPTIONIST who told me to get the baby to hospital which I promptly did and within the hour she was hooked up to drips and all sorts of machines and I was told if I had left it much longer it could have been fatal. My daughter spent her first birthday in hospital because of them not giving a shit!
I seriously think that if this Dr tries to fob me off again I'm going to hit the roof and will probably end up being thrown out of the surgery.
anyway, sorry for that rant I just needed to get it off my chest.