about the funeral Kerry.
And thanks for letting me join!!
Well here's my story;
I'm going to be 20 on the 13th September, I've been with my DF for nearly 3 & a half years and we'll have been engaged for a year on my birthday. I'm off to Uni at the end of September to do my Nursing Diploma for three years so I'm currently WTT for at least that. We're planning to move out of his parents' house in about two years when his salary goes up to over £30,000

Then plan the wedding for just after I finish Uni.
DF has said as long as we're in the financial position & the house is in good condition, we can TTC from our wedding night

He's not really into kids atm though, so now I've squeezed an answer out of him, I'm not nagging him about dates etc. Just giving him space to get round the idea. He's got three years to so I'm sure we'll be fine! But I have warned him - No kids, No wedding. I can't settle down with man who won't let me try for children (if he turns out to be infertile then that's different obviously). I love him so much but I HAVE to be a mum, some way or another.
Anything else you want to know, just say! x