I read something recently that I wanted to share here.
It's a blog about 'the low bar' for fathers. Here's an idea of what the blog entry is like -
I realized I was very guilty of some of the things in here - Gushing over a dad buying a princess playhouse at the toy store, thinking "Wow...What an awesome dad." No...There's nothing stupendous about that...He's buying his daughter a gift. Moms buy gifts all the time. We don't fawn over them batting our eyelashes. We probably don't even notice.
It was a nice reminder to me to set the bar high. Whether that be with my stbxhusband and our LO, or if I ever get involved down the line and choose to have another child.
It's a blog about 'the low bar' for fathers. Here's an idea of what the blog entry is like -
Is this where we are as a society? Is the bar for being a Great Dad set a notch above Deadbeat? If so, thats damn good news for deadbeats and lazy dads everywhere, because it takes minimal effort to achieve this status. Hell, just take 15 minutes out of your life to walk your kid around the block and have people tell you how great you are. When you get home, turn on your XBox for hours on end while you ignore your family in the process. If your wife is silly enough to give you any lip, just tell her that Two strangers just told me how great of a dad I am! Whats your problem? Quit nagging me!
I realized I was very guilty of some of the things in here - Gushing over a dad buying a princess playhouse at the toy store, thinking "Wow...What an awesome dad." No...There's nothing stupendous about that...He's buying his daughter a gift. Moms buy gifts all the time. We don't fawn over them batting our eyelashes. We probably don't even notice.
It was a nice reminder to me to set the bar high. Whether that be with my stbxhusband and our LO, or if I ever get involved down the line and choose to have another child.