The 'my toddler won't eat' Support Group

If ~I was you I'd be up the doctors tbh. have you tried giving him icecream? Nice and cold and slippy
Hi ladies.just looked for advice from those whose toddlers are affected by coughs/chest problems.ds is currently on his 7th day of eating practically nothing.for the first four days he absoloutley refused any food at all and probably had about one mouthful of cereal,a bite or two of bread and milk all day for four days.then he went two days eating 1 weatbix and a couple of mouthfuls of dinner(no lunch) now he's at the stage where he actually can't get anything down past his chest.he swallows it but it comes straight back up like he can't get it down.anything thicker than water/milk he can't keep down.i am getting extremely worried as he's been two days now with NO food.last night he came and gave me an empty bowl with sad hungry looking eyes so I made him a piece of bread smothered in margarine to make it slippery and he got about a third down,so that was something.but I feel so sorry for him.he can't even eat his absolute gave choc chip cookies he usually eats 6-7 of at nannas house.he is pale and I am so upset that he is losing the weight he had finally caught up on after being little from being born early and not putting on weight to getting sick as a baby and keeping nothing down for months.
Has anyone been prescribed meds to help?i was thinking maybe a child's dose of anti inflammatories may help his tubes open up a bit and let more in.hes had help what so ever.also any natural cough remedies since its dangerous to give cough meds to kids?i am getting desperate!!


Omar had a cold & cough 2 weeks back. We waited for a week (paed advise), it got worse & he started to get a temp. He was eating yoghurt only, & he was throwing up from the cough. So we took him to the dr & he needed antibiotics & inhalers. He got better on Saturday xx
Thanks ladies.i took him to the docs today cos he was wincing when swallowing and the not eating thing.she took a one second look at his throat and gasped and said he throat is very red and inflamed.poor baby.i tried yogurt,baby custard..nothing.hes still not eaten a thing but I'm hoping the antibiotics have well kicked in by tomorrow and he can start eating.hes literally had just a third of a piece of bread in the last three days.i got hydrolytes but he refuses to drink it as he hates juice.i feel so sorry for him but nothing helps he won't let anything in cos his throat is so sore.hes still sleeping 5+ hours a day and all night when he usually sleeps 2 hours a day!arghh!!
Hi ladies I have an extremely fussy 3 year old DS, who is starting to rub off of his 2 year old brother with food dislikes!
He will eat:
Toast/sandwich, the only spreads he will eat is peanut butter or jam.
Spaghetti bolognese.
Mac and cheese ( some times )
Two minute noodles.
Chicken nuggets.
Fruit ( apples, oranges, grapes, banana are the main fruits he eats but will eat most )
And musli bars.
Oh and pizza and garlic bread, but he won't eat the topping just sauce and base!

That's pretty much it :-( I got him to have a few mouthfuls of fried rice and creamy chicken last night.

My 2 year old DS is lactose intolerant and has a bad gag reflex, he pretty much used to eat/try anything but is falling into the same category as his brother.
I gave him a mouthful of mashes potato the other night and he vomited.

I also have a feeling it might be a textural issue for my 3 year old.

Makes me a very sad mum.

I'm glad I found you ladies.

My son Quinton just turned 14 month old and getting him to eat has become a daily struggle. It's exhausting. The amount of singing and dancing and pleading I have to do to get him to accept a spoonful is crazy. And we go through it at every meal. He will only eat baby purees. No chunks. He gags and spits anything else out. As for finger foods, he will only eat small pieces of bread, bits of cheese occasionally, sugarless rusks, and baby puffs. Sometimes I can manage to give him a few spoons of what I am eating.
Hi there!
My toddler looks a lot like yours. I feel your pain. Most days my son won't eat hardly anything, he is still an avid nurser and I keep thinking maybe I should wean, that way he'll be 'forced' to eat actual food. But then I think, 'what if that doesn't do it'? and I may be taking away about the only thing he'll happily have. I am so stressed out about his lack of appetite. I worry about him so much and it hurts to see other kids his age and younger eat everything in sight and have much more meat on their bones.
Hugs to all you mom.

Seattle mom of 1 (20 months)
I saw this link on someone's sig and clicked on it! I have a son (Kaydin) who is almost 3 and is a picky eater! He's extremely tall-30mths and he's 42inches and 33lbs...
It's a hassle finding clothes to fit him but even moreso feeding him!

He's not really picky I guess. On a good day, he eats a cup of cheerios w/ milk, some fruits, pb&j sandwiches, and doesn't eat dinner. :/
He eats cheeseburgers, mac n cheese sometimes, and if it's not green beans...he won't touch it! He's lanky...very lanky...
I broke down and actually got him multivitamins. :/
I am desperately in need of help. For me instead of my wife to get on here and ask for help is a mile stone in and of it self. My 2 now 3 year old next week son will not eat anything but chicken nuggets, cottage cheese, and plain noodles. He will eat just about anything if it is hidden behind other food that he likes. I don't believe he has ever eaten any fruit but bananas or vegetables of cooked mushrooms or corn. I would love to speak to anyone who could help with this with my son. I have a daughter that will eat "ANYTHING" under the sun except rice why we don't know.... Please any advice would be grateful.... I am already bald and still pulling my hair out, don't have much left.....
My son is the same way nearly. He WILL NOT sit and eat his food he has to run around and take a bite every 5-10 minutes at best. he might not even eat at all. Then he gets hungry later at night and begs for food so im trying to explain to him that he didn't eat dinner so he cant eat anything else. Please advise, thanks...

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