I don't like it as a real name personally. My daughter's nickname is Dolly, we call her it more than her actual name but one day she'll seem too old for it and I just don't imagine people taking someone called Dolly very seriously, but then a name is a personal thing and if you love it, then go for it, it doesn't really matter what other people think
Don't worry about it not being seen as a real name or it's a nickname etc.. I get that a lot with the name I've picked for my daughter (Pixie) and there's no reason why it can't be a "real" name
I just had someone ask me how anyone is going to take her personally in the real world and how she'd ever get a proper job - I pointed them to Dr Pixie from Embarrassing Bodies Pixie Whispers is also a producer.
It's not a name for me but if you love it, don't be put off
I just had someone ask me how anyone is going to take her personally in the real world and how she'd ever get a proper job - I pointed them to Dr Pixie from Embarrassing Bodies Pixie Whispers is also a producer.
Funny I've never been able to take her seriously as a dr, but most drs use their surname anyway.
Hey! I don't mind Dolly at all, but if you're looking for something with a bit more "sophistication" for when she grows up but less traditional than Dorothy, and that can still be shortened to Dolly, I really like the name Daulton for a little girl. I think it's because I knew this DARLING little girl from the preschool I used to work at and that was her name, but her family and all of us always referred to her by her nn, Dolly. And I think that Daulton May is nice together! There are tons of other middle names that could go nicely too though!
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