The official cerazette missing period support thread!! *NAME CHANGE*

Thanks for the advice Samie, I will ask the consultants success rate when I see her on Wednesday. After today's scan I think baby is footling breech, sonographer said her feet were on my cervix. She is laid with her head on my left side and her bottom on my right (going down diagonally), one arm up and one arm down! She also has lots of hair by all accounts! Her daddy is dark ginger so I hope hers is too-even better if she has daddy's family's curls! Her growth is spot on average, even her little legs have caught up (at 20 weeks they were smaller side of average but neither me nor DH have long legs so we didn't worry overly).

If ECV doesn't work am I best to look at planned c-section? I don't want to start by myself and for baby to get into distress x
if baby is footling its highly unlikely they will allow a normal delivery because the legs can come through the cervix before its dilated much so it would be section. Ecv on footling is also less likely to be successful.

They will probably say ecv is a uncomfortable procedure but lots of women say its very painful so defo research

:hugs: thy tried with a girl at my work and she said it hurt lots:wacko: she had a section as wouldn't turn.

In a way I'd have loved a planned section, no waiting to see what day you start etc, dosed up on meds. Realistically I really didn't want one as being big I was terrified how id heal With the strain of an apron on the scar. Aso I'd have nobody to help me as once hubby went back after 2 weeks I was all alone :dohh:

We have finally started his room today. I feel a bit sad actually :haha: feels like I'm making him grow up before his time :blush:

Hope everyone is ell, my stupid foot is pretty mangled. Still got 3 decent sized fractures and a tiny hairline one. I caved and went to clinic begging for a cast but repeat x ray shows they are still in position so they think I'm passed the danger zone so hobble on. Marcus keeps accident,throwing a toy or knocking it :cry:

H has been doing very well at soft play and nursery recently. Tik we are 1 month incident free....fings crossed. I like going to soft play with him, all th oth mums meet friends there and just sit and gossip, being a Billy no mates I go on my own and charge around with's terrible when u have a non walking, non verbal serial biter...u have to follow them all around the play park :happydance:
cant believe your foot is still so bad!

and well done to marcus

:baby: my pelvis is rickety ATM again so popping some ibuprofens and deff feel much better with m foot :haha:

I'm much mor relaxed now with Marcus and I'm letting him do things in his own time and not stressing over it BUT I rung the hv a while back and what she said in passing is really niggling, she said how does he ask for things and when I said he doesn't she asked me again and suggested i bring him to clinic. I will take him but haven't yet as its too hectic.

He doesn't point, he has never pointed with a finger but will salute at planes and helicopters that it! He will never salute to something on the side eg his cup or snack etc. he just cries. If he can reach it or climb up to it he will get it himself wih tout a moan but if not he will just cry and scream for things.

He can say hiya, mumma, dadda, nana and yeah. Nothing is ever in context and he doesn't speak masses. I'm not that worried as I understand some boys are slower at speech etc but its the fact he makes no effort to communicate things. :shrug: tbh I think he's just a bit unique and hasn't read the baby book :haha:

I do see huge improvements in him and what he can do but he deff seems quite behind.

Anyway, how is everyone? What's the consensus on play doh? Wen are they old enough? I'm thinking stocking fillers and different activities. X

Hope you're all ok fingers crossed we have seen the last of the trick or treaters for tonight! Aaron tucked up in bed he has had such a brill time at nursery today dressed as little Frankenstein they had a party and has been dishing sweets out to kids at the door all night! He loved it but got a but scared at a lad in a scream mask until he took it off!

I'm sure Marcus is fine Anna how boring would we be if we are all the same. My mates little boy never asked for anything when he was a similar age just cried while she played the guessing game but he asks now they just have their own ways.

I was wondering about play dough too as log as they don't put it in their mouth i reckon 18 months ish is ok?

Anna Marcus is fine, his speech is fine he is still very young, they don't worry about has many words or if they are in context yet!

He may not point but sounds to me like he communicates what he wants to you...

As long as he is well loved and looked after which he very clearly is he will develop at his own pace,

Here is an eg of how diff kids can be.... My sister walked at 10 months I didn't walk I till I was 18 months! I didn't sit unaided until I was 9 months!!

They say that all children develop at their own pace but are all at basically the same level by the time they start school,

If your HV was seriously concerned you would have had an appointment to go in by now!

Try not to worry about when he does this and that and just enjoy teaching him at his pace :)


time is all it takes. Sophias speech is still one worded and occasional 2 words but her understanding is 100% and she gets across what she wants but then other babies younger than her have full conversations ( which annoys me lol).

frustrating but they get there.

I had play doh for sophia when shes was one but my ocd didnt allow as my carpet would ruin lol but now she knows to get her matt out then plays nicely and she loves it! I've just bought her the rainbow set from argos for crimbo in the 2 for £15 offer. Go for it cant do harm to him just your carpets haha
Just boring wood floor here so its ok :thumbup: il look on Argos that's a good price :flower:

One week until she's 2 Sam! I remember her being born, was on holiday 6 weeks pregnant and feeling a bit iffy keep logging on my iPad :blush:

Marcus had 2 friends round this morning. He was really grizzly but been like this a lot recently but he didn't attack anyone which is actually the first time ever on a play date :hugs:

I had my hair done a few days back, everyone think I look so different etc honestly didn't think it was so drastic, back to a bob with a fringe :cry: I do like it tho.

We. Go on our holidays next Friday :thumbup:

I do think he develops at his own will. He never moved much when I was pregnant, didn't cry when born (but was breathing etc) just does things a bit weird :haha: we went to the ark earlier...wet metal sledge ad the all in one waterproof is not good, he actually flew down there and launched off the bottom :nope: it was funny but so fast it was unreal not seen anything like it :dohh: xxx
wood excuse then!

I cant believe shes 2 its madness time goes so fast and you don't realise until you have no time to stop.

you going centre parks?

im still trying to swap a shift so we can take her peppa pig world not succeeding yet =o (
Went in to hospital for my ECV this morning, midwife was sure baby was breech from feeling bump. She went for the scanner machine and started to everyone's surprise baby is head down! She must have turned since last scan and she must have a large bottom! So, no ECV for me! Although now I know she's head down and engaged, walking and going from standing to sitting and vice versa is agony! The power of suggestion obviously works on me!

38+1 today so midwife confident I will have no more breech trouble!
Sinn that's brill news! Really pleased for you!

Samie hope you manage to swap a shift! Do you want to go in her actual birthday?

Hope everyone else is well!

The bumps are all getting so close now huh!

awww yeah! Highly unlikely to move now =o)

Managed to swap the shift so going to peppa pig world nov 24th a bit after her birthday but the only weekend date we have free as they only do weekends! I'm so excited to see her little face
I can just hear her now walking in and shouting 'PEPPPPPPAAAA WOW! lol shes a cutie!
Awww that's so cute, Samie!

Sinn, we're so close now! How are you feeling generally? Do you think you will go over?
I really hope not Diddums! I have that funny bowling ball feeling now, thought it might ease off as the day went on but it's got worse!

I'm still feeling and being sick so I hope that she is on time so I can end that chapter! And still got awful heartburn!

We've got everything now, just clothes to put away after washing so it's really happening now!

How are you doing?
Aww Sinn, you've had such a tough time with the sickness :(

I'm good. Just very tired and I get a lot of pressure in my pelvic bone. Baby is head down and at my last midwife appointment the midwife said she was 2/5 palpable. I think that's means she's engaging. Is that correct Samie?

I just have a few clothes left to iron and put away then everything is ready (apart from the lack of nursery furniture that hasn't turned up yet, and isn't due until 14 Nov).

I hope I don't go over. I don't sleep well at night as I get up every couple hours to pee and during the day I need to make sure I go to the toilet every hour or so lol. I've even taken to driving on a maternity mat thing, just in case my waters go, or I have an accident :s
I hope our little ones make an appearance soon. I know she's already a good weight and shouldn't have any problems breathing etc so anytime she wants to make an appearance I'm happy lol
I might have had bad sickness but I have (so far) escaped needing a wee a million times each day and night! I've only really had one or two nights where I've struggled to sleep these last few weeks so I think I've done well! I make sure I do my pelvic floor exercises every day, multiple times a day and I'm sure my pilates class has really helped. I limped in to it tonight and practically bounced out!

Just ordered a tens machine, I wasn't going to bother cos I was convinced I would have to have a c-section for breech but it seems now I will need one!

I can't bear to stand and iron clothes, especially tiny ones so I make sure I get them out of the dryer still warm and fold them quickly! Seems to be working so far!
Awww i'm excited for you 2, your pregnancies have gone so fast although sure you wouldn't agree!

2/5ths palpable could mean 2 things.

We divide the head in to 5 sections so she either means she can feel 3/5ths of the head so the top of the head and forehead are in your pelvis or the other way where 3/5th are engaged so down to the ears-ish and she can only feel 2 parts of the head like the cheeks and chin part of the head. Either way in the right position!

Page 1000 :happydance:

Great news of the bumps :flower:

My pelvis has gone wonky again, could just cry :cry: need to do Pilates but hard to get to a group .

How is everyone?

I feel depressed everyone liking and commenting on all these terrible childhood illnesses on FB, I get paranoid! X

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