Thanks for the advice Samie, I will ask the consultants success rate when I see her on Wednesday. After today's scan I think baby is footling breech, sonographer said her feet were on my cervix. She is laid with her head on my left side and her bottom on my right (going down diagonally), one arm up and one arm down! She also has lots of hair by all accounts! Her daddy is dark ginger so I hope hers is too-even better if she has daddy's family's curls! Her growth is spot on average, even her little legs have caught up (at 20 weeks they were smaller side of average but neither me nor DH have long legs so we didn't worry overly).
If ECV doesn't work am I best to look at planned c-section? I don't want to start by myself and for baby to get into distress x
If ECV doesn't work am I best to look at planned c-section? I don't want to start by myself and for baby to get into distress x