The slightly Traumatic Birth of our beaufitul baby boy, Parker Avery Spindler


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Dec 29, 2009
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My due date was Januaty 1st based on an early ultrasound but based on when I knew we conceived, Parker was born on his due date of January 4, 2011.

On January 3rd, I spent the whole day cleaning, doing laundry, scrubbing floors, bouncing on the birthing ball...and I ate curry for dinner.

At 5:30am on the morning of January 4th, I was laying in bed and heard a pop...I knew from reading on hear that my waters were about to break so I rushed to the bathroom where sure enough, I had a huge gush!...luckily it was clear fluid and most of it went right into the toilet! I woke my husband and told him my water broke...he sat right up in bed looking shocked!

Here in Canada, they tell you to come right in if your water breaks so, we left by 6:15AM and I was already starting to get mild contractions. We arrived at the hospital at 6:30am and they put me on the monitor and checked to make sure my water had broken...I was contracting every 3-4 minutes and my water had indeed broken...i was 3-4 cm at this point.

We were showed to our room and that's where I laboured for a couple of hours. At 8:30am, I was in so much pain and the contractions were comming every 2-3 minutes...really close together for early labour...I went in the tub ans my husband was by my side the entire time. Now, going into this, I had an open mind about pain relief and I recommend to expect the unexpected. I was willing to try without but I wasn't opposed to trying it as well. at about 9:30am I asked the nurse for an epidural. they helped me out of the tub and we headed to the delivery room. The anastesiologist was in surgery so I had to wait for an hour and a hlaf before I could get an epidural. I thought this was the longest hour and a half of my life...I sucked on G & A the entire time and it did nothing!

He arrived around 11am and administered the epidural...which is really hard to stay still during contractions! He put the test dose directly into the site and I was in heaven...or so I thought until the test dose wore off and the IV drip wasn't enought to keep me numb...only my legs stayed numb and I was feeling every contraction with full force! He was called back but he was in surgery again so didn't show up for almost 2 hours...then he removed the first epi and did it all over again...once again the test dose worked wonders but after an hour or so, I was back to feeling everything. He decided to keep injecting "top ups" of test dose directly into the he was supposed to do it every hour and a half but he was in surgery all afternoon so I suffered a lot in between...we figured I did over half of the labour with no meds...

So, all day long Parker's heart rate would drop significantly with every contraction. they kept putting me in various positions to try and get him to come around...from one side to the other and on all fours and back was really scary to know he was in distress...

So, onto delivery...I was checked and found to be fully dialated but my Epi had just worn off and I was in so much pain that I couldn't feel the urge to push and they didn't want me to push until I could feel it so, the anasthesiologist came back and topped me up again...and with everything that happened in delivery...I was very thankful that I had insisted on that last top up! So, once the top up started working, I felt a strong urge to push and so I started...don't be afraid of pooing during delivery because once you go into that room, all dignity goes out and you won't even care...I'm pretty sure I did! So After a few really good pushes, the nurses asked me to stop pushing as Parker's heart rate would plumit to less than half when I pushed...they called the doc and I was allowed to push again...but it kept happening and they realized this baby had to come fast or else there could be serious, they called in a Specialist/OB and started to set up tables and equipment...when they Specialist arrived he said the quickest way to deliver would be Forceps...I was terrified as we were told in prenatal class that they hardly use those anymore...Anyway, I told him to do what was best for our little he injected numbing stuff into mmy lady bits and got out the forceps...he inserted them around Parker's head and I had to puch with all my might while he pulled...I heard a snip and knew he was giving me an episiotomy...within 3 big pushes, Paker was here and placed on my tummy...unfortunately he wouldn't nurse right away as he was shoked by the forceps delivery...There was a peds team in the delivery room to check him out since his heart kept dropping but he was fine...I on the other hand received an epsiotomy & 2nd/almost 3rd degree tear...many stitched later and they went to get me up and I alomst passed out...this continued for a day and a half, every time the nurses would try to get me out of bed, I would almost pass out and throw up...I was so weak and thought I was going crazy because they said this hardly ever happens...finally the doctor did a blood count and it turns out I lost way more blood during delivery than they thought. I was borderline needing a transfusion but instead they gave me 2 litres of fluids in 30 minutes and put me on iron supplements...the next day, I was able to get out of bed and shower!

We were discharged last friday and when I got home I started noticing more and more pain in my stitches...I was in so much pain I told my husband I'd rather go through labour again...I couldn't get out of bed to even change our son...I had to rely on my husband for everything! I ate, slept and nursed Parker...That was it...I had a doctor's appointment on Monday where I found out my stitches got infected somehow even though I soaked them and cleansed them all the time...After 4 days of antibiotics and lots of rest, I am finally up and around and pretty much back to myself! I am enjoying every minute of our new baby...he's so good..we even got 10 hours of sleep last night in between feedings! he is breastfeeding very well and never cries except when we are changing him! I still get tired easily because of my blood loss but they said after 6 weeks I will be back to normal for that as well!

After all of that, I can honestly say I would do it all again in a heartbeat for our beautiful son...Introducing Parker Avery Spindler born 7:44pm Tuesday, January 4, 2011 weighing 7lbs 8oz.
Congratulations, and sorry you had such a traumatic labour xx
Sorry it was such a difficult delivery but congratulations on the birth of your son and pleased you're starting to feel better now xx

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