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The start of fertility testing....


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2012
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I don't know if I should be happy that I am starting fertility testing or scared, but I'm at least anxious to figure out whats going on.

We are on our 14 months of TTC, keep in mind a few of those months we didnt actually 'try' because of things that came up - life go figure right?! But a little over a year ago we decided that we were ready to become parents.

I went in to get a thyroid ultrasound 2 weeks ago and things came back good with no issues. A little enlarged but nothing to be worried about. This morning I went in for cycle day 3 blood work, anxious to see the results of that. Friday I have a transabdominal ultrasound and my hubby is going in for his second SA.

Once we get all results back next week, we will need to decide our next steps. We are both healthy people, not overweight, dont smoke, do drugs or drink (other than the usual social drinking). We should exercise more and are trying to concentrate more on that.

I'm starting to feel a bit more positive knowing that we are getting these tests done. I want to make some changes to my lifestyle this month in order to help us get pregnant, but am finding it difficult. Cutting out my morning coffee is the biggest issue for me right now, I love me some joe in the morning. :)

Anyone else around the same marker as me that would like to buddy up? Waiting for the test results seems like its going to take forever...
I'm only in my second week of ttc, so no where near where you are, but I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism last year (only mildly enlarged on ultrasound with three itty-bitty nodules/ not significant at this point). If you end up with weird thyroid-things on blood work, I still have a number of thyroid-related resources I could pass on to you.
I had a thyroid blood test done about 4 months ago and things came back fine. I hope they do again this time too, curious to see my prolactin and fsh levels as well

Anyone know what all cycle day 3 bloodwork will tell you? Will it give info on my eggs too? sorry, probably a stupid question....
:howdy:Hi runner! I guess you could say I'm about the same place you are. DH and I have been TTC for just about a year, but due to being super irregular with the frequency of AF, I went to my doc last week and she ordered all the labs. I should be getting cd3 labs done on Sunday (If AF shows like she's supposed to). DH will do his first round of stuff the same day as my cd3 stuff, and my transabdominal ultra sound is scheduled for 11/15 as of right now. I'm going to call and see if they can get me in earlier as right now it's scheduled 7 dpo.

It'd be great to have a buddy to go through this with. I was kind of floored last week when I found out I may have problems. Waiting just to get the labs done is killing me, let alone maybe having to wait until 11/15? Can you shoot me now?:grr:

Lots of :dust: to you!
My doc explained it as figuring out if I had any hormone issues causing me to not ovulate (which is my known issue right now). She threw so much info at me that only about 25% actually stuck in my head.
Hi girls, mind if I join you? My hubby and I have been TTC since December of last year, and I finally saw a doctor about it last week. She ordered FSH, LH, prolactin, TSH, lipids, and hA1C labs, and I have an appointment tomorrow to discuss the results. My cycles are very irregular. I have been bleeding for about a month now, so I can't wait to get some answers.
Wow, didnt realize I would actually find others going through the same tests at the same time - this is great!

I am actually pretty regular, I ovulate most months, I temp so I see my spike and also get my smileys on my digitals.

Just afraid we will get things tested and end up in the 'unexplained infertility' group, its like picking at straws.

Keep me posted on your test results, nice to go through all this with people in the same boat. Good Luck!
Runner- Funny thing is...I just had my Cd3 test done today as well. My Dh also had his 2nd SA done today. I have an HSG scheduled for next wednesday. We have been trying since September of last year. So we're at about the same time frame as you! My Dh's first SA came back slightly abnormal, so they ordered a 2nd one. I am SOOOO nervous for those results! They gave his results over the phone last time. (after I had called for them) So I'll probably call this time too. Hopefully we can all get the answers we need so we can get those bfp's we've been waiting for! :)
Hi all, I had my first bloods today for fertility testing! But it was the "day 21" test to check if I've ovulated, not the "day 3" tests. I'm getting tested a bit earlier than the 1-year mark because I have a known issue (severe endo with 1 blocked tube) and don't want to TTC for too long as the more periods I have, the worse my endo will get. I still need to get hubby to do an SA test, and if AF arrives next week then I will do the "day 3" tests.

Fingers crossed for all of us!
Hi there!:flower: I've been going through infertility testing for three months. It looks like I'm ovulating early, and my DH has male factor. His swimmers are awful! We're going to an infertility specialist next month. Its been two years since we started our journey, with no bfp at any point. :cry:
PinkPeony10 - We sound almost exactly alike, its good to hear other peoples stories so it makes me not feel so alone. I hope your results come back good! Anxious to get mine.

MBrink - sorry to hear about your husbands 'swimmers', we girls get so caught up in whats wrong with us that we dont think about if there could be an issue with the male factor sometimes. My DH had his test done about 6 months ago and things showed up fine other than he was nervous so wasnt able to provide a larger sample. He is going in again this Friday and is not thrilled but knows everything that I am going through so didnt complain.

The only main issue here is that if we cannot conceive the natural way by BD'ing, my DH doesnt want to do anything further. He doesnt believe in taking drugs to help me ovulate or anything of that sort and said he will not do an IUI or IVF. So we may be coming to the end if we do find out we cant conceive naturally. I hope he changes his mind and will reconsider our options once we are faced with them. Lets hope we dont get to the point where we cant have kids....
Hi! Count me in:

First FS appointment was Monday. Day 4 bloods and DH SA were done on Tuesday.
HSG booked is booked for Tuesday next week. Next FS appointment will be Mon 12 Nov.

Just got some of the first test results back and everything falls in the normal range.

I'm 41 and DH is 38, we've been married 4 years and NTNP for 3 years. We had one BFP earlier this year that ended in MC. Due to my age we see the next few months as pretty much our only chance to be successful at this.
@runner: While I'm not sure I can understand your DH not wanting you to take meds and/or other treatments to assist, I can understand not wanting to do IUI or IVF. Right now, I don't exactly have a choice in whether or not we can do a lot when it comes to fertility treatments. Fertility treatments aren't covered by my insurance, and DH doesn't have insurance as his job charges wayyyyyy too much for it. That being said, I'm not sure either of us really wants to go that route anyways, though we haven't specifically talked about it. Maybe, if there is an issue that pops up, your doc might be able to point in the direction of some natural supplements (or something similar) that your DH would be willing to compromise on?

It's great to find others going through this process at about the same place as I am. I joined about a week ago and realized I've seriously been lacking information about TTC, among other things. This place has been a great source of information and support! My AF has always been irregular without bc. She'd come once every 2 or 3 months, usually, sometimes 2 months in a row, and sometimes I wouldn't see her for 4 months. Once she didn't come for 5 months. As I didn't really know everything a lot of women do when TTC'ing (charting, bbt, opk's, etc), I didn't keep track of AF since we started TTC. The last time AF came, naturally was in January this year (possibly March - I can't remember). When I saw my ob/gyn in August for my annual exam, she remarked how odd it was, and gave my a script (generally called Provera, I think?) to make AF arrive. I waited a couple of weeks to start it, then she arrived in the middle of September. Haven't seen her since! So, last week, had an appointment, doc told me I was overweight, not ovulating, and probably wouldn't conceive anyways due to several risk factors (the weight, smoking, and stress level). Not a good day! :nope: So she ordered all the cd3 labs, as well as the cd21 lab. I'm on the provera again, and expecting to see AF Friday or Saturday (don't remember if it comes the day the pill ends, or the following day). Which means labs on Sunday or Monday. On Nov 15, I have my ultrasound and appointment to review my lab results. I'm definitely terrified of what might come of the lab work, and I'm glad DH intends to take the morning off to go to the appointments with me.

Good luck to all of you! Hopefully your results come back in as positive of a way as possible!
@runner- I am so sorry, I can't imagine how you feel. I struggle enough knowing that we most likely will have to move to IVF because this wasn't what I had planned- I mean, no one wants struggling with infertility to be their first experience trying to get pregnant. It seems unfair. I thought I would do the whole "surprise, I'm pregnant!" with this cute announcement to DH that I had carefully planned and purchased months ago. It just sucks.

I hate infertility. But please, don't let your DH get you discouraged. You will have a baby. I've been feeling the same way with my DH so I guess I shouldn't say that when I worry constantly :dohh: BUT we will have our babies come hell or high water. I promise you that. :hugs:
Hi girls, mind if I join you too? My hubby and I have been TTC since September of last year. I have finally got my doctor to take blood tests. Had my day 21 last week, day 5 test is booked for this Monday as AF arrived today.

I can't wait to see what the results say. I feel my body is a complete mystery at the moment. I passed out on Sunday, ended up in hospital for last 4 days. Had every test going and they can't find anything wrong. I'm 100% fit and heathly. I was hoping the passing out was an early sign of pregancy, as I had stomach cramps, sore boobs, constantly needing to go to the loo but no.

I also started Acupuncture 8 weeks ago to help with fertilty, painful periods and IBS so with everything thats gone on, I really am fed up with needles at the moment :-(

Fingers crossed for us all. xx
Pink- What about your hubby's SA was abnormal? I hope your results are good this time around.

Goldfish- I don't know much about endo, only that the uterine tissue grows in abnormal places. My MIL had it before she got pregnant with my hubby. Do you ever get it removed, or is there medication you can take?

Mbrink- How early have you been ovulating? I didn't know that could be an issue. Sorry you've been trying for so long without a BFP. :(

Runner- I'm so sorry, I can't even imagine not being able to go further if you weren't ovulating naturally. What is your hubby's reasoning behind not wanting medical intervention? Does he realize that you can't get pregnant if you're not ovulating?

Maddy- I wish you the best of luck!

Firelyte- I hear you about being misinformed before joining this site! I knew a lot because I'm a nurse, but I knew nothing about BBTs and just different things related to TTC. I feel like I've gained a plethora of knowledge. Good luck with your labs!

Chestnut- I hope you are feeling okay since your fainting incident! What were you doing before it happened?

As for me, I have my doctor's appointment in about five hours to discuss my blood results. I am still bleeding and having awful cramps. I just want to have a normal cycle like every one else. Is it so much to ask? :(
Fizzyfefe - yes, I had a lap in June last year to remove endometriomas on my ovaries, and then I was put on strong hormone treatment to stop my periods/put me into temporary menopause. I was hoping that would give me the best chance of conceiving as we were ready to TTC a while ago, but had to wait for the hormones to wear off and start ovulating again. No luck yet, but still hopeful! Good luck for your Dr appt today!

Edit: I meant no luck yet in getting a BFP (not 'no luck' in waiting to ovulate, I've been charting for 8 months and appear to O!)
Runner- We really do sound a lot alike! And I agree....it does feel good to know that you aren't alone! I've been wanting to talk to someone about everything that I've been going through. But we don't really want anyone to know that we are ttc. Besides...I don't think anyone would even really understand. So it's nice to be able to come on here and have people you can talk to that can relate to everything you are going through. I'm so sorry that your DH doesn't want to go through with any medications or have any procedure to assist with conception. Hopefully he comes around and changes his mind if for some reason you needed assistance of any kind. (hopefully you won't need any help tho) ;) What was the reason your Dh has to have a second SA?

Fizzy- His first SA came back fine except his morphology (shape of sperm). It was only 2%. :( His count was on the low end of normal...but it was still good. It was at 20.5mil. They want it to at least be 20mil. I called for the results for his 2nd one a little while ago. I'm just waiting to hear back from them. Really nervous to hear what they say! :(
Peony we also had issues with morphology at our first test. Since then DH has been taking Menevit (male fertility vitamins), cut back on his drinking and has lost a few pounds - he wasn't really overweight to begin with. At the 2nd SA everything had improved, including morphology which was at the bottom end of the normal range. We are now waiting for our 3rd test results and hope the improvements have continued.

We would not have considered IVF or IUI a few year ago when we married, but as I age the reality is that with 'old eggs' assisted conception is the only way to boost our chances to a realistic level...
Maddy- It's nice to hear when SA's improve! Especially morphology. They say it's harder to improve it compared to count and motility. I've had my Dh on Fertility Blend for men since the end of June. I had him taking it before he had his first SA. He was on it for about a month and a half before his first SA. They say it takes 3 months for anything to take effect on sperm. So since he's been on that for 4 months now....I am hoping it did the trick! Which is why I am getting really antsy about these results! I called the doctors earlier and they never returned my call. So I will definitely be harassing them tomorrow! I want the results before the weekend! I also put him on a multi-vitamin. In case he was lacking certain vitamins. Do you remember what your Dh's numbers were on the first 2 tests?

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