The traumatic but safe arrival of my little Roo bear 20/01/2011 :)


Mummy to Ruben x
Nov 27, 2009
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Well where do I start!!! :shrug: It started at 8am on wednesday morning on the 19th January when I was 39 weeks 1 day. I woke up having a very dull pain I can't really remember what it felt like but it was..strange and I woke because of it. My partner had gone to work at 6am so I was alone. I remember thinking ohh its nothing! How wrong was I. I got out of bed and just sat there for a bit. About 10 minutes later I had another one. Ouch it was a bit painful this time! Ahh...contractions. I text my OH and said 'I think I'm in labour'! well he didn't believe me which I knew he wouldn't as I am a very big drama queen and have moaned all the way through my pregnancy about every little niggle ha!! He said ring him if it gets any worse. I got in the bath to try and ease the 'pains' but it did absolutely nothing! They were getting quite a bit painful now..well I thought they were but I didn't know what they would get like later on!! I decided to phone the labour ward while I was in the bath to see what to do. They said to go in to see if it was labour.

I then phoned OH and told him that he NEEDED to get home. This time he believed me and so came home! I didn't want him coming home if I wasn't in labour and still didn't really believe I was as it didn't feel real! I washed my hair and tried to look half decent,put a bit of make up on..then we took a few photos of us together as they could be our last before we are a family!..then to the hospital we went. When I got there I thought I would be told I wasn't even in labour but when she examined me she said I was BUT it was only very early labour! Ahh if it hurts now what would it be like in established labour??!! It was about 1pm by now. She sent me home and said to come back when I couldn't cope.

We had only just moved into our new house a few days before so I bet the neighbours wondered what the hell was going on as I kept screaming at the peak of each contraction at home! I found leaning against the fireplace and swaying helped slightly! I still didn't believe I was in labour though it really felt like a dream! Eventually I went back to the ward as it really got too much! It was half 6pm when we went back to the hospital. To be honest I think I did quite well as I really am a big wuss! Every bump on the road was agony! When we got there I didn't take my hospital bag in as I was sure I would only be about 1cm or something lol! Well to my suprise I was actually 4cm :) I'm proud of this because I really wanted to stay at home until at least 3 and I did! The room was lovely. I was in the midwife led unit which are quite new at my hospital! (If I haven't bored you yet, thank you!!)

The midwife was lovely too. She said right well lets get the gas and air out if you would like it. Gas and air is AMAZINGGGG!!!! It was funny because my OH went to get my hospital bag out the car and when he came back I was off my face with it just laughing! He was just looking at me funny lol! I was unsure if it would be any good due to hearing mixed reviews and that it made people sick but it really did help!! Anyway my mum turned up and I changed into my nightie. We were having such a laugh! Bitching about people and taking photos! Eventually my contractions got too bad so I couldnt laugh :/ they became awful. Another check revealed I was now 7cm! I had coped just with gas and air!! I swore to myself I would need an epidural while I was pregnant but no I was doing ok :) They then broke my waters. A very weird sensation like warm water never ending!

I was allowed to get in the birth pool now so my mum and oh helped me get in my bikini. I say helped...they did it all for me! My oh undid my nightie so I was there starkers sprawled on the floor on my back and he couldnt get my bikini top on lol I remember my mum at one side and OH at the other trying to get this top on...dignity just goes straight out the window!! I got into the birth pool still using my g&a and tried to relax. I just couldn't. I thought I would have a lovely relaxing water birth but noo! I felt like I needed to push which is an AWFUL feeling. I was too scared too push and got myself worked up. I just couldnt stop screaming. In the end I had to get out the pool as it just wasn't doing anything for me at all. I was now 10cm. By this time it was 2am in the morning on Thursday 20th January. I lied on my back and just collapsed. The 'feeling' was awful I felt like I was dying. I kept saying shoot me shoot me and the midwife said I will just go get the shot gun ha!! I pushed and pushed and nothing was happening.

They got me lucozade as I had been pushing for an hour. They kept saying your not pushing right but I knew i was!!! In the end they were wrong not me! Eventually after 2 very LONG HOURS they said I would need forceps. I couldn't even stand up it was torture. they wheeled the bed in but I was just screaming and saying no I cant get on there. they had to practically lift me on my OH did anyway. At this point my OH started crying bless him because he was so worried about me. My mum was reassuring him. I was wheeled along the corridor screaming my head off. The pain was just horrendous. I didn't even feel the urge to push anymore. When i got in the delivery room a consultant examined me and they got the forceps all out and ready. The room was just full of people it was awful!

Apparently I tried to kick the consultant and the midwife told me off and said 'dont kick him your going to hurt him!' I really dont remember at all! I didn't even know that you had to have an episiotomy and so they did it without me even knowing!!! I'm glad they did but still!! I remember an injection down below thats about it. A few big pushes and a HELL OF A LOT OF PAIN my little man came into the world with help from the forceps. The placenta absolutely killed when the midwife 'pushed' on my belly to get it out. OUCH. It was only know when I realised I had been cut and was being stitched back up!! It really is true just forget ALL the pain when I stared into my gorgeous baby boys little eyes :) an amazing feeling!!!

So thats my birth story if you got that far lol! I really am on :cloud9:


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Congratulations!!! I'm glad to see I'm not the only one late with posting their birth story lol xo
Fab story, he's lovely -love his name :hugs:
Congratulations! x
You both look so well:Dx
aww this is lovely :D i love the bit where u wrote "well he didn't believe me which I knew he wouldn't as I am a very big drama queen and have moaned all the way through my pregnancy about every little niggle ha!!" that is sooo me :D i've got another 8 and a half weeks to go yet but i hope he's a bit early cuz the braxton hicks are a nightmare!! xx
lovley story and well done to you!

Love the first hold with the bikini! more glam than a gown ;-)

(also love the name Ruben!)x
Thanks for telling your story, Im a total drama queen / wuss so it was great to hear you did so well!

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