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Think I'm having contractions?! Pressure in bum??-UPDATED!


Mum to my beautiful kids!
Apr 7, 2011
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After complaining about being overdue yesterday I kind of feel like eating my words because I think I may be in early labour! I started having what feel like contractions a couple hours ago. My belly goes hard, I get low cramping and pressure in my bum. Is it normal to have lots of rectal pressure each time I get a contraction?? I am starting to worry because I had really bad back labour with my son and remember having pain (other than in my back) in my bum too.

So I guess what I'm asking is, has anyone had pressure in their rectum during contractions and not had back labour? Is this a normal part of labour?
I get slight butt pain when labouring but it was terrible with my 2nd who was in fact posterior. Good luck, i do hope this is it for you
I did with my son! Oh, my goodness!! I forgot about those until you mentioned it :haha:

They are no fun, but I had them and had an anterior birth!! It is very likely. For me, my little ones just nestle down nice and low, and when I get a contraction (bh or regular) it smooshes everything. If he moves during a contraction, it will literally feel like he's outside my vagina (TMI). Each movement is extreme. But the bum pressure is totally possible without being back labor.

I hope this is it for you!!!

You got me a little excited because that has just started happening to me tonight, including the bum pressure, but I had totally forgot about having it with ds1, and I thought I just had to poop. :haha:

Good luck! Keep us posted!!! :hugs:
Yup, it can be totally normal sweetie. I had butt pain when I was in labor. I felt a lot of pain and pressure down low above my pelvic bone as well.
am jumpin in soz. Can you get butt pain with bh had odd pain in tail bone area or lower on off. Am only 32+5 no3. Had scan tues an she put head at just above vag (pubic bone ) body up rightside an bumb middle breast area, also facing left lol she had go funny angle to see face not that i got a pic.
Thank you ladies :hugs: contractions have been getting stronger but still anywhere from 7-10 minutes apart. Ugh. Not sure if I should call my dad yet to watch LO?

Tiger mom, hope it's the start of things for you!
I have this daily right now. I spend the bulk of the daytime with this pressure and Braxton Hicks, with the odd contraction thrown in. They are irregular throughout the day and nothing comes of it. I hope since this is new for you it means things are happening. FX for you xx
Another one with this - it's uncomfortable but not unbearable! BHs, contractions and pressure - baby is ready to come out - just hoping it's sooner rather than later as it's exhausting!!

I'm so going overdue :( xx
Rickles I am overdue!! I've had nearly 4 weeks of false alarms. Driving me insane!
Rickles I am overdue!! I've had nearly 4 weeks of false alarms. Driving me insane!

Oh hun - so sorry - I feel your pain (but overdue on top just sucks)...

It didn't help that the doctor said to me yesterday if I had pains for more than an hour I should head in (my first I was 100% effaced and 3cm and felt nothing... was induced and went from 3-10 in 2 hours) Felt that plenty but they think I might not judge the "natural" pain right...

My Dad delivered my little bro as my Mum thought she just had period pains...

I didn't like to point out I'd have been living there for the last week if I went in for every hours worth of discomfort!

Hope your LO arrives asap NotNic!!! xx
That's what I reckon! My sister on Monday told me I should call L&D but as I'm still pregnant I think it's safe to say there wasn't an urgent rush for me to see them! :D
Sorry to hear you've had so many inconsistencies Notnic. That must feel awful :( really hope baby comes for you soon...very soon!

Contractions have been getting fairly more painful but pretty bummed out by their lack of consistency. I was up to every five minutes last night and as of this morning they have dropped to every ten minutes. This is starting to feel like my sons labour and I don't like it! On top of that, the pain in my bum during contractions has been so painful on and off. Really takes everything to hold it together.
It probably is worth a call then Paris just to see if they can give you an idea of whether you are progressing. I find the pressure painful but not the bhs and contractions which is why I haven't been in to speak with anyone.

Ah it's not too bad - just frustrating. Bit worried I might not realise until quite late and with OH around a 90min journey away we could be making a dash to the hospital!

Rickles - I hope you're right and also hope you don't have the same experience as me!
Thank you ladies :hugs: contractions have been getting stronger but still anywhere from 7-10 minutes apart. Ugh. Not sure if I should call my dad yet to watch LO?

Tiger mom, hope it's the start of things for you!

Thanks! We will see. I had hoped to be holding my little one in my arms before ds1's actual due date (he was 5 days early), but I also know that if I put that pressure on myself, it will just be that much more disappointing. Our house is empty in about 30 minutes, so my son and I are going to blast some music and dance around!! Hopefully that will keep this sweep workin'!! I just passed a nice (but small) chunk of my plug, and it was fairly bloody. And last night, my bh got so strong, they were actually slightly painful. Like... if it were menses, I would be rolling around whining, but because I want the labor pain (and they were nothing compared to labor), they aren't really anything :haha:

Hoping to hear some progress from you!!!!!:happydance:
It's taken me a few days to get back here but as expected I had my little boy! What an experience! I couldn't be more in love or happier and it all went so very well. After such a lousy labour last time I think this one totally made up for it.

Turns out bad bum pain turned out to be labour pains! In fact, I like to say that I had "butt labour" this time because that's where the bulk of my contractions were.

Tigermom, NotNic and Rickles, I hope you are in the process of having your babies or will very soon!!

I wrote a birth story here:

Congratulations mama! Think Ive got a couple of weeks to go at least but so nice to see babies coming :). xx

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