I think a lot of people who struggled with breastfeeding and gave up are very quick to share their negative experiences with you because they probably feel bad about giving up and, whether intentionally or not, want you to give up too 'cause it won't make them feel inferior. That's the impression I've always had anyway.
Other than the odd hiccup at the start (trouble latching on first night because she had really bad mucus and pain during cluster feeding in the first few days) I've found it really easy, and an amazing experience
I'm lay here in bed right now with my baby lay next to me feeding. It's SO easy and I love the closeness.
Don't get me wrong, it can be a bit stressful in the first few days, and your nipples do get a bit sore until they get used to it (took about 5-7 days for me) but if you stick that out it's the best thing ever
and much easier than formula feeding. F*ck getting up in the middle of the night faffing about with powders and bottles! And when you go out too..
A few tips:
Get a pump - then when you're ready you can start to express and let other people take over when needed. Breastfeeding can feel a little daunting at first 'cause you are solely responsible for nourishing your baby! But pumping and letting OH feed the odd time, especially if you want to go out or just get some more sleep makes it so much easier.
Get a nursing cover for when you're out and about - they're so good and really cheap online (I Googled it and got mine for about £6/7)
Get Lansinoh nipple cream - it's a lifesaver!!
Good luck, and don't let anyone put you off, breastfeeding is amazing and I wouldn't have it any other way.