Thinking of bf but only hearing horror stories


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2011
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Hi ladies I hope you don't mind me asking but I'm looking for some positive experiences on breast feeding. I've bottle fed my first two babies but I'm thinking of trying breast feeding this time. However all I seem to hear are people sharing horror stories about how awful bf is and how they struggled. Don't get me wrong I'm not under any illusions that it might be difficult but surely there must be positives too? Thanks in advance :flower:
I always found breastfeeding relatively easy! DS suffered from reflux and that was our greatest challenge. He's 19 weeks old now and breastfeeding is still going strong!
I have flat nipples so knew it would be a challenge with my first. First day she struggled to latch, but after that it was great and she fed for 15 months before she self weaned. Last 5 months she just had morning and night feeds.
With my second I was a lot more confident going into it and he latched almost straight after birth. After a few days it did become quite painful as he had a strong latch, and later found out he had a tongue tie, he damaged one nipple. After a couple of weeks it all went much better and feeding is now a breeze again.
During my 2nd pregnancy it was one if the things that I was looking forward too.
I think a lot of people who struggled with breastfeeding and gave up are very quick to share their negative experiences with you because they probably feel bad about giving up and, whether intentionally or not, want you to give up too 'cause it won't make them feel inferior. That's the impression I've always had anyway.

Other than the odd hiccup at the start (trouble latching on first night because she had really bad mucus and pain during cluster feeding in the first few days) I've found it really easy, and an amazing experience :flower: I'm lay here in bed right now with my baby lay next to me feeding. It's SO easy and I love the closeness.

Don't get me wrong, it can be a bit stressful in the first few days, and your nipples do get a bit sore until they get used to it (took about 5-7 days for me) but if you stick that out it's the best thing ever :) and much easier than formula feeding. F*ck getting up in the middle of the night faffing about with powders and bottles! And when you go out too..

A few tips:

Get a pump - then when you're ready you can start to express and let other people take over when needed. Breastfeeding can feel a little daunting at first 'cause you are solely responsible for nourishing your baby! But pumping and letting OH feed the odd time, especially if you want to go out or just get some more sleep makes it so much easier.

Get a nursing cover for when you're out and about - they're so good and really cheap online (I Googled it and got mine for about £6/7)

Get Lansinoh nipple cream - it's a lifesaver!!

Good luck, and don't let anyone put you off, breastfeeding is amazing and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Another really important tip: make sure your baby is latching on properly 'cause if they're not it can be incredibly painful! I can imagine if I didn't know that and I just thought that was how painful breastfeeding was I'd have given up not long after I started!
I think a lot of people who struggled with breastfeeding and gave up are very quick to share their negative experiences with you because they probably feel bad about giving up and, whether intentionally or not, want you to give up too 'cause it won't make them feel inferior. That's the impression I've always had anyway.

I have to agree with this. It can be tough going in the beginning and formula can seem like the easy option, I imagine. Even further in, there were times where I'd think how nice it would be to have someone else take a turn at night. But they are only ever fleeting thoughts and then I think about how I would hate to have to make bottles, clean bottles, sterilise bottles ... Once you've got it, bfing is the lazy girl's best friend! Just pop a boob out and you have the milk you need on tap, sterilised and at just the right temperature with all the added goodness of antibodies etc. I have never been one for expressing so don't think you have to even bother. It's a lovely thing to do for.your baby and it really is only for a short time in the grand scheme of things. I look.back fondly on my year breastfeeding each of mine and I can't wait to do it again xx
I've not had a problem with my second daughter, she fed well from the beginning, I've not had any pain, never had mastitis and basically it's been easy, we're still going strong 12 months in. It's not a horror story for everyone or else the human race wouldn't have survived for thousands of years ;)

The best thing if you want to breastfeed is educate yourself and find local support for when your baby comes. Find your local breastfeeding support groups/baby cafes. Find out if your hospital has a feeding specialist. Go on kellymom and YouTube and learn what a good latch looks like. Do some reading on tongue tie too as painful latch and poor milk transfer is often caused by tongue tie but midwives and health visitors and GPS are often rubbish at recognising tongue ties especially posterior ones. Like everything the more you know about it and the more people you have around you to support you the better it is x
We battled a bit in the beginning, I have flat nipples, but I ADORE breastfeeding.
Yeah, it was the one thing I found pretty easy (much to the disgusted looks of the nct group who were all moaning about it). Still going 20 months later! :D
And don't feel like you have to buy a nursing cover! They look dreadful for the poor baby and people really can't see much when the baby is feeding. No need to feel like you need to shroud yourself! :D
I found it a bit stressful first time as I was writing down all the times and wouldn't really NIP. This time is great, I am much more laid back, I love snuggling up to feed LO and to be able to just feed her as soon as she wants it without faffing is great. Out and about it is so much easier not having to pack all sorts to feed her, just find a seat and go :thumbup:
It was very painful for me for 3 weeks, but after that it became super easy!
Bfing my second baby happily, no horror stories here.

It can be frustrating in the first few weeks particularly if you haven't done it before. There is a bit of a learning curve, correct latch, cluster feeding, not knowing how much they are getting etc. But very straightforward and practical in the long run.
I enjoyed breastfeeding last time (no horror stories) and am enjoying it again. I had sore nipples for the first week, which was tough, but that went away by the second week. It's been fine since.
And don't feel like you have to buy a nursing cover! They look dreadful for the poor baby and people really can't see much when the baby is feeding. No need to feel like you need to shroud yourself! :D

I only recommended this as l know a lot of people don't feel comfortable with the idea of breastfeeding in front of people and let it put them off it in general even though there is a very quick and simple solution to the problem! :flower:
Ooh, also I bought a nursing pillow for about £10 from Asda and it's amazing! It's just like a banana shaped pillow that slots around your front for baby to lie/lean on. It makes feeding so much more comfortable, especially during the night.
Sorry some people make it sound like a struggle. I absolutely love it!! I nursed my daughter for 13 months n the only reason I stopped is cuz I had a baby 2 weeks ago n didn't want to nurse both. I have a feeling I'll be nursing my son for a long time;) I never had troubles. Both latch right after birth n I produce a ton of milk so I also pump n freeze even though I stay home. It's the best bond n if u go into it with a positive attitude n determination it will come easy. Go for it.

Hi ladies I hope you don't mind me asking but I'm looking for some positive experiences on breast feeding. I've bottle fed my first two babies but I'm thinking of trying breast feeding this time. However all I seem to hear are people sharing horror stories about how awful bf is and how they struggled. Don't get me wrong I'm not under any illusions that it might be difficult but surely there must be positives too? Thanks in advance :flower:
We had a bit of difficulty in the beginning but once we both got the hang of it it is so easy! Never have to worry about going out too long, warming bottles, just.pop out a boob whenever. We travelled when lo was 3 months and didn't have to worry at all and now that he's older it is a super.easy way to get him to sleep and fix booboos :)

Read lots, surround yourself with people that can help you and know that it is challenging at first but so much easier in the long run
There are a million positives.

Mainly with bonding and health benefits for mother and baby. Also the satisfaction of knowing you're doing the best for your baby.

Yes it's hard to start with (was for me) but not as hard as the guilt would have been if I had quit.
I might be one of the horror stories you've read, so sorry about that. I had a tough time with baby number 1 (which I won't rehash here) but baby number 2 has been a breeze.

This kid just knows how to do it. He feeds efficiently so I've never had to be stuck to the sofa for hours - most feeds are five minutes, ten if he is super hungry. Night feeds are so easy because I don't have to mess about with bottles. It's very freeing to go out and not have to worry about whether you bring enough milk because you can never run out. I haven't had any cracking of the nipples or blocked ducts this time at all.

In the interest of full honesty I will say I'm not keen on breastfeeding in public (for MYSELF only, no problems with other people doing it!) because I have really big boobs so latching on involves showing more flesh than I feel comfortable with and is a bit awkward getting into position. But I have done it when necessary and I also find expressing pretty easy so always have the option of a bottle of expressed milk.

Overall I'm really happy with the experience this time. I don't feel any super bonding or rushes of happy hormones that some people feel, I just like the convenience and simplicity.

I think what made the biggest difference in the experience was my attitude. Last time I put massive pressure on myself and made myself feel guilty for every setback. This time I knew he'd thrive whether I gave him formula or not, so I let myself relax and it was much more positive from day one. Baby number 1 could never have exclusively breastfed - I know that now - but if I was more realistic and less hard on myself it didn't have to be a horrible experience. So I'd say give it a go without beating yourself up if it doesn't turn out to be right for you and your baby.
I agree ppl who gave up, did so too early. It wasn't easy jn the beginning. I'd say til maybe 3 months I struggled on and off with latch or clogged ducts or ds eating too aggressively and making me bleed. But something clicked after 3 months and it's been a breeze since. I don't get engaged, he latches without a blink and it's the best thing ever

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