Thinking of introducing Rusks at 17wks?


Baking Bun #3
Aug 30, 2011
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Although I think a lot of Elsie's unsettledness is due to her teeth giving her jip, I'm also wondering if perhaps my milks isn't enough for her anymore? She seems to get quite agitated when she's been feeding for a while. After half hr of latching I put her on the other breast... She never used to feel for this long and be so unsettled afterwards! She hardly naps, maybe grabs the odd 15 mins when she's feeding, but its never a good deep nap like she used to have!

Has anyone got any experience with this? It's all changed so much since my son was a baby! I'm sure he was only 2mths when I introduced half a rusk a day to him!
She's growing, no doubt having a regression hence the fussiness. If she's gaining weight I wouldn't introduce rusks, ESP as they are empty calories.
Just stick with it nd consult your HV first.
It's normal for babies to go through growth spurts where they eat more and don't sleep as well. Those long feeding sessions are actually working to help increase the amount of milk you're making - if you start giving her solids instead that's going to have a negative effect on your supply and could make the problem worse. Not to mention that rusks have almost no nutritional value whatsoever, whereas breast milk has lots of calories and protein and healthy fats, so if she's really hungry then she'll be better off getting more milk :flower:
I personally think its your choice.

I have started my LO on baby rice (very watered down) because she just wasn't settling on my milk alone.

She doesn't have it every day and she's taken to it really well. I only gave her a little to start with to make sure that it didn't upset her stomach etc.

Quite a few of my friends gave theirs a little bit of something extra at an earliest age too.

I think it's down to what you're comfortable with to be honest; some people will stick to waiting until 6 months whereas others won't to introduce things to their babies. Just have to use your mummies intuition

There's a growth spurt at 3-4 months and also, if your baby is teething then she may want to nurse for comfort as opposed for food.

If you think your milk isn't enough you can do things like switch nurse, where each time the baby stops actively sucking you switch back to the other breast and do this as often as you need to. You can also use breast compressions to encourage a let down, which also then increase flow and supply. (You can google if you're out sure what breast compressions are)

If you've been feeding on demand exclusively then it's unbelievably unlikely that your supply isn't enough for your baby now. Plus, hunger surprisingly isn't a sign of being ready for solids. The signs are being able to sit well with little support, the disappearance of tongue thrust and the ability to pick up food and bring it to their mouth. 17 weeks is the absolute minimum age for weaning, but most babies are ready at around 6 months.

If you do want to start solids at 17 weeks, there are better foods than rusks. Even low sugar rusks contain almost as much sugar as a chocolate digestive. They also contain gluten, which shouldn't be given until 6 months.
Rusks are something like 23% sugar, the same amount (or more, can't remember which) as a digestive biscuit! I wouldn't give them to my LO personally, especially not as a first food.

Maybe she's agitated because she's full, wants to comfort suck but doesn't want the milk, does she have a dummy at all? Would you consider introducing one? I really doubt your milk isn't enough for her anymore, it's more likely to be a growth spurt. Bm and formula contain more nutrients and calories than solids, and if solids do fill them up it would mainly be because it just sits in their stomachs, they'd be missing out on vital nutrients and will be full of empty calories. I like to liken it to an adult filling up on bread, yes they'd be full, but it doesn't mean they've had a balanced meal.

The napping could also be the famous 4 month sleep regression, my LO is going through it now, a little early but she was overdue so I'm putting it down to that.

Honestly milk is the most important source of nutrition up until they're one. Solids won't make much difference to what you're experiencing and if they do it could be to the detriment of your baby's health later on in life. You can't see into your baby's gut, so it's a good idea to look out for the physical signs of being ready for solids (as explained by pp) which are likely to appear at around 6 months.
I introduced rice cereal in my son's bottle at 3 weeks, normally this would be a no no from our doctors but milk alone wasnt satisfying him. So he assured it would be fine. He was ready for another feeding every 1-2 hrs. At 3 weeks he was drinking 4oz's at each feeding. If he had more than that he would get a tummy ache. So I started putting it in his bottle and he has been a different baby ever since. He is now 7 months and almost sleeping throughout the night. He wakes up maybe 1 time if any at all. Its all up to you and what you think is best for you lo.
If you really do choose to give food, which I personally wouldn't recommend as there are growth spurts etc. please whatever you do don't use rusks. Normally ones contain 29% sugar and the reduced sugar ones still 20%. It's also not natural sugar but added refined sugar. (That the same amount of sugar as a hob nob).

I will also mention in my experience food doesn't help the unsettledness only time will.
Could be the 3 month growth spurt sort of transitioning into the 4 month sleep regression...3-5 months was just nasty for us too.

As bananaz has already said, milk is really the best thing to fill her up anyway as rusks/baby rice have very little nutritional value.
I do want to make this month my last month exclusively breastfeeding as I'm going away in march without her and I want to be sure she is used to being fed by others, and that she'll go to bed without a boobie feed... I will be leaving a supply in the freezer during that time as I do still want to feed her.. Just not all the time - if that makes sense?

She's been like this for weeks now, and although her weight is increasing, it's levelled off in comparison to how she used to pack it on! I've literally just had half hr rest n she's back on! I feel like a raisin!! She's getting really angry with me too!

I just though half a rusk would be easy on her belly mixed with breastmilk
I'll give you all the up to date info on early weaning and you can go from there.

- Babies intestines are unable to cope with solid food before 4 months at the least. 6 months at best. Unless advised by a healthcare professional, its really not advisable.

- Rusks are empty calories, with the sugar content of a doughnut and contain gluten, not advisable this early on.

- Early weaning carries risk that reveal themselves in adult life. Such as IBS.

- Many many people will tell you, they did this and that and their LO was fine, but each baby is different and new research is discovering whats better for baby all the time.

- Babies tastebuds are more responding to sweet foods, its better to offer savoury to begin with to ensure baby takes to a wider range of foods :)

I hope, from that info, you can make an informed choice.

And as your baby is nearing 4 months, it could be a growth spurt.

Rusks are definitely not the way to go. If you absolutely must introduce something, make a vegetable purée, at least it will have some nutritional value. But I personally don't feel it will make much difference.

Also weight gain tends to level off a bit after 3 months and even more after 6 months so I wouldn't pay much mind to that unless weight gain stops completely.
I've tried her with a dummy, she's not interested. It makes her heave.
I can't believe the negativity over rusks! They've always been the norm between my friends and family, as I said, my son started on rusks... I've never viewed them as a bad thing before. Just a yummy thing! Lol.

This is beyond a growth spurt... I can feel my sanity slipping
I've tried her with a dummy, she's not interested. It makes her heave.
I can't believe the negativity over rusks! They've always been the norm between my friends and family, as I said, my son started on rusks... I've never viewed them as a bad thing before. Just a yummy thing! Lol.

This is beyond a growth spurt... I can feel my sanity slipping

Did you not realise what was in them or that gluten was not suitable until after 6 months?

They're normal for lots of people because they are well marketed by baby food companies who only care about getting your money.

Do you think the negativity about risks on this thread is unjustified?
I've tried her with a dummy, she's not interested. It makes her heave.
I can't believe the negativity over rusks! They've always been the norm between my friends and family, as I said, my son started on rusks... I've never viewed them as a bad thing before. Just a yummy thing! Lol.

This is beyond a growth spurt... I can feel my sanity slipping

I think the more research thats poured into EW the more people realise rusks are just not what they are cracked up to be. 6 years ago my Mum used them on my little sister :)

It gets better, i promise!
I've tried her with a dummy, she's not interested. It makes her heave.
I can't believe the negativity over rusks! They've always been the norm between my friends and family, as I said, my son started on rusks... I've never viewed them as a bad thing before. Just a yummy thing! Lol.

This is beyond a growth spurt... I can feel my sanity slipping

Did you not realise what was in them or that gluten was not suitable until after 6 months?

They're normal for lots of people because they are well marketed by baby food companies who only care about getting your money.

Do you think the negativity about risks on this thread is unjustified?

I've not argued with anyone about what they have said about them, have I? I've never thought that much about them! Nearly 9 yrs ago when I had my son, I was told by my HV to introduce a rusk as he was a hungry baby. 9 yrs ago babies were weaned around 3mths. A lot has changed since my first - hence my reason for asking! So please refrain from speaking to my like an idiot. I've raised one perfectly healthy child already.
I've tried her with a dummy, she's not interested. It makes her heave.
I can't believe the negativity over rusks! They've always been the norm between my friends and family, as I said, my son started on rusks... I've never viewed them as a bad thing before. Just a yummy thing! Lol.

This is beyond a growth spurt... I can feel my sanity slipping

I think the more research thats poured into EW the more people realise rusks are just not what they are cracked up to be. 6 years ago my Mum used them on my little sister :)

It gets better, i promise!

Thanks for the info! Guess I'm just worn out today... Not helped by it being half term and tryin to juggle a grizzler with a "booooored" nearly 9 yr old! Guess I just need to ride it out
Rusks contain gluten, gluten given early is associated with Autoimmune diseases such as coeliac disease and type 1 diabetes. If you want to introduce at 4 months, stick to the 4month+ foods, there are plenty available for babies, unless you planned to use fruit/veg etc.

Those heinz farleys rusk often state 4m+, but on the back they do contain gluten.
I've tried her with a dummy, she's not interested. It makes her heave.
I can't believe the negativity over rusks! They've always been the norm between my friends and family, as I said, my son started on rusks... I've never viewed them as a bad thing before. Just a yummy thing! Lol.

This is beyond a growth spurt... I can feel my sanity slipping

Did you not realise what was in them or that gluten was not suitable until after 6 months?

They're normal for lots of people because they are well marketed by baby food companies who only care about getting your money.

Do you think the negativity about risks on this thread is unjustified?

I've not argued with anyone about what they have said about them, have I? I've never thought that much about them! Nearly 9 yrs ago when I had my son, I was told by my HV to introduce a rusk as he was a hungry baby. 9 yrs ago babies were weaned around 3mths. A lot has changed since my first - hence my reason for asking! So please refrain from speaking to my like an idiot. I've raised one perfectly healthy child already.

Gosh, I didn't realise asking a couple of questions was speaking to you like an idiot. :wacko: apologies if you think that is the case. I was simply asking if you disagreed with the information given on this thread.

HVs have obviously been giving crap advice forever more.... :haha:

When I had my third son 9 years ago, guidelines were definitely to wean as near to 6 months as possible. I had to sadly wean him early due to health issues and the fact he needed surgery.

When had my first son, almost 17 years ago, advice was to wean at 3-4 months, but no gluten before 6 months.

Rusks are marketed as suitable food for 4 month old babies. They are not , but sadly the law allows baby food companies to do this and it is potentially damaging to our babies.
I've tried her with a dummy, she's not interested. It makes her heave.
I can't believe the negativity over rusks! They've always been the norm between my friends and family, as I said, my son started on rusks... I've never viewed them as a bad thing before. Just a yummy thing! Lol.

This is beyond a growth spurt... I can feel my sanity slipping

I think the more research thats poured into EW the more people realise rusks are just not what they are cracked up to be. 6 years ago my Mum used them on my little sister :)

It gets better, i promise!

Thanks for the info! Guess I'm just worn out today... Not helped by it being half term and tryin to juggle a grizzler with a "booooored" nearly 9 yr old! Guess I just need to ride it out

That must be tough, i have 2 under 2 so i know how bad the days can be at times. :hugs:

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