Thinking of introducing Rusks at 17wks?

Id just recommend try talkin to your HV they can help and if she needs it, find an appropriate starter food :-)

Hope she settles soon xxxx
I've heard that avocado is a brilliant early food. Personally I plan on waiting until 6 months to wean but if for some reason I end up starting early, I'll be giving him avocado.
I've heard that avocado is a brilliant early food. Personally I plan on waiting until 6 months to wean but if for some reason I end up starting early, I'll be giving him avocado.

Thanks springer, I'll look into that! I love avocados and normally have them in the fridge! I was worried veg might give a bad belly but now I'm aware rusks are the devils food, I'll just buy myself a box and she can have avocardo! I don't plan on giving her food tomoro, she still got a couple of weeks before id consider it, so I'll just see how she is then. Hopefully she'll have calmed down by then anyways!
I've tried her with a dummy, she's not interested. It makes her heave.
I can't believe the negativity over rusks! They've always been the norm between my friends and family, as I said, my son started on rusks... I've never viewed them as a bad thing before. Just a yummy thing! Lol.

This is beyond a growth spurt... I can feel my sanity slipping

Did you not realise what was in them or that gluten was not suitable until after 6 months?

They're normal for lots of people because they are well marketed by baby food companies who only care about getting your money.

Do you think the negativity about risks on this thread is unjustified?

I've not argued with anyone about what they have said about them, have I? I've never thought that much about them! Nearly 9 yrs ago when I had my son, I was told by my HV to introduce a rusk as he was a hungry baby. 9 yrs ago babies were weaned around 3mths. A lot has changed since my first - hence my reason for asking! So please refrain from speaking to my like an idiot. I've raised one perfectly healthy child already.

9 years ago the recommended age of weaning was 6 months and never before 17 weeks, it hasn't changed since, some HVs may have advised weaning earlier but this was well against government guidelines and any training they may have had. It has actually been known that gluten is harmful before 6 months since the late 80s but baby food companies have done a good job of having this information kept well out of the public sphere for a long time. My mum only bought gluten free foods for my youngest sister and she was born in 1987 xx
I gave my lb porridge at just over 17 weeks and he loved it from the beginning, I only give him a small amount but he loves it and gets so excited when it gets to that time of the day and sees me with his bowl, you could try something with your lo to see how they get on and if they don't like it then wait a few weeks.
It's not about whether they like it or not though. Most babies would probably like it as its something new and different, what's more important is whether they're insides are mature enough to digest it without the risk of any damage being caused.
Nothing wrong with a bit of Rusk in my opinion. I was brought up on it and managed to survive!! I tried it with my girl at around 17 weeks for the same reason as u mention, but she didn't like it so I had her on baby cereal, the porridge stuff. It helped fill her up and she seemed happier, but then again that's just my experience. I'm sure her bowel is probably rotting away as we speak, and no doubt she will be morbidly obese and diabetic just like everyone else who weans before 6 month but hey ho :)

I ate all her rusks and quite enjoyed them :) I also agree with the avocado suggestion, especially mashed with a bit of banana. Baby loves it and it's quick and healthy, and filling.

(*ducks for cover from the 6 month baby led gang*)
Lol thanks bunnikins! U have made me chuckle. I often wonder how babies survived before articals on the Internet... I never googled anything when my son was a baby and he's perfect! Oh well... She still got 2 weeks to get her act together or an avocardo will be coming her way!
I just want to add, because some comments feel like a sneer. We are just telling you the safest info thats all. I feel quite strongly about weaning without the right info so i wanted to make sure OP had it..
From what I've been reading, there is also a lot of opposing views for waitin til 6 mths also... There is a million different opinions on everything I guess! I don't snub any advice so please don't think that's what I am doing. If I didn't want people take on it, I wouldn't have asked.
I didn't know about the rusk and gluten thing, so now I do know I won't use them when I do start to wean her. If in a few weeks she's still really unsettled and I try, I will use the avocardo.
I've also let my friend know about the rusks as she's been puttin a quart in her baby's bedtime bottle since 2 and a half mths. Her baby is 2 wks younger than Elsie.
From what I've been reading, there is also a lot of opposing views for waitin til 6 mths also... There is a million different opinions on everything I guess! I don't snub any advice so please don't think that's what I am doing. If I didn't want people take on it, I wouldn't have asked.
I didn't know about the rusk and gluten thing, so now I do know I won't use them when I do start to wean her. If in a few weeks she's still really unsettled and I try, I will use the avocardo.
I've also let my friend know about the rusks as she's been puttin a quart in her baby's bedtime bottle since 2 and a half mths. Her baby is 2 wks younger than Elsie.

Dangerous to put it in a bottle. :(
Not what I would do but she doesn't plan to change it so whatcha gonna do? :shrug:
Nothing wrong with a bit of Rusk in my opinion. I was brought up on it and managed to survive!! I tried it with my girl at around 17 weeks for the same reason as u mention, but she didn't like it so I had her on baby cereal, the porridge stuff. It helped fill her up and she seemed happier, but then again that's just my experience. I'm sure her bowel is probably rotting away as we speak, and no doubt she will be morbidly obese and diabetic just like everyone else who weans before 6 month but hey ho :)

I ate all her rusks and quite enjoyed them :) I also agree with the avocado suggestion, especially mashed with a bit of banana. Baby loves it and it's quick and healthy, and filling.

(*ducks for cover from the 6 month baby led gang*)

I was weaned at 4 months with rusks and now have IBS. Its not something to joke about if it can be prevented. Having stomach cramps worse that contractions is not something i want for my child.
Ha,sorry that post made me laugh... I feel sorry for anyone with IBS,I really do,. But that's just a pathetic argument...

Yeah, a lot of people have IBS. My husband has it, who was exclusively breastfed til he was 6 months!! (for financial reasons rather than guidelines at the time). IBS isn't a physical disease. There are no actual visible changes to the bowel that u can see on any test. No one knows what causes it. I should know, I have to diagnose many many patients with it every week at the hospital I work at (which has a rather large number of patients attending outpatients every day with it, of varying ages who were presumably weaned at various times!)

I'm not getting into another debate on here about weaning at 17 weeks. The people who argue til they r blue in the face about waiting til 6 months obviously don't have a baby like mine, who was more than ready.i don't like people insinuating I am sentencing my baby to a life of pain just cos I gave her a bit of baby food at 4 months, that's just stupid,scaremongering rubbish. I love my baby more than life itself and I would never do anything I didn't think was right for her.. People can do without the scaremongering. Motherhood is nervewracking enough as it is!!

If u could provide me with one article from a peer reviewed journal proving a link between IBS (a disease that is basically just a term to describe bowel problems and pain when there is no actual, physiological, medically explained cause..therefore notoriously difficult to diagnose) and weaning at 17 weeks, taken with a representative large sample of western population from recent times I will bow to ur superior intelligence.
How come you're allowed to go around saying "I was weaned early and I'm fine" but when someone says the opposite it's suddenly a pathetic argument? :)
I say that a lot cos i am just making light of the serious 6 month weaning die hards who think people who wean early are condemning their child to a life of ill health and poverty... by saying i SOMEHOW manage to survive this serious ABUSE of my poor (and somehow completely healthy) bowel that my mother inflicted on ME when i was a baby.

I still have never forgiven her!!

Cos saying you have IBS cos you had a rusk at 17 weeks its like saying.. ive got IBS cos i once ate an apple pip whilst hanging upside down... its complete and utter rubbish.. and its scaremongering... Please dont shove a big mac into your 2 week old babys mouth cos theyre crying... but by all means, if you have a big, hungry baby who isnt getting enough from their milk and is ready for solids.. you are NOT gonna give them DISEASE by giving them a bit of baby cereal/rusk/fruit at 4 months of age!!!

Or wait til they r 6 months.... whatevers best for baby/mum/common sense
You are letting your own personal issues derail a thread thats remained mostly polite and useful...
Where did i mention weaning at 17 months? Read my post properly.

The issue is with giving gluten before 6 months which is known to cause intestinal problems such as IBS and gluten intolerance. Im not going to waste my time searching for links on the internet for some one who has their head shoved up there arse and thinks they know better than the WHO.
Some information and I only looked it up as I am currently working on my dissertation.

Now, legally I cannot post the articles as it comes as a subcription, however they are fully referenced, so you are more than welcome to go and find them, should the synopsis not be enough. I also add that that I am pro choice and one does the best for their baby, but I reiterate, giving a rusk is like feeding a little one a hob nob. There are much better foods to offer.

40 Children
Aged Between 4-13 presenting with complaints of recurrent diarrhea, abdominal distention, severe emaciation and dehydration were included.

Majority of children with Celiac disease presented with typical symptom, while Celiac crisis was characterized by severe dehydration, weakness and calcium deficiency signs. Most were the product of consanguineous marriages and were given Gluten-containing weaning foods as early as the 4th month of life.

‘Celiac crisis presented with profuse diarrhea, severe dehydration; abdominal distention; pedal edema, carpopedal spasm due to tetany; wasted muscles; head drop and inability to stand. The serum TtG antibodies in thirty-eight cases (95%) were above the cut off level of 7 u/ml ranging from 35-99 u/ml. The histopathology of specimens from distal duodenum revealed lesions of M3 type in thirteen (32.5%) and M2 type in eighteen cases (45%). All cases recovered and improved on follow-up after strict adherence to gluten-free diet (GFD).’

Babar, M, Ahmad, I, Rao, M, Iqbal, R, Asghar, S, & Saleem, M 2011, 'Celiac disease and celiac crisis in children', Journal Of The College Of Physicians And Surgeons--Pakistan: JCPSP, 21, 8, pp. 487-490


Prospective observational study conducted in Denver, Colo, from 1994-2004 of 1560 children at increased risk for celiac disease or type 1 diabetes, as defined by possession of either HLA-DR3 or DR4 alleles, or having a first-degree relative with type 1 diabetes. The mean follow-up was 4.8 years.
Risk of CDA defined as being positive for tissue transglutaminase (tTG) autoantibody on 2 or more consecutive visits or being positive for tTG once and having a positive small bowel biopsy for celiac disease, by timing of introduction of gluten-containing foods into the diet.
Fifty-one children developed CDA. Findings adjusted for HLA-DR3 status indicated that children exposed to foods containing wheat, barley, or rye (gluten-containing foods) in the first 3 months of life (3 [6%] CDA positive vs 40 [3%] CDA negative) had a 5-fold increased risk of CDA compared with children exposed to gluten-containing foods at 4 to 6 months (12 [23%] CDA positive vs 574 [38%] CDA negative) (hazard ratio
, 5.17; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.44-18.57). Children not exposed to gluten until the seventh month or later (36 [71%] CDA positive vs 895 [59%] CDA negative) had a marginally increased risk of CDA compared with those exposed at 4 to 6 months (HR, 1.87; 95% CI, 0.97-3.60). After restricting our case group to only the 25 CDA-positive children who had biopsy-diagnosed celiac disease, initial exposure to wheat, barley, or rye in the first 3 months (3 [12%] CDA positive vs 40 [3%] CDA negative) or in the seventh month or later (19 [76%] CDA positive vs 912 [59%] CDA negative) significantly increased risk of CDA compared with exposure at 4 to 6 months (3 [12%] CDA positive vs 583 [38%] CDA negative) (HR, 22.97; 95% CI, 4.55-115.93; P = .001; and HR, 3.98; 95% CI, 1.18-13.46; P = .04, respectively).
Timing of introduction of gluten into the infant diet is associated with the appearance of CDA in children at increased risk for the disease.
JAMA. 2005 May 18;293(19):2343-51.

Risk of celiac disease autoimmunity and timing of gluten introduction in the diet of infants at increased risk of disease.

I edit to say that there are better articles out there, however my subscription is not scientific, and more humanities based, so the access is limited. If anyone has any more?
I say that a lot cos i am just making light of the serious 6 month weaning die hards who think people who wean early are condemning their child to a life of ill health and poverty... by saying i SOMEHOW manage to survive this serious ABUSE of my poor (and somehow completely healthy) bowel that my mother inflicted on ME when i was a baby.

I still have never forgiven her!!

Cos saying you have IBS cos you had a rusk at 17 weeks its like saying.. ive got IBS cos i once ate an apple pip whilst hanging upside down... its complete and utter rubbish.. and its scaremongering... Please dont shove a big mac into your 2 week old babys mouth cos theyre crying... but by all means, if you have a big, hungry baby who isnt getting enough from their milk and is ready for solids.. you are NOT gonna give them DISEASE by giving them a bit of baby cereal/rusk/fruit at 4 months of age!!!

Or wait til they r 6 months.... whatevers best for baby/mum/common sense

I see quite a few posts from you in this section and they are very often along a similar line, belittling, mocking and sneering towards mothers who choose and advise to wait until six months to wean. This is good advice and usually put across politely and with well meaning to an OP. This thread was going along very nicely until you added your sarcastic comments, for which there really wasn't any need.

The facts are actually quite simple, the reason why six months is the recommended age for weaning is because at that point pretty much all babies will be ready to be weaned and wouldnt have any problems, at 17 weeks plenty of babies would also be fine being weaned as long as its done sensibly with the right foods. But there will be some babies who may suffer issues being weaned earlier, and the problem is you can't tell. So if you do decide to wean earlier you are taking a bit of a gamble, and that gamble is with your babies health. Chances are he or she will be absolutely fine but there is a small chance they wont be, so if you can wait even just a few more weeks you are decreasing that risk.

You chose to wean earlier than advised and you are happy with your choice, that's great, but why feel the need to mock others because we choose to wait? No one in this thread has mentioned anything about a life of ill health or pain, or obesity or any of the other things you mention, we are just trying to be helpful without putting anyone down who chose to wean earlier - it would be nice if you could do the same. Sure, put your experiences across, I think it's valuable advice from everyone who has experience on the subject but your point would be much better made without the mocking and sneering - it unfortunately detracts away from what you are trying to say, which is a shame.

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